I've been lifting 4 months and I still can't do rows. I've just replaced them with weighted chins but recently learned that "it's not a good substitute". So how the fuck do I do them? Pull them up to your chest or to your abs? What is full ROM? How do you even maintain form? I feel like i'm always doing them wrong
elbows tucked into side, pull to your sternum.
I prefer Yates rows
bend as far over as you can hold without your lower back arching and keep hamstrings engaged
Pull close to your chest, and keep your arms by your side.
Experiment with those meme rows, where the bar is fixed to the ground and you raise one of the sides with plates, using a narrow grip, you know?
bend over and focus of lifting your elbows up. not the bar. If you're doing the correctly then the bar should travel up your quads and end up around your cock
You’re probably trying to row too much weight. Your Row should be based on your squat/deadlift stats, not your Bench. If your squat/deadlift is weak your Row is going to be a weak.
Oh I was thinking it would be similar to my OHP which is 105. My squat is really low though and DL is like 250
Please don't try rowing your deadlift weight. You'll kill yourself.
Train mobility and flexibility first.
weak core lower back
deadlift and squat more and ur row will increase
u should be able to row at least 2 pl8 less then your deadlift and row equal to your bench even more
just do 1 handed dumbbell rows faggot. they're much better
thought you were supposed to pull from the floor each time. hovering the bar just makes your back tired and more likely to round over
Listen OP. The row is a compound lift and as such is gated by two main muscle groups: the low back, and the lats. In a balanced physique, the low back can always lift more weight than the lats can row, but endurance is also a factor; deadlifting is not quite the same as statically holding your torso up under tension. To maintain balance, your row should be close to your bench, but that will require your deadlift to be proportionally ahead of both.
There are many varieties of rows, but I would recommend the kind where you touch the floor with the bar on each rep, your back is nearly parallel, and your stance should be very similar to that of the deadlift. Simply take the deadlift stance, pull the bar up only about half an inch so it hangs, and then row it, touching the floor between each rep. You should be positioned in a way that with your arms lax, the bar just barely reaches the floor. The bar will take a vertical path and touch the chest. The forearms should be square with the floor when the bar is touching the chest. Keep your elbows tucked; this is not a face pull.
One day life was great. In the garage, doing bent over rows. On my last rep, for whatever retarded reason, I let the bar fall quickly instead of lowering it slowly. I tried to stop the descent, the weight pulled me forward, and my back rounded and went out. It's been 10 years and i still have sciatic nerve pain in both legs. Don't be stupid, like me, a moron.
Note that when I say the bar will touch the chest, I mean more like the middle of your torso. Just wherever your arms lead it while your elbows are tucked.
Tbh I think seal rows are better back isolation anyway. Start on those and work up to decent weight, and then if you still wanna do bent overs, start with low weight and work on form first.
Not OP but good post.
Yeah I don't think it will touch my chest if I use my bench weight. I'm probably doing too much weight. Thanks for the help though man I will try tomorrow at the gym
Shouldve done pendlay barbell rows instead of normalfag barbell rows
Tbh I hate upright rows and I’ll never do them no matter how many times fags online tell me to
also hamstrings a lot even if u dont cheat
i did rows first before squats and my squat was weak af
Step aside faggots, posting the real mans row.
I think they're called T-bar rows (I think).
>So how the fuck do I do them?
Do you know a website called youtube?
fucking this