So I started working out 2 month ago with stronglifts 5x5 program. My gains are good, but I had difficulties forcing my body to maintain good form, especially while bench and overhead pressing. So I did some research and I'm pretty sure its my shitty posture.
Those 2 videos showcase my problem exactly. I want to fix it as fast as possible, so I can workout properly. Can you guys help me with incorporating posture work in 5x5? Or should I stop lifting and focus on posture work until its fixed?
Fucking posture
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Honestly one of my biggest takeaways from the Navy is my presteen posture. A lot of shit is obvious but you still may never know unless someone teaches you.
Pristine buddy
Haha whoops, thanks.
They weren't big on spelling, as long as I didnt crash the boat and could read sonar I was good.
Is it normal to have your back go in just right above your butt a little bit? Even If I lay down there is still a gap right above my butt
Take up yoga dailly , only way to fix posture and mobility issues .
Know any good beginner yoga routines? I'm stiff as a board.
might be anterior pelvic tilt
The best way is look on Youtube for beginer level sessions , i find doing dailly small amounts is better that doing an hour once a week that nukes you .This girl is cool and how i started
Alright, just tried her 30 days yoga for beginners. I'm gonna call legit. Thanks Jow Forums
keep at it , her videos are the main reason why i recovered from a bad knee injury and is starting to fix the leg imbalance that caused it in the first place
Just looked it up and I guess its normal for your spine to go in a bit. I can just slide my hand under the space when I lay down so i think im good.
shes too hot. How can I do yoga with a boner?
my posture is 90% fixed but it has taken months, getting this last 10% straightened out is a chore
>not a manlet so have to walk around hunch backed or leaning to one side so i dont ram my head into cast iron valves 24/7
hows the weather down there shipmate?
stretching, foam rolling and consciously holding good posture. Take a look around at most normal people and nearly everyone has shit posture, shoulders rolled forward, head forward, back bent, hips out etc. It's something I really notice now and it helps triggers me to correct it
To be honest I spend much of the day lying on bed in this position. With my head propped up or awkwardly tilted, and higher back raised slightly. Is there any way to relax on bed with a more ergonomic posture?
Sleeping on floor