Run outside

>run outside
>fucking die after 100 feet
>run inside on a treadmill
>can run for 1h+

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>what is gravity

>Has to push off with legs
>Uses more energy than moving on path
>Wonders why tired

Fucking idiots

>gravity doesn't work on treadmills

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>what is air conditioning?
>what is floor softer than pavement?

>He left the treadmill's rotational gravity on


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its a combination of various small things that in conjunction make it sizeably more difficult

When you're on a treadmill all you really need to do is jump a little

All that you should have to do is slow your pace. I worked my way up to running for 30 mins straight on a treadmill at a 7mph pace every other day before I decided to start running outside. Outside, I could only keep about a 5.8mph pace without needing to occasionally slow and let me heart rate get under control. I have worked it up to about 6.4mph since but it's still nowhere near the treadmill pace. It's just two different exercises.

Yeah, because you have to move OVER the ground idiot. On a treadmill, the ground is doing all the moving. Use your brain, dumb-dumb.

try running in a dirt jogging trail you can probably go for hours

The difference is that the treadmill sets the pace for you. It takes a lot more discipline to set your own paceoutside than just keep up with the treadmill

>he doesn't use his treadmill whilst freefalling
Enjoy missing out on those astro gains faggot.

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>he doesn't use his treadmill in microgravity
pic related, it's me

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honestly never thought about this, you are actually just jumping in place lmao wtf

explain why treadmill>running up and down stairs. i do not get treadmillfags

Such an eye opener

>that 30 year old that runs on the treadmill

The earth is still moving when you’re on a treadmill idiots.

>running down stairs

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>He thinks gravity exists because the Earth moves

>what is centripetal force

>he thinks the earth moves

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If you run against the earths spin then the earth is doing all the work for you. For a proper workout you need to run in the same direction the earth spins or at least perpendicular to it.

these are right in front of the treadmills at my gym and the bubble booty bunnies are somewhat distracting i swear one day i'll mis-step and faceplant.

>that 40 year old boomer who still works at NASA