How do you ask a tinder sloot if she has any diseases? How do you confirm?
How do you ask a tinder sloot if she has any diseases? How do you confirm?
For God sake someone help me I only have a few hours to figure this out
can't you just wear a condom?
You can still get herpes and alot of other things even if you wear a condom
>Do you have any disease ?
Yeah but when do you ask that? It seems like such a fucked up thing to ask and you can't do it once youve got her in bed
I mean I ask them a few questions to get a gauge of their facial expressions, tone, and so on as a baseline before I ask them.
I straight up say, before I put my dick in, are you clean? They'll get it. If she gets offended she probably has one. Also people give themselves away when they lie.
It's kind of awkward, but you can just say something like... "Oh, my friend just caught ____ from someone recently. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, but I want to make sure." Definitely ask. If it goes wrong, well, at least you won't catch something. I don't think the timing really matters.
This guy gets it.
You know what you’re talking about. I always ask if they’re clean right before I’m in because I never use condoms. I went to South America and got so many chicks pregnant lmao I’m still clean so it’s worth it.
Ask now. Tell her if she lies you'll rip her pusy off.
If you aren't mature enough to ask that question plainly, you shouldn't be having sex.
Anyways. Just say "DDF?" If you are asking over the app, if in person just look at that shit and ask if she's clean. If funky and oozing, abort.
If my girl ever leaves me I want to go impregnate half a random geographical area to spread my domineering genes. Preferably where child support can't reach me. Maybe Canada or anywhere outside the US.
Yeah, don't spill spaghetti like this.
>Believing a women
>A tinder slut of all women
>What are condoms
Some of us like enjoying sex.
Condoms are fucking terrible.
I may only use one for hookers because they are incentivized to lie.
PROTIP: If she has unprotected sex with you, she has had unprotected sex with other guys aswell
maybe even the same week
maybe even the day before
maybe even multiple times that week
PROTIP: only incels care.
Use that coping mechanism to avoid the pussy you desperately want. Srs.
just randomly talk about tinder and girls on there and say something like "nowadays, you really have to be careful on tinder. who knows how many people here have some kind of diseases". then wait for her reaction. if she says "damn, I actually do", you know what you're dealing with. if she only says "hahaha, you're right", just jokingly say "you don't have diseases, riiiight?" and you should get some kind of solid info out of that. if she says she doesn't, you can either say "that's awesome!" or be a cheeky cunt like I am and say "I'd say the same thing if I were you!"
This is fucking stupid. Idiot. The humor allows her to exploit it as a vail to hide her true response. You gave her the opportunity to laugh and use humor to sidestep the answer because it was weak.
Listen to
>PROTIP: only incels care
I don't even know whether you're baiting or a retard. for one, guys with some self-respect and standards care. I'd literally never put my dick in some slut I just met without putting on a condom. how much of a beta are you to not care about your health but fuck anything in sight instead? there's some low-life niggas out there, I swear
Buy some test stripes and casually slip them over her pussy to be safe
you can also get her into a serious discussion after the first statement, you dimwit. don't take everything so literal because every discussion has tons of potential for different outcomes. you can also say "but on a serious note, I hope it's okay if I ask you whether you have any, right?". there's obviously not one perfect solution to a discussion that can be volatile. just be straightforward if you want to but you can also use tons of different approaches. use your brain
Going to Canada won’t cut it, you’ll be found and made to pay child support. You’ve gotta go to a different continent all together if you want to impregnate classy girls, try France or Romania. Guarantied you could father a hundred half gypsies and they wouldn’t find you.
Best of luck,
I’m not an incel but I wouldn’t want someone’s dickbreath in my face. Same goes for a cream pie earlier that day, I don’t wanna touch that shit.
Implying that because I don't use condoms I don't have standards.
How about you just let your balls drop and have the confidence to inspect that slut and ask her yourself? I don't go around railing sluts. I choose the girls I believe are worth my time and won't be a waste of time.
But I still hate condoms fuck you.
condoms suck
Take a shower with her. This isn't even about the condoms at this point but the fact that you worry about what other dudes have done. You still a virgin?
Just ask her for the std test and ask if shes had sex since. If she did have sex, tell her to do a new test. Not worth risking your shit over one grill user, theres plenty of fish in the sea.
she can just lie you moron
I agree it doesn't have to be so straight but I do believe that you are giving her ground to dance around the topic. Some people are naive and the conversation they started gets carried out too far from their topic of intent.
I'm speaking from experience. I was an idiot once.
I do believe that being as straight forward as possible, is the best move.
If you give a bitch a stage she will walk around aimlessly. Give her a spotlight she's done.
>Implying that because I don't use condoms I don't have standards
it pretty much is the truth. why would you have unprotected sex with anyone but your partner? as long as you fuck around, the girl will as well, meaning that she could fuck a horse and you wouldn't mind. grow up, only retards think having unprotected sex is cool or alpha
>How about you just let your balls drop and have the confidence to inspect that slut and ask her yourself?
It's pretty amusing how naive you are, thinking that women will always be truthful when confronted with something like that. more reason for me to believe that you're either underage or just turned 18
>I choose the girls I believe are worth my time and won't be a waste of time
more power to you, mate, and best wishes. nevertheless, stop giving such stupid advice because some retards will take your statements at face value and think that giving a damn about protected sex is preferable
>But I still hate condoms fuck you
I never said those shitty things are enjoyable. I don't use any with my gf either, haven't been for years. just don't go to a club and bang some random chick without one, that's all I'm trying to convey
she probably doesnt. ive banged about 20 hookers, most with no condom, most eating them out kissing uncovered bj etc. and never got any disease. also fucked 3 traps from craigslists/grindr and never got a disease. its a fucking meme my friend. just dont fuck black chicks
You clean? All I ever ask before I go in raw
diseases suck too
obviously. as I said before, use your brain and adapt to the situation. I didn't say that the discussion will end up being 100% like that. there's some other solid advice here you could combine with mine too
I know what you mean but if you see that she's dancing around the topic, that really should activate your almonds in the first place. if you notice she's not addressing the things you want her to, chance is she is avoiding the topic on purpose
>I do believe that being as straight forward as possible, is the best move
I'm 100% with you on that one (that's how I handle it as well) but some people here wanted a non-straightforward way so you can't be that picky in that kind of situation
>how do statistics work
>You clean?
>Yeah lol
To each their own. Who am I to project my beliefs on to people? Everyone has their own system. Some people can read liars some can't. If you can't, wrap it.
Not being straightforward is their demise.
I truly believe if you can't ask her in a straightforward manner, it's your fault.
Women are followers for the most part. I do believe part of being a man or at least an emotionally intelligent man is being able to understand them.
t. dangerous brave man who lives life on the edge
troll who wants op to catch aids
ive always wanted to know how to do this
Hey op, super late but just ask as the action is about to happen, like say “I prefer to bareback, you don’t have anything right?
>Not being straightforward is their demise.
>I truly believe if you can't ask her in a straightforward manner, it's your fault.
of course it is but that's what this discussion is for in the first place. straightforward people will always have the edge on such situations. some people find it difficult to be like that because they might think it's awkward or it may come off as disrespectful to ask a question like that. hell, a (female) friend of mine actually forces her guys to take blood tests before she has sex with them raw. I'm pretty sure I'd be annoyed by shit like that
>I do believe part of being a man or at least an emotionally intelligent man is being able to understand them
true but there's tons of deceptive bitches out there, man. I have lots of female friends and some of them, I'd never ever fuck. fuck me, some of them are some of the most deceptive beings I have ever seen in my life too
women are excellent liars. they will lie straight to your face with no regret or remorse
Maybe we should all try to be a little more ballsy and straightforward is my point mane.
How hot is the chick with the blood test? That's all about investment right there. Blood test so I can come in and rock a fine ass? Done. Ugly? Fuck no.
I do believe that women are good at back pedaling on shit. And they will go on for hours backpedaling on their backpedaling. But, you can tell if they are lying just by recognizing this fact.
of course. many men are like that too but when it comes to ensure being kept secure, some people will to crazy things
>Maybe we should all try to be a little more ballsy and straightforward is my point mane
we'd live in a utopian society if people started being honest and upfront toward each other but you can be sure that most people don't have the social skills to be like that, especially when lots of men think they aren't able to choose their sexual partners
>How hot is the chick with the blood test?
she's one of my best friends but I can honestly say that I wouldn't ever fuck her. she's a straight 4 if I'm being generous. still, she's being straight to her guys so I gotta respect that at least. in her defence, why WOULD someone risk their health just to get one raw fuck out of it?
Fair enough. I suppose I don't do condoms because I don't fuck random. I usually scout them out and try to get long term fuck buddies.
We could all be more straightforward. It just takes some courage. Some social circles in the world would fall apart but we would reunite with people true to their values and whom we can truly relate to.
I.e., I see a lot of people drink together who's only social glue is the alcohol.
the best thing ever is fighting women with their own weapons
>tfw being raised by a single mother
>was a flirt even at 4 years old and later on in my life
>always knew how to handle women, have women love the shit out of me, and almost read their shitty minds
>my current gf is annoyed when I use the same shitty ass techniques women do to make a point
>tfw she's always annoyed when I give a perfectly structured argument because she can't say jack shit anymore
>tfw most women I argue with take the victim stance because that's all they have at the end
understanding women is crucial for not being treated like shit, I'm telling you this with 100% honesty
My man! I was raised by a single mother as well and had a sister.
It fucked me up a tad in my development but I've finally broke through mentally.
This guy gets it!
Feelings and logic need to coexist. Being only logical makes you autistic. Being only emotional makes you a fucking idiot that argues about pointless shit.
We live in a single minded world.
To truly be a human you have to have logic and emotion coexist.
>Feelings and logic need to coexist. Being only logical makes you autistic. Being only emotional makes you a fucking idiot that argues about pointless shit.
they really do. your statements about only being logical and only emotional are on-point because most retarded men try to use logics and fail to understand why some logical things could be retarded as hell while many women are emotional wrecks due to only considering things from an emotional POV
if you want to make a point with a woman, state your logical chain of thought but also address them in a respectful way where they would know that you care about their opinions. there's literally no way people won't respect you when doing that shit. that way, you can even handle issues like asking tinder sluts about their health status with ease
I speak only from experience. I was the retarded man with logic just a few weeks ago. Did some MDMA and quit drugs following that. Woke me up.
On another topic I do believe weed in extreme moderation is sound but that the legalization of marijuana is a low-key political ploy to numb the masses and enforce the feeling of content so that the left can ensure a world where everyone is ok with being "just alive." A social welfare state is achievable when everyone stops fighting for what they want.
>older brother was raised by a single mother and has had more girlfriends and fuck buddies than anyone else I know
He’s also 5’8
it's all about the charisma, intelligence, and empathy, mate. and also about your face, can't be an uggo. can't be TOO short though either (I'm 1,75m)
Maybe even that day
This thread is why everything were better in the 1890s
Also barebacking strangers is fuxking dangerous, people lie about their health and you dont want that bitch to have "7 weeks pregnant" in her bio next time you see her profile
Or you could just not use Tinder, you know.
Give us tips and everyday examples plox
First off don't ask, the bitch wont be honest anyways and it will lower your chances of banging
Just be careful with every loose whore you meet off of that app and assume theyre all std loaded