Would your current self bully the past you?

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yes, I was a fucking loser dweeb

Maybe not bully, but certainly let him know what a lame nigga he is. Fully expect myself in the future to say the same thing about me right now

Wouldnt bully. I would pity and be embarassed by him.

Past me had friends so probably not

No, I would point out how weak they are, and help them improve themselves.

This is why no one helped you. You aren't willing to help others. Do better.

No, but I would truthbomb my past self into not using drugs as an adolescent if I could.
Sure I said some cringey stuff, but that's all part of growing as a person, I think it's understandable for people under 30 to look back at their past and cringe at some moments as long as those moments don't happen as much the older you grow.
t. 21 year old boomer

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Yes. I'm kinda chubs even now but able to fuck literal 10/10 hotties. Could barely pull 4/10s when I was a fat fuck.

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No, I'd probably cry and give my little self a hug, he doesnt know what's to come yet the poor bastard

You know you've been on Jow Forums too long when my first thought was you were a guy who went trap

Past me would bully current me

the past guy in your pic would have hairline jokes for days.

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if any of you guys bully losers you're the real loser.

Every teenager i see that reminds me a bit of my past loser self i always talk in a positive manner and ask them if they go to gym. Then i proceed to tell them they SHOULD go and explain the benefits. If you ever bully those lower than yourself you're a real loser.

I was a twink so I’d rape me

No, but my past self would bully current me

not having free sex with your past self.

Your face must be amazing

No, past self had friends and was popular despite dressing like shit and being fat and goofy.
Current me is low confidence judgemental asshole

Honestly past me would probably kick my ass

It's a woman, she can be a 5 and pull 10/10 males

It looks like you're balding which makes the gay bleached hairstyle more pathetic.

la goblina frigorífico diabético welfare leech

seriously Jow Forums? fine i’ll do it
you’re not ‘kinda chubs’ you are still fat

absolutely, if someone bullied me maybe i would've got my shit together earlier

I'm still past me for the next 2 years

I would do this but in a derisive, cutting manner that suggests I don't know any better even though I do.
The world doesn't have enough shame in it.

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The current me would hit on the former me.

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