Hey fags, I'm asking you guys a question. Because most trannies are hons who don't workout, or they do workout and look like a bigger man in a dress, what's a good way to look cute with bigger glutes and hips without making my upper body bigger? I'm thinking of doing this muscleforlife.com
MTF Transgender fitness
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other than a bullet to the back of the head i suggest foods that promote higher female neutron production:
- rice
- S o i n i o n s
- radiator fluid
- cycling
Not gonna get any real tips on this section friend, better head back to lgbt.
how am i a degenerate? being a tranny is a mental illness, is someone with OCD or ADD taking meds for it a degenerate?
u cant fool me into eating onions, mr onion man, i know its a trick the jews hide so men wouldnt have good test
everyone of /ttt/ is a sad tranny crying about their lives and how much you want to an hero, this board was kind to me when i was 16 and my father recently passed, why should it not be kind now?
Not everyone there is that bad but they definitely seem to have the loudest voices of all the tranners. I just assume that even more people hate transgenders on here than there because this is seen as one of the "normal," boards. Maybe not! Haven't seen anyone talk about them before. Just traps and that sort of thing, lol. Hopefully some real advice is posted though. There is too much bitching and not enough self improvement on /tttt./
Main compounds:
Belt squats
Glute raises
Single leg squats
Hamstring curls
Literally all you need
Add deadlifts to that. But u wanna wear lifting gloves so u can give smooth handjobs.
Too much core and back involvement. I imagine OP is already a hon. Even on HRT, she's gonna need to completely neglect those muscle groups while growing her legs as much as possible to have her desired look.
thanks for calling me a she, kiddo
post glutes
dont judge me too hard
>being a tranny is a mental illness
Not anymore, now you are just a degenerate.
anyone got that tranny operation webm? post it for lulz
>testosterone donation procedure from MtF trans invented tomorrow
>Jow Forums suddenly becomes biggest trans ally
That's now how it works
>not taking testosteroil rays from Caitlyn Jenner and converting them into usable anabolics through brotosynthesis
never gonna make it
caitlyin jenner makes me desu, she's kind of cringy and also was a good dude, i mean the man was beating niggers at track, that's fucking impressive.
He should just compete in women's track and dare anyone to call him out.
In fact, MtF's should enter every women's sport possible. Then they'd be watchable.
lmao nah, like i know "pro" women get trashed by 15 year olds in the same game, but it isn't right. mtf's are men and have masculine body structure and used to be full of testosterone, it isn't fair to real women
I just want to see some poor girl's eyes light up in terror as she see's the 250lb, pigtail wearing meat locker that she's meant to wrestle, and the whole audience in the sidelines, too uncomfortable to say anything out of fear of being non-pc.
trannies are loonies lol
well i mean the girl would be in the same weightclass desu, but im 5'9" and 150lbs
I guess some manlets learn :0
they are
cock or gtfo