Pussy stinks

seriously this shit fucking stinks
how am I expected to eat a girl out when her vagina's taste and smell are absolutely disgusting??
Just left a girl's house that I ate her out before the sex, jesus christ I hated every second, I tried to salivate as much as I could to fake lubrification just to finish that ASAP. And it wasn't even a dirty pussy, the girl had literally taken a shower 10 minutes prior to my arrival, the natural smell is so fucking disgusting. There was one time, ONE TIME where I didn't hate licking the pussy and it was one day when I literally ate her out during the shower

to keep it Jow Forums related, does pussy juice contain protein? Is it better to have a close or an open approach on the bench press?

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Describe the taste. Could just be hygienic since I've gone down on a couple that tasted great. Slightly salty sweet

Yeah bro I don’t get the meme. All vaginas have always tasted bad to me

it actually contains a similar bacterial profile to decaying fish (srs). If it's actually real bad though it's probably a yeast infection or something.

Think its kind of a mixed bag, the pussy ive eaten out has tasted pretty good but maybe ive just got a stomach for it, or i just got good tasting pussy
Just finger fuck her to get her loosened up, 2 in the pinky, 2 in the stinky, thumb on her clitty, tongue on her titty, hit her with the old shocker and you wont have to eat her out

I mean some people like it some dont, I have a friend would would rather eat a little peice of shit that a pickel...but I FUCKING LOVE pickels

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I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. GF complains from time to time about how little I eat her out and I joke about her needing to stop bleeding/clean better. But it smells like shit, tastes like shit, and worse of all the taste stays in your mouth after you do it. Makes me think a dick is better to suck.

>eating out a woman
Enjoy your head and neck cancer, you degenerates

like said, it's discrete, it's not a rotten flavour or smell, but it eventually gets unbearable if you spend more than a few minutes down there, specially because the taste stays on your mouth during the rest of the sex

I fucking hate these memelords who made women believe they should be eaten

>Think its kind of a mixed bag

this 100%
my ex LTR had a disgusting pussy, dated her for 4 years and literally refused to eat her out

we broke up and the next 2 girls i got with had way different smelling/tasting pussies.
much better, was like night and day. genuinely eye opening.

>Jow Forums - Fitness
But seriously, if your woman has a hygiene problem that's one thing. If you just don't like the taste/smell of vagina you might be gay. It's one of the best things ever.

can't expect all men to like it even though I love giving cunnilingus to women.
It's the same principle as a fuck load of women I know not wanting to give head

Don’t put your tongue in her pussy, just lick the lips and focus on the clit.

I have no gf, fucked some girls here and there, licked a few less and none of them tasted good except for the bath girl, but again, it was a bath sex
>If you just don't like the taste/smell of vagina you might be gay
I'm not a fucking mangina, I get sex pretty regularly, so I don't get the month abstinence cravings for pussy you may experience that make you ignore the smell. Go fuck yourself for even suggesting homossexuality on such a serious matter

Sounds like a hygiene problem bro. Tell your girl to clean her pusy and start eating better

What kind of nasty trailer park trash skanks are you banging?

This doesn't happen. Seriously, she didn't wash it properly. It's the same thing as a fresh fish, it doesn't smell fishy.

Maybe try sucking dick, if you hate vagina so much?

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Pussy is like potato salad...can't eat every buddies.

My girl had a fishy smell until she took some anti-biotics for something unrelated. Then it had absolutely no smell at all. Eventually the smell came back. Feels bad.

one girl i hooked up with absolutely reaked down there, i really couldnt even bang i just kinda delayed til we went to bed and slept.
my gf now though is a vegetarian and has absolutely no smell whatsoever and i eat her out almost everytime we bang, i love doing it
so yea id say it depends on their diet, something stinking is usually a general indication of health

how do I instruct a girl to properly wash her vagina?

I eat out my gf every time we fuck and her pussy tastes really good. I'm not joking at all, it tastes GOOD.

I think it depends on the girl I guess, but she might have an infection or something.

>actually emulating what you see in pornography

Good goy...

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I only ever ate one pussy in my life because it was so beautiful.

Ugly or stinky pussy only gets the dick

Just eat it you fucking faggot

>eat girl out and it's nasty
>girl becomes my gf and after about a month i don't cringe at the thought of it
>after about 4 months it's tolerable, do it for her
>7 months in and I'm indifferent, but I enjoy her response a lot
>1 year in and I actually like the taste of her pussy, it's pretty nice
>1 year and 4 months and I get cravings for her pussy juices, love how she gushes extra when she cums, and especially the feeling of her grinding against my face
I feel like to enjoy eating pussy genuinely for the taste, you need to love the person and be with them long since it is an acquired taste

that's a pH imbalance bro. Bitch needs to get some help from the doc because she's got more yeast than Sam Adams. Dump that nasty whore...

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eating vagina is a meme, eat her ass instead. Her ass just tastes like skin, you get a nice view, tastes ok, smells good if she cleaned it with soap, and makes her feel good. Just eat her ass instead

"but its self cleaning"

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My girl has a thing about smells so she is obsessed with keeping her vagina clean and fresh tasting/smelling

It's like wine, you need to learn to eat/drink it

I'd say most girls I hook up with have a delicious pussy that doesn't smell bad. Some have a pussy that stinks if they haven't showered (fair enough my dick stinks if I don't shower), and very rarely do they have a chronically smelly pussy.

Ehhhhhh most pussy doesn't taste gross but when it does taste gross it tastes the same as every other gross pussy. You're just dating an unhygienic slag

actually this is my ex. she showers daily, and carries baby wipes with her and wipes whenever she uses the bathroom, and multiple times a day. she wears cotton panties that are breathable, and changes her panties once or twice a day when she can on hot days. I wouldn't call that unhygienic. i've only ever had sexual experiences with her so far, and it's entirely possible that the smells of sex just weren't what I expected. I'm sure she didn't enjoy the smell of my sweaty balls wafting up while I fucked her at first


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Depends on how she eats. Like her diet. Is it all fart smelling shit,cheese, and meat, thats some nasty pussy. Also what phase of being turned on she is. You're supposed to get her dripping and begging before going for it.

Probably destroyed her vaginal flora.

Could be related to diet, make her eat dem fruits

seriously. Diet is what makes it yummy.

it really shouldnt. all pussy ive had has been pretty neutral. maybe a slight flavor but never unpleasant. make her take a shower or get checked. it shouldnt smell or taste bad.

Showers don't do shit. It's gynecologist and antibiotics if needed.

Post antibiotic pussy is fantastic. Enjoy it while it lasts.

All the girls you have eaten are dirty. It's that simple.

I used to be the same way until I fucked a girl who regularly douches her shit. 1.) It didn't smell and 2.) It tasted like tounging raw beef.

Some girls are so smelly, their dirty pussy smell literally fills the room. Other girls are so clean you wouldn't mind sticking your tongue way down her asshole. I'm telling you guys its a cleanliness thing.

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Can confirm.
My wife showers twice per day and we have a bidet.

Good stuff

Funny thing, I've never been confronted with a smelly asshole but goddamn, stinky pussy is way too common.

You do anal, plunge a butthole with a dick, take it out and there's a chance that room will stink up but more often than not it doesn't. Do the same with a pussy and somehow the odds of dealing with the breath of Nurgle are higher.

Requesting a bi's input here. Is sucking dick better than pussy?

>he eats pussy
>he's literally lower than a powerbottom twink

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Pussy is like catnip to me. I smell it and I just want to rub my face in it. It makes me feel like my dick is Godzilla and her pussy is Tokyo, I just want to get in there and start wrecking shit. Pussy smell is a drug, when I get a whiff during foreplay before all the clothes are even off I start remembering all the other pussy I've ever had and it makes me rock hard and kind of angry. I love the smell of pussy. If I smelt a bad one I would be confused and probably just get up and leave and go home and think about the inevitable heat death of the universe.

I personally love doing it, but why the fuck would eat a pussy if hate it? how fucking beta can you get?

>he doesnt discretely smell his fingers after fingerblasting her before committing to going down south

Lol thats what you get dude.. you check first and if its a no go you just go right to sex. How have yall not been informed about this??

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I've done a couples coffee enema with an ex, the things we did after we 'cleared out' were a thing of fantasy.

I ate a plum, nibble by nibble, as it was getting pushed out. I was plum surprised.

I've had grapes pushed in, one by one, by her tounge and then sucked out and munched on. That was so nice.

We took syringes the size of turkey basters and shooted warm vanilla custard, pushed in a cherry at the very end, and placed a macadamia but right on each other sphincters. The eating of said dessert was crazy. I had this worry that the custard would end up chocolate, but those coffee enemas were mind expanding

Dude baby wipes are TERRIBLE for her vagina. Its self cleaning you dont need to do much. Wash the outside because of sweat but avoid soap getting in there as well. Throws off ph shit.

>user comes to Jow Forums
>Gets in shape
>Starts getting laid
>Finds pussy disgusting


No homo.

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Now that we have established that the Romans were Jow Forums as fuck.
Who in the past was like /his/,Jow Forums,fa/etc?

I dunno but in my experience Asian girls tend to have less of a smell down there compared to white chicks. Every white girl I hooked up with had a kind of bad ‘sweaty’ smell and taste while Asians didn’t really have any. I still prefer white chicks when it comes to fucking tho.

pussy isn't supposed to smell bad.
I've never been anything but turned on by the very slight smell of pussy. It's always smelled like moist, warm, but never like BO or fish or anything like that.
sometimes if she's sweaty and weve been active that day it will taste more metallic but that's it

Pussy smells fucking baaad sometimes.. Usually like salty milk and pennies but sometime, sometimes it is baaad

Need wife like this

Thanks for saying the harsh truth, OP.

Spartans were Jow Forums as fuck (and fitter than romans)

This guy gets it


So I'm supposed to believe pH is gonna magically clean all the previous BBC cum from her puss? Get fucked, faggot

>eating pussy

lol enjoy AIDS

comfy read

I think it has a lot to do with how a girl takes care of herself. I’m not just talking about hygiene and cleanliness, although that is a factor

My first girlfriend’s vagina was gross. Did not smell good by any means, tasted worse

My second girlfriend was a joy to eat out. There was a scent and a taste, but it wasn’t unpleasant by any means. I loved to foreplay just to get her wet so I could lick up her juices.

The difference between 1 and 2 was that 1 never exercised and never made an attempt to eat healthy. Needless to say she was a little heavier set; not even in the good way. Worst part was that she didn’t even suck dick. “I don’t do that”

2 was much more fit; did yoga and ran when she could. Enjoyed cooking and was able to enjoy good foods while keeping her overall diet fairly healthy