Rate other people,mainly those who rate you.
Ideals thread
very nice
Is that pewdiepie?
Pure cringe
6/10. Unlikely body to achieve unless you roid, haircut is fine but honestly will look weird on that body. Same with the fashion, the individual parts might look cool but together they'll make for a terrible combo. Girl is fine. Above average for creativity.
8/10. Wholesome. Great body, good hair that matches, acceptable and comfy style. Still, put something in the girl section.
7/10. Jeff plz go body that you're not getting natty. Good hair, good style and cute girl.
Your body is the same as mine.
Its achievable with roids.
I just wan't to have their definition.
I can see that they are about as big as old school bodybuilders.
Perhaps it's just perspective since your body is based around fictional depictions and clothed but the overall frame and the distribution of muscle mass screams roids. The ones I picked were specifically the top you can reach natty if you live a particular lifestyle. Only potential roider in my selection is the gymnast.
Might be wrong though, but your body as far as I can see it would have at least 20-30% more pure muscle mass than the ideal I picked.
The 3 guys you have in your picture,are on roids.
I do not know about the top left one.
Its natty physique.
Its Ideals pal.
Shoot for the starts.
>tfw you will never be so thick
Can't find a flaw. 9/10
Would bromance 8/10
Joff pls. Also you are aiming way too low with our wahmen, why even lift? 2/10
Solid. 8/10
You're seriously underestimating the kind of gains you can make natty with dedication, time and resources (+genetically gifted) if you think you need to roid to achieve their physical state.
But for reference here's some pics where they're not posing and the lighting isn't perfect.
Pavel Tsatsoulini is unquestionably natty just by looking at him. Ido Portal is natty and isn't that hard to believe considering his movement practice is the only thing he does full time and has done so for most of his life. Pat McNamara is similarly former Delta and does little else except constant training and has been doing so for most of his life.
Not gonna argue the gymnast since there's no way for me to be sure, the others are in the clear.
I never said their bodies are unattainable naturally.
I just said they are on roids.
If they compete physically,they are on roids.
I believe he is natural.
Pic related.
My point was they are on roids.
no breh
They don't compete in anything, if they did I would understand your assumption. I added them as ideal because of their work practice and ethic, creativity and expertise physically, not just looks.
The body is small.
You gotta get bigger.
The woman looks like a bimbo tho.
Is it just looks?
Or do you want a bimbo gf?
The ideal male body is a strong body,capable of doing many things.
Swimming,climbing,working manual labour.
I just really like the definition of these guys,
Lean as fuck.
Pic related,should be a mix between all.
I think its perfect.
You can always tell in these threads who is out of touch with greater society just by the way their ideal dress is. Holy fuck some of yall post some cringey styles
3/4 nice body + style goals
2/4 nice style + hair, chick doesn't appeal to me
4/4 soild goals across the board
have fun looking like every other 15-25 year old girl
Depends on the area you live in. I'm in a cold Scandi country and the wardrobe of people here is 70% black with the rest dark colors and a lot of leather. I fit in perfectly.
Nice one
Nice girl also kinds my taste 8/10
Too bulky haha your tatste in women is thots? 1/10
Is the bottom right pic a guy? Looks andro.
Nice tats
Nice feed who is she?
Yes I have bimbo fetish.
Do you happen to visit a particular section of Jow Forums.
In which bimbofication is shown?
In drawn format.
Write orange race is master race.
And I will know.
Why do you have a bimbo fetish?
Trap detected
Good luck finding someone 6’3+ with that much bf and muscle, lol
Kekd at image
But it's true at 6'3+ you literally get mogged by a walking stick
>tight shirt
>ideal woman is singsing
vintage Jow Forums
it's time to cope
No there's rarely any good material I think. Bimbos are women who sacrifice everything in order to look good for few years in their youth. Bimbos are literally minmaxing their sexual market worth and finding this appealing is rational and I do not understand men who do not like bimbos. They almost always just COPE if they say they don't like them.
wigger detected
I see pretty big dudes over 6' basically much on the reg
As long as their not 50% plastic
that is a gret track suit, where could i order cheap? help me brothers, salam
Oh ok.
> I do not understand men who do not like bimbos.
I think its because most people view the woman who is a bimbo,as a trophy wife,someone rich just buys.
They think she is just a shallow woman.
They do like her looks.
They just don't like the whole package.
Or the lack of package most of the time.
>God how I wish I wasnt a retard,and deleted my hdd.
I had the most perfect female body ever.
Jesus Christ.
>White dress.
>Thick legs who bounced up and down when she walked.
>Big natural tits,who kinda sagged a little bit down.
Her face wasn't in the camera view.
At least I have her in my memories.
She kinda looks like that blonde woman,that;s posted on here.
Where the man looks up,and she stares him.
Sitting on some pillar.
Its drawn.
>Autism the post.
kek fucked that a while ago, brothers you will make it, tattoos help
The only men of taste in this entire thread
really have to update my style.
name, source, more! first time someone almost dethroned Zhenya for me.
6.5/10. style is awful, girls are decent.
4/10. body is great, rest awful
you changed something... style is OK, I prefer the style body than the actual body you chose. I'll defend your choice of girl. 7.4/10.
great body and style. girls all over the place. bonus points for Pavel. 8/10.
great style, don't like the rest. 4.5/10.
too basic. 5/10.
nice hair. don't like the rest. 4/10.
don't trigger my daddy side! aAHhh 10/10
body 4 is great. girls should have longer hair. 4.8/10.
like the girl. 3.5/10
great hair and style. good girl. 8/10.
I take back what I said. I managed to stop looking at her body after the 10th loop and looked at her face. ok, but not Zhenya/Kelly/Natalie/Trachtenberg caliber.
> don't trigger my daddy side! aAHhh 10/10
was for
I can tell she is a Russian just by looking at her.
>inb4 Finnish.
good eye. I do have a thing for them. Ukrainian/Slav/Russian cuties are big for cunniseurs.
is there more of that cutie
thread ded?
Who is the redhead on the left?
if you're talking about the one with ears, I'm curious also
8 fucking pictures to let rando's you've never met understand what gets your dick hard.
I wish there were some kind of council that looked for this kind of pathetic, regressive behavior in society, then made it illegal.
Some chick cosplaying Holo.
Hair/Style achieved. Body working on it, very close.
Nice/10 Pat is based and some of those girls are cute.
7/10. Solid.
8/10 looking girls, rest is 4/10
8/10 hair and bodies, 5 for the rest
I wish I had friends like you guys to hang out with
Bad taste in women,good taste in fashion.
Especially the left.
Sooo you basically want to be like Geralt, and fuck Merigold?
Bad taste in women haha. Red hair is goat
Now that you put it like that, pretty much yes.
i-is it wrong? Never really was a Yenn guy, even though it makes more sense for Geralt to be with her.
Fix up your clothing game
questionable choice of women
very sophisticated
boomer with no nuance
enjoy hitting the wall at 30
where do you buy your cocaine
4/4 for a boomer
1/4 the outfit is aight
5/4 for a boomer
4/4 for geralt
bimbos are pleb tier
Good body, and hair. In fact the clothes they guy in the hair section is wearing are better than in the clothes part. But what the fuck are those made-up thots?
>Brando's clothes better than Evans
It was a different time
>What the fuck are those made up thots?
I agree the blonde one is a thot but Kat's not a thot
I thought he looked familiar, I live under a rock and don't consume media but even I registered that. As for the girl, I don't like dyed hair but I agree that doesn't make her a thot, shouldn't have lumped her together with the actual thot on the right.
Yeah sucks she dyes her hair.
Well you do have the best style of clothes in this thread.
Who is the guy in the clothes?
I a going to give it a solid.
I do not like the hair,and you can get better body than all of your guys posted.
Shoot for the stars man.
So you want to look like a jacked Jedi? Not too bad actually, and that cutie made Downfall even better.
MbaWhz discrd
if ur girl
lol what's with the Himmler?
Whats with him?
Are you trying to say this fine elite,Übermensch specimen is bad?
For your information this is how he looked.
Everything else you see,is a jewish lie.
And absolute lie.
And that's a provable fact.
Nazi boys for life,Hail Hitler 14/88.
10/10 just because of the duke nukem reference and the girl
Where my fellow faggots at?
So dissapointed in Jow Forums rn
Need sauce and original pic of the top left girl. Thanks.
Wow, your ideals make you pretty much my ideal girl (pic related)
Pat Mac is ultrajuiced dude the military doesn't even routinely test for roids and he was a secret squirrel operator type they absolutely juice for the obvious useful benefits it has for a soldier.
I've now got the hair (shorter one) and half way to the ideal I want. I'm still a somewhat underweight DYEL, but at least I've got a little more muscle and definition now. All that's left is to pretend I have a harem of thicc bois for my muscle fetish.
I 100% approve of your goals. Holy shit.
That girl is hot. Would defend.
Not a fan of some of the outfits there, especially that necklace. I feel like there are always better ones. Simplistic is better, especially if you've already got a lot of muscle. That's an accessory in itself.
Sauce on girl with piercing
poast template
no u
On The Waterfront is a really good movie starring Marlon Brando.
youre a girl? can you show us a picture of your boobs please??
brando is mirin cena
Doesn't matter really, as you said it has useful benifits. If you're going to have to kick in doors, secretly, in E.Germany and shit then you should probably use every advantage you can get, including getting jacked as possible with roids. And he still trains in his 50s which speaks volumes about his attitute and work ethic concerning fitness, I'll probably cruise test once I get that age. No reason to stay natty just to prove a point, if you want health and a better functioning body then get it.
Marc Antoni/Octavian
I think a cleaner cut would be better for the left hairstyle.
Why the world needs you to only ever have stubble at most.
Mate don't wear V cuts. Like the hair though.
10/10 for Visas Marr.
Stoner hair when you're not doing it for a movie roll?
>Not having bangs
Pretty good. Should work on your core a bit more than that though.
What a wanker.
Dislike the hair but if you're balding then I guess it's fine.
Military lover?
Hi grandpa.
Stop the long beards. The right hair looks far better. Though desu I think it looks pretty douchy.
Nice class bro.
Oswin for the wi-. Wait you didn't post Victorian Clara. Well nvm then.
Classic Schmosby. Not sure about the clothing desu.
Lucoa's hot but you should really wear bangs babe.
so your ideal is to dress like a twink?
what a fag