Does anyone else here not workout legs? I did for a while but decided to stop because I don't want thunduh thighs

Does anyone else here not workout legs? I did for a while but decided to stop because I don't want thunduh thighs

Attached: never-skip-leg-day-27361317.png (500x529, 131K)

I do cardio for my legs. All you need.

squat once a week max

>T leglet

just get really fat and then lose the weight
you'll never need another leg day

Tell yourself what ever you need to tell yourself

post legs.

My ass got obnoxiously large for my frame from doing back squats. I am 6'1 with a 29in waist and my ass became a shelf by 205lbs (high reps). So for awhile ive done heavy goblet squats.

leg day is every day
third one.

No it didn't, you fucking twink. You're just another skinny faggot that started to see babby's first hypertrophy, and decided you LOL T-REX MODE, and used it as an excuse to stop getting stronger.

I've got a 485lb squat max and my legs are proportional, maybe even smallish. Only squat once a week and I don't do a lot of volume. Can't imagine skipping legs though.

I injured my wrist so now I only do legs. Already need new pants and shorts

I do calves every time I'm at the gym because my calf bones are sticc thin plus the muscle is short.

I don't train my quads and hamstring because it fucks up my knees.

For the fat man, everyday is leg day...

You can get away with not training legs as long as you're like ottermode. Anything more, and you'll look goofy with sticc legs and big upper body

So you basically train calves and thats it?
Lol I imagine even if you wear shorts and have big calves none will notice you skip leg day anyway kek

Dont skip leg day, the point of bodybuilding is to look good naked, you wont look aesthetic that way.

That's my greatest fear since I have a naturally large butt. Do I need the squat for anything else other than legs?
I'm considering dropping it altogether desu

big legs are ugly as fuk, always skip leg day crew


They should at least be proportional to your upper body.

here is why i am glad i always work out legs.
>worked up the courage to ask the girl from my class out after midterm
>absolute stunner, actually does modeling
>she says yes
>we go out dancing and then back to my place
>fug her
>roommate comes back unexpectedly
>she doesn't want to leave me but doesn't want to go home
>get in her car and drive to the outskirts of town
>she rests her head on my thighs
>"oh my god user they're so thick and firm :3"
>cuddle for another hour and fall asleep in car

i was fucking diamonds man. that shit was better than when I nutted.

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Nice try lardass, I’m not falling for your tricks

I get a leg workout just from walking for more than an hour, my calves are fucking overdeveloped.


Post legs homo

i train legs aggressively, nothing more pathetic than having small legs and a huge upper body.

Girls mire thick legs and butt too.

Working out legs is overrated. I stopped squats and diddlies. Now so just do core+upper body and kickboxing + BJJ instead. Much more fun than leg days.

leg training is a giant meme
most people are easily able to obtain muscular legs, it's the upper body that actually takes effort
I have maintained my leg size from 4+ years of squatting and I haven't squatted in months.

once a week for legs is enough, i do plenty of cycling so legs are quite joocy anyway


The bigger your legs are, the smaller your dick is. Theory of relatitivy proven by Albert Einstien.

Yeah but there’s a lot of idiots that go full retard with squats and deadlifts and stall on upper body. If you’re not proportional you will look like shit regardless of which half of your body is developed. Doesn’t help that most meme routines now have double the volume for lower body than upper.

I work out legs twice a week, figure that they are such a massive % of overall body muscle that working them hard will have a generally good overall effect on the rest of my body too

Seems to be working out that way... well its either that or the tren

at least build a base of 315 and maintain is by squatting once a week for a set instead of completely ditching it. more leg muscle = higher metabolism = ez to stay lean

you can train legs once every 14 days and still get impressive legs, leg musculature doesn't need to be hammered hard often at all beacuse you're basically using them in everyday life all of the time.

Almost every single strength athlete has disproportionally big thighs and tiny calves and arms.

Do people know how much work it takes to get really thick legs?

Do legs. There not going to just explode in 1,2, or even 3 years.

will my upper body grow faster if i stop training legs ? they're already strong and big enough and i just want bigger arms and chest

I remember skipping leg day a lot years ago when trying to gym (I eventually stopped going entirely for a few years).

DOMS sucks hard because my life was spent mostly sitting and my legs are shit. However I feel 100x better having my legs worked out. The only think I hate is my underwear and pants no longer fit. I don't really have the cash to Shell out for better fitting pants.

Also fuck everyone for bringing up my huge butt. IDGAF if bitches like that it's annoying

I'm the only guy at my gym who works on legs and ass. It's disturbing.

Everyone else looks like they're walking about on toothpicks with Hank Hill asses.

>this is what ssfags tell themselves

>will my upper body grow faster if i stop training legs ? they're already strong and big enough and i just want bigger arms and chest
Yes. To optimize growth even more, train only relevant muscles, train only: front delts, chest, lats, biceps, triceps, abs. That's it. This is THE ultimate BB redpill!!!!!!

squats (front for more quads), deadlifts and calf rises are all what you need and they don't take an hour, lazyass.

>will my upper body grow faster if i stop training legs ?
Literally yes, and don't let any broscientist retard tell you otherwise.
As a natty myofibrillar muscle protein synthesis is a costly process and focusing on one or two muscle groups is gonna make them bigger than if you trained every single muscle group with equal effort.

>squats (front for more quads), deadlifts and calf rises are all what you need and they don't take an hour, lazyass.
heh. Good luck with dem trap aesthetics.

I do three full body workouts a week. One time I deadlift, the other two times I do the bulgarian split squat. I do a calf raise twice a week.

is this pic real haha?

I enjoy doing legs. I try to squat three times a week and dead at least twice.

It just feels good and I enjoy the pain. It’s different to chest or shoulder doms which legit fucking hurt, where as legs are a good hurt.

>Trap aesthetics
Yeah if you are deadlifting 40kgs you will have trap aesthetics.
Also not even the gayest faggot would fuck you if you have a veiny solid ass

>Also not even the gayest faggot would fuck you if you have a veiny solid ass
I would like to challenge this claim