Does lifting really get you laid?
Does lifting really get you laid?
No, being confident and social will get you laid. Lifting can help with these two.
only with other men
My buff friends all get laid. So then i started lifting and i still dont fuck. So must be somthing else they do or maybe iam just really ugly.
This is so fucking true.
But looking good shitless certainly doesnt hurt
I'm ugly and skinny but my dad is rich so it's pretty easy for me to get girls.
is that the n train
Most people who get laid a lot dedicate their entire lives, including their mindset and values, to the cause. You can't just lift weights and expect anything to happen if you are not already tuned into being a fuckboy.
Looking fit gives you an edge
Being fit gives you confidence
Lifitng increases your posture --> looking confident
Dedication is sexy
So yes, lifting can help you get laid, doesnt do the work for you tho
>Lifting can help with these two.
former fat fuck, now just chub but my confidence has skyrocketed
wise man
dunno mate, I feel like lifting has made me more confident but solidified my social autism.
if ur goal is to get laid, just get rich. if ur goal is to be proud of your body and to stand apart from all the other fat slobs in the world then lift.
in the end none of it matters anyway
You have to get buff in your development years, i.e. high school, when all you need to land girls is looks. This gives you the confidence that builds even more confidence and a personality later in life that helps you get women when you're older.
I assume you're in your 20's, so you need to be buff and have a great personality+confidence.
No you still have to get yourself laid.
this exactly
how do i become confident and social though?
>no social circle
what is there to be confident about?
no one talks to me and i have nothing to say either. i don't have fun anecdotes or jokes to tell like the more popular and social people i know
Lifting doesnt make you social wtf you on about?
confidence ok but not social, the gym is not a party
Working a job in sales will help more
There are easier routes. Not to mention the problems lifting can wreak on your health, especially when it comes to deadlifts, squats and bench.
>t. Salesman
I'm just lifting so that I can rape people
>what do i say?
this part i still i have trouble with since im new to not being a shut-in, but it's not what you say that matters. it's all in your tone, body language, and eye contact. also don't be afraid to dumb down your subject matter. the average person would much rather hear you making plans for Taco Tuesday rather than talking about politics or whatever.
Lift because its fun and cool to be strong.
Lifting is a great hobby because its for you and none else, not even girls.
I guess some girls do really notice fit guys but I wouldnt say its going to get you laid all the time.
>no social circle
It's nothing to feel confident about, but also nothing to feel insecure about. People hit rough patches in their life all the time or have to deal with handicaps that follow them throughout their entire lives. Your situation is nothing special and most people will understand.
>no one talks to me and i have nothing to say either. i don't have fun anecdotes or jokes to tell like the more popular and social people i know
You probably think you have nothing to say, but that's just your fear of socializing that's causing you to freeze up.
And I don't personally know anyone that goes around with a list of jokes and anecdotes to tell. Those guys are called comedians, and they need years of hard work and practice to learn how to be funny that way. Most of the times I've ever said anything funny was when I just said some random clever thing that I didn't even think was funny myself.
Find some hobby/activity that forces you to interact and socialize with other people. Do some volunteer work or group sport or something. Don't just waste your time wallowing in self-pity posting provocative pictures of underage Asian girls online.
confidence naturally leads to being more comfortable in social situations. unless you're literally autistic, in which case you should either stop complaining about your problems (nobody cares) or just kill yourself and save yourself the misery of incel life.
and this is how, but also because it CAN(!) make your shit body more attractive
not him but i have similar problems
>don't talk to anyone because no social circle
>talk to coworkers just fine but share no details about my life because i have no social circle and don't want them to know (even though im sure they suspect it) how much of a shut in loser i am
>too humiliated to even try to get anyone into my life so they dont see how pathetically i live
>because i dont open up to people, they dont want to get close to be friends with me i guess
>cycle continues
>Most of the times I've ever said anything funny was when I just said some random clever thing that I didn't even think was funny myself.
all i ever do is make comments like that to people, observational humor comments. never have problems making people laugh, girls, guys, when i was in school, at work, any new situation. still has never resulted in friendships or girls showing any interest in me at all.
nah man just B urself ahaaha
>never resulted in girls showing any interest in me at all.
men take risks. men take initiative. women react. you're sitting here thinking you get to wait for a woman to show interest and react to her. that's not how it works. even if you're in the top 10% of good looking guys it doesn't really work that way.
literally every girl who's ever made the first move with me has been an unfaithful thot and half the time they already have "boyfriends" and look to me as a guy on the side, and every girl who's been loyal and committed to me has been a girl who I got along with in a social situation and took a leap of faith asking out, and they admitted later on that they were too shy to express interest and were happy and relieved I finally asked them out.
the girl thing is really just an aside for me. never being able to really make friends is my real problem that i hate. its just a bonus that it is what has hamstrung me my entire life on getting girls
No, but it improves your circulation so you can stay hard for as long as you wish.
you trying to sell being a DYEL? Because squats and deadlift dont wreak havoc on your health unless you're doing them wrong
At least lifting damages muscle fibres rather than moral fibre, you fucking salesman.
Yes if youre also smart and suave. Literalky just talk how you type but dont swear and dont say the edgy shit. Women love Jow Forums users that arent incel freaks. We’re dark and they think they can “save us” but irl we dont need saving they just need enlightenment and jesus
I'm very similar. It's gotten to the point where my unwillingness to seek social situations is fucking up my future job prospects. I NEED to like being social and not be full of anxiety in order to get a better job.
I always tell myself to join a club, but my problem with that is WHICH club to join. I'm in my late twenties and I haven't played sports since I was in elementary school. Honestly, I've been stewing in my self-pity for so long that I've gotten used to it and I'm worried
It makes you more desirable. That doesn't mean shit if you don't have an active social life though. You could have the hottest body in the world, but if you only ever leave the house to lift weights in silence and then come home to shitpost with anonymous strangers you'll never have a chance.
>Working a job in sales will help more
Lifting helps get you laid, but not a gf. I was casually seeing a girl for a few months, met her online, almost 100% sure because she saw my muscles and couldn't resist. However, once she got to know me, she sensed that I was a bit of a social outcast and wasn't that interesting a person. I guess she assumed I was a bit of a chad because I have a nice body.
She "dumped" me a few days after I took her virginity, telling me she enjoyed our hangouts but didn't see a future together.
So yeah getting Jow Forums got my penor wet, but it does nothing to make you an interesting or social person
no, I've been lifting on and off since I was 13 and I'm a 29 y.o. kissless handholdless hugless virgin
I think you need to practice not being so indecisive. Think of it this way: it doesn't matter what you pick, it only matters that you pick something and commit to it and work on losing that fear of not knowing if it'll work out for you.
how do i get a gf like this ?