how do i get my chubby gf to hit the fucking gym and stop being a hambeast
pls help, she used to be good but she's put on lots of weight and now i feel like a retard when i'm out with her
how do i get my chubby gf to hit the fucking gym and stop being a hambeast
pls help, she used to be good but she's put on lots of weight and now i feel like a retard when i'm out with her
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Tell her about all the girls in the gym you keep catching mirin you. Nothing motivates a girl better than jealousy
Hopefully your relationship is still healthy enough to have a talk about her weight. Something like "is anything wrong, I'm worried, I've noticed you've been lethargic ect"
Or she could be comfortable and thinks she doesnt need to try anymore?
How you tried talking to her about her health? Say it in a position where it can be properly said
Just take her with you and don't let her dress like a whore
also this
damn, actually wholesome advice. yeah, I really just have to fucking say it I guess. I just don't want her to start bawling in front of me.
but i can't stay with a chubster
>Tell her about all the girls in the gym you keep catching mirin you. Nothing motivates a girl better than jealousy
But that can also fuel the fire that can influence her to be cautious every time you leave to the gym and become some jealousy fat bitch who wants you home 24/7 wherw you can lose the gains you made
I was hoping she would pick up the hints because I go to the gym mon-fri. like seriously?
either masturbate to pics of her when she was not fat or give up.
If she doesn't want to lose weight you will only mess up your own gains as well.
always works wonders
Talk to her about the benefits and how you "love" her but you'd "love" her even more if she went to the gym with you. Explain how it'll be fun, like you're building something but the project is yourself.
Explain health benefits, how you feel good, that it'll help her stress etc etc etc.
Give it a week for her to process that information. The following week say hey "remember how i talked about gym? how do you feel about it"
If she says "i want to do it etc" then proceed to invite her to a gym session.
BUT when you go to the gym with her you must train her in baby steps and be motivating/cheerful(cheerleader) so she feels praised, AFTER prepare a healthy meal together so she gets used to rewarding herself with heathy food etc.
NOW this is the only way you can get her Jow Forums n sexy, any other way will relate in breakup.
Then you ditch the crazy bitch. Anons relationship is at a crossroads here. If she reacts the right way then all is good. If she reacts bad then she isn't worth the effort of a long term relationship and she gots ta go
>I just don't want her to start bawling in front of me.
If she does just comfort her and explain why you want her to lose weight for her health benefits like sexual positions or something
>quick tip do not use my example it will look like you were thinking of others female or it can be swayed into a big fight
Thats the thing user he does not know the response yet so he cant make a decision of leaving her or stay with her
I told mine at the start of the relationship that if she ever adds more than 15lbs to her weight it’s over. She was already a bit over what I usually look for. And of course she started arguing about it but I cut it fast. Told her that as long as I’m fit she has to at least control her weight. 2 years later and it works like a charm. She’s doing yoga from time to time and she’s mindful of what she is eating.
>gf used to be Jow Forums before she came to college
>she's nerdy af, doesn't like the gym so much
>spent all four years playing MTG/DnD/Pokemon, hanging out with the numerous nerd tribes around campus
>developed neck problems from looking down to read/game
>got chubby
>not obese, really nice boobs, but no ass because no exercise
>try to get her to come lift with me, works maybe twice
>starts using shitty excuses
>"B-but user, I don't like other people watching me exercise! And I really don't like other people telling me what's healthy or what I should be working! I'll do it on my own!"
>"user you know my neck hurts, so I can't do any exercise of any kind whatsoever, not even exercises that would in no way, shape, or form put strain on my neck :/"
What do? We're both fairly interested in martial arts, so I can usually get her to do some light rolling. But when I try to get her to come to judo, she starts using her patented Cop-Out no Jutsu.
Break up with her immediately. Any difference she makes will be temporary and if you wife it she'll literally transform into a fucking land manatee the moment you say "I do".
I'm not fucking around I've been down this road, she was thic when I met her, a few months into dating she was thiccc and then maybe 2 months later she was disgustingly obese.
I told her how I felt about how I put in all kinds of work to be the best version of myself for me and her and how I feel she doesn't put in any of the same efforts, needless to say she cried, I comforted her and told her to forget it.
Nothing changed. It was all forgotten. Not long later I caught her hoeing (thank GOD) broke up with that bitch so quick, now w/ a 10/10 fit QT who is all about equal effort in a relationship.
Why does one need to pussyfoot around such obvious things? If she has bad breath its 100% okay to tell her to brush, floss, use mouthwash or something. If it is about her weight suddenly you're dealing with it like it's incredibly delicate. Both examples are of things under her control and should not be pussyfooted about. Tell her to get thin because no one likes a fat mate in a relationship.
chase her around with a hot poker, she will drop the extra weight fast. nothing like a life or death situation to get her ass off the couch
This but unironically
This, every girl I get in a relationship with I tell them this shit right at the beginning and it never fails.
>I'll do it on my own
This means fuck off and let me get fat. I don't want to face any kind of bad feelings, so I'll just avoid the problems.
This is a very bad sign for your future together especially if this kind of thing happens often. I was with a woman like this and you just have to know things will never be better. All you can do is leave.
Make her something to eat, hearty, but low calorie. Or eat out and lead with the statement that you've got the bill. Either way, point here is to develop trust and to sow seeds of understanding that eating is not the issue.
Proceed to not break the ice by telling her that you intend on having a deep conversation. Instead, break the ice by stating the issue: "I am worried about our future."
She will at this point be curious, but she will not be as defensive as she would if you were to have opened with something threatening like "We need to talk."
She will 100% of the time ask you what you're worried about.
Do not at this point make a statement. Instead, tell her stories of what you guys used to do together. "Remember that one time, after high school, we were play fighting and we ended up in bed? I think about it a lot these days. You know?"
She will still be curious, because vagueposting.
Use the story to develop a narrative for how she used to be in great health, but she is no longer in great health. Then show her some studies that you'd printed off earlier or by bringing up that one guy with diabetes that you know etcetera. Explain to her how difficult it was for you to watch as your dear friend or family member's health deteriorated. Let her know that you're not ready for her to grow old, that you'd thought you two would have many years of youthful enjoyment. Let her know that her health is a concern to you, because you want to be able to do the things that health allows you to do before age and fragility set in.
t. worldly woman
I can't believe how good the "I can't have any kind of criticism so I'll cry" routine works.
It happened to me so often though crying women doesn't even bother me anymore. Sometimes it makes me laugh depending on the situation.
This is absolute brilliance and any other way is sub-par
Kek. What would actually happen is shes like "Is this because I'm fat, I'm not unhealthy" and she'd start crying so she could end the conversation.
That's perfect then! Because that's when you end a relationship.
A person that can't take criticism from the person that they want to marry without crying is not ready for marriage.
Ill take your ham beast off your hands you go hit on those bitches admiring you at the gym.
Why do women complicate things so much.
>develop gay scenario like a movie where i waste time pussying around like a girl
haha Jesus
Dump immediately
How the fuck can you guys suistain that?
>Dating a hambeast
Desperate retard
yeah im a fit dude, fat gf that smokes and chomps down chocolate all the fucking time. she likes bjj but hasnt attended any classes lately. exploded in weight. grimbo. its such a chore to educate her on sugar and carbs. fuck life.
Make her do this course on nutrition without counting calories,written by RDs.
Every time I feel stupid I am reminded that there are fitness oriented men that get in relationships with women who do not share the same ideals and then they suffer for no reason. It makes me feel less stupid. Keep it up lads
In my experience gym is not the easiest thing to get into if you're not used to it. I wasted over a year on it with almost no results because I just couldn't get into the mindset for it. I'm pretty sure I'm not the first girl to refuse going to the gym because it's "boring".
Try get her into some sort of sport or martial art, if she gets into it enough she'll start learning more about her diet and how to eat healthier so she can keep up with the sport, especially if there's a progression in it to give her goals and other people to compare to.
Be sure to mention how great that shit is for mood and health. Fatloss just becomes a happy side effect so you can avoid that topic if it's a sensitive one.
>neck hurts from stiff and weak muscles in neck
>don't train the neck
normies are so fucking retarded it hurts
Hello Mr. Assburger. It seems you don't know much about how humans communicate. Here's the thing, people need to be told they are wrong about something in a certain way so that they'll be open minded to changing. People don't like being wrong, and we have built-in mechanisms to resist when told we are wrong about something.
Sometimes you have to have a little tact. If you haven't learned this on your own, perhaps there is some sort of therapist that can help you understand this concept better.
OP is just asking for the best way to bring up a difficult subject. Having tact is not the same thing as pussyfooting.
End the relationship you LARPing faggot. Not because "hurr fattie", but because you don't respect her enough to just say you're not attracted to her anymore, while also dragging a Chinese image board into the discussion first.
>gf is 20 pounds over weight
>big boobs and butt so I like it but I can tell she's self conscious
>Tell her exercise would help her lose that weight and make her healthier
>she loves the idea and starts doing research
>tells me she's going to start working out soon
>encourage her
>get a text saying hey we should have some sort of friendly challenge starting today
>couple hours later she says "idk about today I have a headache and tired from work maybe tomorrow"
>tomorrow comes, another excuse
>next day another excuse
>constantly tells me about the mom science she reads to justify why her unhealthy lifestyle isn't unhealthy
>says she wants to change her diet but then makes brownies
She's a great girl and we get along well but girls look at me like why are you with her when I'm otter mode in the best shape of my life walking around with a dump truck
Dump her lard ass and find a cute virgin
>little tact
seems more like deception and sidestepping, it's typical chick behavior to talk about the problem as indirectly as possible. kys
You can't lol hahahahhaa
as for OP's problem, he fucked up by settling with a chick who didn't share the same fitness ideals in the first place. How's that for tic-tact haha
Drop her, you can do so much better.
Maybe if you hang around elementary schools. GL finding a virgin in year of the slut walks.
I have the same problem. My gf goes to “Pilates” 2x a week and is still pudgy.
I keep telling her Pilates is a meme. The other day she said that she did “10 pull-ups”. I was blown away, impressed. Then I learned she did 10 pull-ups via a Pilates platform. Err. Assisted lay on our back pull-ups.
> Drop her
>How's that for tic-tact
This makes me think you don't know what the word tact means. Your post doesn't even relate to what I said.
Honestly, I don't know how you could be this dumb. There is a good way to bring something up, and a bad way. Let me give you an example.
>"Hey babe, I noticed you've been turning into a fat fuck lately. It's time to lose weight you disgusting pig"
>"Hey, I noticed you put on a couple pounds. There are a few small changes you could make to drop those."
Which do you think someone would be more responsive to?
Saying something in a way that doesn't attack them is not the same thing as being deceptive.
whatever, Disraeli.