, the other kind

How can I destroy my traps and make them grow in 2 weeks?

I need to impress a girl when we go out (to the beach).

Attached: 1438823762419.jpg (1600x1198, 284K)

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heavy ass farmers strongman type stuff...ever see one of those guys with small traps?

Fuck off

Rack pulls above the knee heavy with straps. Enjoy

Girls don't care about that shit. Get broad shoulders and a six pack

Rack pulls. I had zero traps and grew the fuck out of them quickly with that shit. I don't have amazing traps yet or anything, but at least I have some now as opposed to the flat ass nothingness I had before. I do that followed by farmer's walks around the gym. Before I'm allowed to collapse and set the weights down, I have to shrug them. I sometimes devote almost entire traps days because I was lacking so much.

any type of shrug variation a couple of times per week for some volume. 3 or 4 sets of 8ish reps going just shy of failure on each set if you're already deadlifting or doing any other indirect trap work. double it if you aren't.

Rack pulls like other are saying
I also like to do shrugs on the smith machine because it allows you to easily to reverse shrugs, then you just turn around and do a set of regular facing forward shrugs
Get a great burn doing that compared to dumbbell shrugs or the shrug machine

barbell shrugs
rack pulls

t. weak, vain little faggot midget who looks like shit

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question about rack pulls, do you do them and deadlift too? And on the same day?

t. obese powerlifter

squats, deadlifts, The Press, and bench
>in two weeks
Oh just be yourself then

I wouldn't because your grip would be tired from doing one of them.

shrugs and (unironically) nether rows


Nigger the op wants to grow his traps to impress a girl. Thats fuckin duuuuumb.

Listen here, fuck trap isolation, for traps GO FUCKING HEAVY enough to make it a compound. just get one of those lying down rowing macines and widen the lower and middle traps, from,the front this keeps you from havung huge buolders but rather nice accentuations to your front, clavicle, neck, and shoulders and will make you look wider.

But if you want to waste potential carryover to actual function and overall aesthetic juat to get them bulky looking make sure to add the heavy ass rack pulls
What he said

Or better yet, smith or rack pulls but with the bar behind you with palms facing forward grip so it's actually anatomically correct, your fucking welcome

With farmer walks, do I actually have to walk? Or is standing while holding the plate effective?

I generally don't.

Heavy Clean & Jerk. Will explode your traps.

walk, nigger.

high volume OHP

Everyone knows that abs, a v taper and chiseled pecs and arms are all you need, no one gives a fuck about traps it's just roidshitcope.
If you're not a complete and total GDE your traps will be big enough by just doing regular pulling work like pullups.

Attached: Cristiano-Ronaldo-Champions-League-semis-696x464.png (696x464, 544K)

>he fell for the abs meme

only tombots cares about abs, true brap godess look for big guys


cristiano does nothing but meme pushups on bosu balls and pullups and situps and the odd leg extension/half squat on smith machine, yet he looks better than anyone in this board with years of lifting weights with retardedly autistic lifting programs.
Why? Because he's physically active and lean, having big traps is irrelevant if you're above lean enough to see a six pack from any angle, your aesthetics are literally 10x better than if you had maybe a 2 pack showing but with 3x bigger traps.

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power shrugs

He looks pretty bad. He lacks the V shape girls desire.

I'm still weak but a combination of deadlift, barbell row, and shoulder press always destroys my traps.


tomboys are the best wtf

the important part is that you work out the day before and that you're carbed up when you meet her. this will do more for you than any amount of lifting you could do in 2 weeks. as for the lifting before, don't overdo it, you don't want being sore distract you.

its in the fucking name retard
try stationary vs walking the difference is huge

>its in the fucking name retard
>he deadlifts while alive

What's the functional difference between walking and standing? I'm trying to improve forearms and grip, not walking.

his clavicles aren't wide enough for peak aesthetics, but he does a good job of compensating with overdeveloped lats. also his side abs are bigger than they have to be for aesthetics because as a footballer he actually uses them that much. if you look at footballers they all have relatively overdeveloped side abs, you can even see it on the chubbier/softer looking guys. this hurts the V meme.

Super high volume. @4:54

I’ve never isolated traps and they are comparatively bigger than my chest/shoulders.
I suspect it’s from dls and doing monkey rows but cheating the last reps.
Trap isolation is a meme.

>coping this hard
lmao yeah i bet girls don't desire his body

reddit: the op

i am 5'9 140lbs and my traps are my biggest feature because im lazy and they are the easiest thing to train

train your lats to balance it out aswell

trap bar shrugs

Not the user you're arguing with, but basically walking makes your shoulders move naturally, so your traps get more involved to stabilize them. I've never done farmers walks but that's just my guess

>pull up position, dead hanging
>knees up above the bar
>do pullups from that position
works for me, im on low budged, dunno if it's clear

I do. Deadlift first then have a couple exercise in between to rest your spinal flexors. After rack pulls do some DB shoulder shrugs for hypertrophy.

>not a single person has recommended dumbbell OHP

im 5'8 150 and my traps are pretty big too. they always felt sore from squats so i never did any other lifts for them