What's the most amount of weight I could lose in 6 months? I'm starting college in January and don't wanna be a fat fuck. I'm 280lbs and 6'1
What's the most amount of weight I could lose in 6 months...
its over user
you could probably get down to 200-210 within those 6 months I would say
t. somebody who went from 270 to 190 to 270 to 220 to 290 to 281 now
i lost 75 pounds in a year doing cardio 5 days a week and counting calories. Went from 245 to 170. At 182 now
Could have done more but i drank once a week.
I’ve lost 55 lbs from 275 and its almost six months. Looking not like shit 6’1
its not hard to do...just hard to stick with it desu....
water fast and you can be skelly by then if you wish.
Dont do this sect shit bro, it is not good for health, just eat healthy food, you dont even have to count calorie intake yet, take small bowl and eat 5 times a day from it. Worked for me.
eat at 1500 deficit that's about 3 pounds a week, so 72ish pounds a week, maybe more if you're doing cardio along with it 5 days a week
Realistically a pound a week is easy mode, and is probably the healthiest since you're fat, but not reality show fat (yet). Also it'll be more sustainable in the long run.
A difficult but doable caloric deficit (1k) will get you about 2 pounds a week; you will lose even more initially due to some water and salt weight as you transition to a healthier diet. So I'd say 60-70 pounds is reasonable if you get on a good diet, exercise, and stick to it for 6 months. I did it. Check out /fat/ it's been helpful for me. Good luck.
Ok are you me.
>287 to 225
>get f2f
>fast forward two and a half years
>back in the 270s
It kills me but I'm back to lurking. Thinking of doing a week water fast when I start uni again on the 9th. Then eat at 1200cals and 1500 three days out of the week when I lift...or just stay at 1200 daily until I drop down low enough with a 5 day fast each month.
went from 245 to 215 in a month from getting a labor intensive job
90 pounds
alternate day fasting
feed days low carb 2 mad
start lifting
Caloric goal on feed days?
Hey, just enroll for the fall. Don't keep putting it off unless you truly need to. I advise taking a one or two courses if you can afford it. I did 19 credits last semester and worked but I let my health go over the past year or so.
I am the other poster that is 276 and also 6'2. Do you know your bf%, my scale reads around 35% so I can starve for a while.
I was planning to enroll for the fall but I missed the deadline so I'm gonna miss half a year :/ on the bright side i have 6 months to improve myself and get healthier.
>sect shit
you dumb nigger, fasting has been done since time immemorial. All you need is electrolytes and boom, the fat melts off.
I was 280lbs and 6’1” just like you last year around October. I got a stressful job that required me to move alot and I dropped to 260lbs by January without even changing my diet.
Bah bullshit move from what ever college. A community college will take you no matter what. I'll be starting my junior year and I know they will be accepting applications into July. They always push the deadline. Is it a state school?
Keto + OMAD for rapid weight loss. You could easily get down to under 200 in about 6 months.
Nope it's a private school, I was planning to go the community college route but I got a pretty good scholarship at this school so I'm taking advantage of it.
Does keto really increase fat oxidation and loss over caloric deficit? How do you protect the kidneys and liver?
fuck this nigger, keto is ass
start fasting, do ADF with OMAD if you're too pussy to fast for long
fuck you could do maintenance
Ahh gotcha. I started at a community college in 2015, than changed majors and am transferring to a state college with full acceptance and tuition waiver. Walking out with a 3.46gpa at around 87 accumulated credits. Now the real fun begins.
>still took out loans
>just inherited out of state property thanks to my grandfather passing when I was 9.
We got this, I will stay in touch on here through our journey.
Dude you are me, I need to be 190 - 200lbs to be healthy weight.
anons if I just eat chicken fajitas and keep it at 1200 calories while doing cardio each day and OMAD, how fast will I lose this weight? Please I don't want to be fat anymore.
We are all the same. It makes me sad and hopeful.
I'd say all of us could go from 275 to 215 in 6months without having to eat so little. I mean 2-3lbs a week at our size is easy even if we eat at 2000cal and do a good lifting routine and hit that cardio before bed it will be even faster and we will probably recomp a bit.
depends how much you weigh now but if you did that and actually stuck to it for any length of time you'd see very fast progress
My brother lost 70kg in 12 months basically starving himself as much as possible.
He went from 160kg to 90kg.
He did cardio daily as well.
I am 281lbs and need to be at least 200lbs. How long will it take if I do what I said above?
Around 7 to 8 months. Maybe leas. Figure you can lose 10-15 a month If you do it right at first. I recall hitting a small wall when I broke 240 and then 230 was a pain. I never changed my diet, just increase workout intensity. I could that meal plan.
as a conservative estimate I'd say 10 months - a year depending on how strict you are, how many cheat days etc. Honestly though I could see it being much faster progress than that.
I was at ~320 6'2 and am now 210 in just under a year, the best advice I can give is to just fucking start and don't worry about the time it will take. The worst thing is to not change a thing and look back in a years time to think what could have been.
6 months is plenty of time to drop a lot of weight if you put in the time at the gym and count calories
ATTENTION FAT FUCKS, READ I just told you what you have to do.
Just eat fuck all food, go with as little as you can possible deal with. Dont even worry about muscle mass or anything. Just fucking starve yourself.
Just deal that for as long as you can, fasting helps a shit load, the moment you get that fat fuck hunger signals, ignore it, deal with the hunger """Pains"""", you'll become use to ignoring it and the suffering wont feel as bad the longer you do it.
Just accept the fact its going to be extremely hard for you and you will be suffering in one way or another.
Once you accept that reality you can do it. Just know once you lose the weight and start eating decent meals again you will feel much better, your hormones will also be better, you'll have a better metabolism and better nutrition partitioning at a much lower bodyfat percentage. So just get through the pain and misery until you reach that point.
Every time you feel like falling off, just fucking don't do it, think of all the pussy you can have after it. You can dress better, feel confident going outside, no longer worrying about being a fat fuck, just fucking do it. Life is so much better lean.
Good luck at university user. Hopefully we'll both get Jow Forums. We're gonna make it user
2/week is the typical pace for healthy loss. 230 is still overweight but it's a huge difference from 280. You'll look and feel way better.
Don't kill yourself to drop weight fast. Small, consistent wins are the goal. Discipline and consistent effort above all else.
If you start the snake diet you could lose all the weight you wanna lose in like 2/3 months, maybe less
Here is my meal plan. It's pretty tasty and simple. You will lose weight without even working out. Work around it. I'd tend to take a few items off if it was a non lifting day.
i lost 60 pounds in a little over a year
5am?? what the fuck
Use my meal plan. It will be our guiding light on the forums. Praise the sun.
this. adderall helps a lot if you have access to it. if not just drink coffee.
Haha, I set it up for a 9pm-5am sleeping window for work and school. Obviously you can change and even combine meals but it set with meal timing in mind.
For every 500 calories of deficit per day you'll lose 1 pound a week. So to get down to 200 in 26 weeks you need to lose 3 pounds per week or a 1500 deficit. That is a bit big, but doing a 500 deficit to get down to 255 is doable.
Op here, would it be realistic to drop to 210 in these 6 months?
Oh boy. If you don't mind me asking, what do you think caused those weight fluctuations? I just hope I can learn something from you, and try and see if I can't prevent that from happening in myself.
I am 170 pounds and I want to get to 140 as fast as possible. perferable 4-5 pounds of fat loss a week. Is this possible?
Most people who eat at a deficit and exercise can lost average of 2 pounds a week over a sustained time. That accounts for quick beginning loss, plateaus and then slower loss at the end. The question is can you commit to a strict diet and exercise routine for those 6 months to get your results? ~52 pounds is realistic, more if you are working at it harder, less if you slack.
Wtf with these ‘fast as possible’ questions? Did you get fat overnight? No? Then why you expect to lost it fast? ~2 pounds a week with a restrictive diet and regular exercise is realistic.
Smoke cigarettes nicotine is proven to decrease your appetite
would modafinil do? I have those at hand, the 200mg tabs.
eat 1 meal a week within a 1-2 hour time window
But I wanna lose all my extra weight in 5 days!
Fasting actually works extremely well for fat cunts.
The only kind of person who needs to take bodyfat loss slow are people who are 15% bodyfat or less.
Lobotomy, that fat brain is clearly holding you back. /s
But yes, isn’t it dumb that they finally wake up, flail and then just expect a quick fix? I wish there was one actually because of how much it sucks to be fat...but I can’t help but see the humor in it all too.
I'm in the same boat, I love canned green beans and I eat the shit out of those, few cans a day, they are salt free if that helps?
t. sect follower
the /fast/ cult needs to go, just eat a 500 caloric deficit and lift, if you fast or do some other meme shit to drop fat rapidly you're still gonna look like shit because you'll be flabby with no muscle mass.
How do I clean myself out of excess stored poop, none of that shove something up your ass crap, and nothing really harsh like laxitives please, what kind of loaded with fiber foods can I chow down on.
What kind of fast would you recommend for rapid weight loss and how should they do it to get the most benefit?
I’m thinking this though: What kind of food-loving fatty is gonna have the willpower to fast even intermittently? Damn few. I’m not saying it doesn’t work or that they can only lose slow, just that sustainable moderate weight loss is more realistic and the least restrictive way to lose weight and keep it off.
If they had willpower, they wouldn’t stay fat, they’d have nipped it in the bud before they got really fat, right?
I lost around 70lbs in a 6 month period eating 1200 calories a day and doing DDP yoga.
It depends on how hard you are willing to work, user. If you work hard and exercise on a regular schedule that you research, and more than anything improve you diet greatly.
tell that to the SNAKE MAN faggot
Supplement with magnesium, every night.
check out the /fast/ thread in the catalog.
At first ignorance of nutrition, meme diets, etc. Then it was just getting depressed after a while, stressors in life that made me revert back to old “comfortable” ways.
It always comes in waves, I find. I can have a solid 4-6 months of going great, feeling motivated, putting in the work, being strict. Then something happens or my mood changes for whatever reason and I start slipping up, going back to eating junk, start drinking maybe (this one got really bad last time around), etc. I get to a really good place where I feel great and look great and get overconfident. I start smoking weed, or putting things off, and it really fucking snowballs.
So my suggestion would be that while you will be strict for some amount of time, maybe even up to 6 months to a year, that is when you have to remember to be very vigilant about letting things slip. Once things start going they pile up and pile up and pile up and the weight gain is really quite gradual and you really don’t notice it in the mirror (even if you’re gaining quick) and then your new clothes start getting a bit tight and this makes everything worse because now you’re feeling even worse and so forth and so forth.
Basically what I’m saying is that it is truly a marathon and not a sprint. You can never get complacent and start thinking “yeah I can order a pizza, one pizza isn’t going to bring me back up 40-50 lbs” but then it turns into a pizza every two weeks or every weekend and then a beer with dinner turns into two and turns into three and turns into 6 and that joint on a Friday turns into a joint every day and then it turns into being high constantly etc etc etc etc etc.
I guess it can be described as discipline. You have to create a new person. You can no longer be the old person. You can no longer have your old habbits. Fatties like us are here because we have no discipline. Create it.
Sorry for rambling.