What motivates you to go to the gym every day and try your hardest?
Why do you lift, Jow Forums?
I don't even know anymore. I go to the gym, shower, go to work and go back home. I'm on auto pilot
When i just started lifting it was this feeling that if everyone in the world started working out the same day as me that i would be top 1%. I just effortlessly btfo everyone in my gym with strength and athleticism.
But i am now pretty successful financially too so im convinced im just dope at everything i do.
It gets me out of the house and I read better outside of the house
>What motivates you to go to the gym every day and try your hardest?
I always remember how good it feels to finish a workout.
I lift mostly for mires at this point. Feels good when people acknowledge my hard work and helps me keep at it.
It's fun and i'm bored
I hate myself
Fun, bored, hate myself and
> her
I dont like getting mogged
Agreed. I just move.
It's the only reason I have left to try at goddamn anything, and I might as well just roll over and die without it.
Because I feel like it's the one thing left that would help my dating game
It usually changes from week to week but now my motivation is to see the new fit Milf at the reception.
I dislike how I look even after almost 5 years of training. I think it's due to my bone structure at this point. I thought I'd look much different at this point. So I keep going, trying to achieve that ever-escaping ideal body.
I had a dream that I was in the mechanics shop that I used to work in and we had a new coworker. He looked gigantic and had that Latino gangster face. He went in the bathroom to watch my friend pee and I said he’s being gay and he told me “you better take a picture, because I’m going to break your face”.
I didn’t mean to but I collapsed on the ground and before his fists hit I woke up. I have to get stronger so I can win that fight.
Health benefits, not even kidding, I just do moderate weight lifting and 30 min cardio. I don't care about aesthetics
I lift for Grimes.
Sounds like you are being gay.
To become a great, inspirational father to many white sons one day
To fulfill a broader sense of duty remake myself as a better man, and kill off my old weak self so I can stop hating myself.
Because once I get to the gym it feels great even if I'm feeling unmotivated or thinking about skipping it that day, that all goes away. Working out feels great. Looking and feeling good feels great. Eating big and feeling energetic feels great. Improving and making progress feels great. And also when lifting you are forced into mindfulness which is great.
So I guess because it feels good man.
to mog other men to death, attract girls and feel confident
Doom was my childhood. I had major autism growing up so I never did much else besides play video games. Doomguy is rather reticent and has trouble with eye contact, so I felt we were kindred spirits, yet he still manages to be a badass.
My sole motivation for getting Jow Forums is so I can further emulate my role models lifestyle.
I want to be superhero sized. Plus it would be nice if the hot ass ukranian women at the gym were into me. Maybe my GF will actually try to be sexy for me, sex fuckin sucks now I don't really get anything out of it. I do way more work than she ever does.
Since I started lifting regulary , clothes fit better , I started feeling amazing during / after workout and the mires from men and women are a plus . I was always skelly mode and it's great to see my body change naturally.
because I want to shitpost but not feel bad about myself when the existential dread kicks in
While you're lifting weights Elon Musk is making spacerockets and banging grimes lmao
Girls. I lifted for girls but now being big has ruined everything.
I just want a nice cute white girl, who wears summer dresses and bakes cakes with her mom. I want a girl to love and go out places with.
Instead all i get are white trash whores. Literally i only attract whores in shiny slag mini dresses, and they expect me to be violent. They ask me expectently about my time in prison. Ive never been to fucking prison, im a uni grad. As soon as they find out they lose interest.
I just want a nice cute white girl to wife. Pic is me
According to my faith I need to strive for physical and mental perfection. It is a shame to grow old while you didn't utilise your full potential.
I'm mirin brah, you'll find your caucasian qt pie one day bby
hugs mostly
I lift because I want to fuck a hot milfy businesswomen.
why white?
It's fun, it makes me feel good, it gets me the admiration of normies, it makes me look better than a lot of my peers, girls pay more attention to me, and it makes everyday life easier.
I was fat in middle school and early high school until I lost weight and started lifting. I'm gonna make everyone who remembers me from my fat days lose their minds one day when they see me out somewhere.
I lift to have people, women in particular, steal glances and take time to check me out. Nothing better in than being acknowledged and one way out of millions is to keep your form in check.
By doing this people automatically assume you are a person who knows discipline, general self care, knowledge on muscles, etc. This also opens avenues for women who love outdoorsy activities. Sex is pretty much guaranteed if you can play your cards right bhr overall lifting leaves an impression and impression is what you need in this world in order to get what you want.
It makes me feel good and I genuinely feel happy when I'm working out.
>They ask me expectently about my time in prison
Are you surprised at all with your looks?
I'm an indie game dev and I spend a large amount of time in front of the computer. I just want to stay healthy.
>What motivates you to go to the gym every day and try your hardest?
you mean 3-4 times a week and try moderately hard for 1.5-2 hours?
For making girls go crazy
>What motivates you to go to the gym every day and try your hardest?
My Benis.
To gain confidence on my physical appearance and not ever again be called "you're so skinny".
To walk into a room and people feel intimidated
feel you man.
Are you a troll? You look like a Russian prison rapist
Holy Fuck user, I can relate to this so much. I just got out of 3yr relationship, 2 years of this. I pray you for brother
I have too good of a frame, it would be like spitting in nature's face if I didn't lift
interesting. what is considered a good frame?
mirin the meal plan
i dont wanna disappoint him
I wanted to be a terminator from child.
I enjoy picking up heavy things and putting them back down.
Are you at all religious? Try attending church and finding a girl who wants to "save you from your troubled past"
Because if I'm black, and my kids will be retarded due to regression to the mean, and I'll probably be forced to live in pic related after the uprising, then I might as well make the most of my current life.
My wife. She was sexually abused as a child and raped as a teenager. I will ensure it never happens to her again.
This. Rip and tear user
Seriously though, are these the worst bicep genetics ever?
I promised her a 4pl8 bench before July of next year.
I cant stand the idea of someone being more strong than I am
I know there is always someone better than you at everything, but I mean being the strongest in your social circle, u know like in the gym.
Does anyone who tries to get Jow Forums ever like their body? I don't think I've seen a single post saying I'm happy with myself.
I think we are doomed to only be 90% there.
We'll feel good when we have a pump on at the gym but when we're at home and feeling flat then we start feeling unhappy again.
I'm 187 cm with really wide shoulders
Right now it's all ruined by me being skinnyfat and not taking care of myself so that's why I'm going to start lifting properly
I want to know what its like to be strong
Pretty much so I can get the pump. The main reason I started lifting is because I worked with some DYEL (I was also a DYEL) who vein-mogged me with his forearm veins. I just started lifting for forearm veins and abs. Now I mog people with my biceps and pecs. Also I got some nice abs and BIG veins all over the place.
Still ottermode but I'm decent looking
Hey, same kinda. When the school year starts up again i am going to start hitting the school gym and try to start working on self-image and insecurity.
good luck, user.
I don't want to let her down...
Thanks and good luck to you as well
what did you mean by this?
3 of my cousins, one same age and the other 2 years older, works out so I don’t want to fall behind and be that cousin who doesn’t work out. One of them is even a PT.
Also, it’s a good hobby to have I suppose. It’s better than doing nothing all day. Without working out, I’d probably be a skinny twink who plays video games all day.
I'm in love with a girl that has a boyfriend. I know it sounds pathetic and beta but hear me out.
> start beta-orbiting a girl that I waited too long to ask out
> out mutual friends notice
> one night I get drunk as fuck and I'm stuck to her like a puppy
> she mentions to a friend that she thought I was trying to have sex with her
> I feel mortified
> realize how fruitless and pathetic it is to orbit a woman who is in love with someone else
> Her boyfriend is a buff Chad who lifts 5x/week and has a good job
> Stop trying to get her attention and instead just work on myself, using Chad as a reference point that I have to overcome and outshine
> Creep on her Snapchats of him at the gym, determined to beat his lifts
> Start looking for a better paying job, sick of being complacent with my current job at a soulless Megacorp that exploits newly-college graduated millennials with light resumes
> Keep thinking that I just need to be better than this guy because I don't want her to see me as a pathetic desperate beta male that doesn't measure up to her boyfriend
Hopefully when the time comes if/when they break up I'll look like a good candidate. I know that it's pathetic that I don't just find another girl, but I actually love her and I can't help it.
Get outta here /mu/
to kill niggers
/fitlit/ masterrace
If they become happy, they leave Jow Forums.
As a result, dissatisfaction is all we have.
Damn, dealing with your demons personally eh?
The old you never dies. It just becomes the new yous demon
> unironically lifting to validate your edgy nazi power fantasies
You're not going to make it
For women
Tryed to think of something to say other than "this", but nothing else comes to mind
Grow your hair out and lose the resting bitch face.
Wear more suburbanite clothing out in public, anything that makes your physique subtle without hiding it altogether.
consider rhinoplasty for that nigger-tier nose my man
Why are the most mundane/petty/simple fantasies the best?
cardiofag detected
During my teens and early 20s I was depressed and suicidal. I went through a procedure called ECT (Electro-convulsive Therapy) and it worked really well. Since then, I've been striving to improve myself. Exercise wasn't part of it at first, but I watched an anime called Mob Psycho 100. In that show, there is a middle school club called the Body Improvement Club. Those guys are incredibly wholesome and although they are totally ripped, they are super nice to the main character who is very weak and joins the club to improve himself. They never once made fun of him or put him down for being weak. I recommend everyone here watch Mob Psycho 100 just for the Body Improvement Club.
Another reason is that I have a friend named Bradley who I care about a lot. I call him Bradders. He was disappointed in me for a long time because of how I acted when I was depressed. My goal now is to make the Bradders proud! I think that working out and exercising will make him super proud of me. He isn't very active or physical himself, so it's not that I'm emulating him. It's just that I know he respects people who do exercise and I want to show him that I'm working hard to improve myself.
Wholesomely gay. I envy you
I live with the delusion that if I do well enough in competition, if I get enough medals and accolades, maybe she'll come back.
It's been five years and I still can't close my eyes without seeing her smiling at me. I wish I could end it but I have two kids who need a father more than I need this pain to stop, I guess.
The best I can hope for is to die in comp, die in my sleep, or suffer a workplace accident.
Why do I live to suffer brehs?
>32 year old loser living in his mum's house because I can't get my shit together
>Haven't had sex in months
>Girls hate me because I'm too intimidating/highly autistic
>My kids deserve better.
>My adds on Craigslist to find someone to run me over in their car keep getting taken down.
The irony here is that I'm in the middle of court proceedings that may put me away. Every vivid moment is like a drop of cool nectar here in the Nevada desert. I got back from biking to and from the library, I'm about to have a delicious protein smoothie, all while facing possibly 3 years in jail for all the shit i got into last month.
>nevar stahp
started going because I was getting chubby and had some possible symptoms of heart problems, e.g. heart suddenly skipping a bit and then racing for a while or falling asleep and immediately waking with some kind of murmur instead of heartbeat for a minute or so. it all completely stopped now and I continue going to the gym, because I got addicted to adding weight to my lifts, somewhat like grinding exp in an MMO, but without any concrete goal
Wholesome post.
insert something like "bless user" here
A man does not need a reason to want to be strong. It makes perfect sense on its own.
>I know this sounds pathetic and beta but hear me out
>it's actually more pathetic and beta than you think
Do neck hangs 1 X F, jesus christ
Took to long for a post like this to be made. Thread's over now.
I want to bring out the best in me while I am still in my "prime" and see what I'm capable of. My teenage years were completely wasted with video games and fast food, so I want to make it better now at 23. On top of that, my little sister is currently on the same path to being a lardass and I want to be a good role model for her so she doesn't have to go through what I did back then.