
This shit suck, it’s so bad my ears are clogged. I don’t have a ear infection, I’ve tried everything from you can buy off the shelf but nothing is working.

Attached: 2FF76E0B-3A9E-4FEA-BEAA-84AB334C3DFC.jpg (1920x1080, 132K)

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I share your pain OP, and I've tried about everything as well, even a damn neti pot. Recently, swimming only one foot deep I got a sinus squeeze so bad I actually had tunnel vision from the pain, which persisted for about two weeks.

Bump for answers

I think I may have a sinus infection too. Feeling tons of pressure behind my eyes and nose is fucked up.


>google sinusitis
>click treatments section
>suggests nasal washing for self treatment
>long list of medications available

just intubate your sinuses or vacate them manually with syringe and a mirror

Have you try this, my men ?
I used to have severe crisis as a kid and now they are much less painful and this cure most.

Attached: 220px-InhalerVAP.jpg (220x286, 10K)

I dont need a piss pot!!! I need My sinus CLEAR FUCking BITCH

try boiling water
inhale the steam for 15 min and cover your head with a towel

Go to doctor dumbass

I got rid of it with a nose shower and saltwater

Try oil pulling

Make a mix of salt and hot water, let it cool until it's tap water temperature, pour some on your hand in a cup-shape and then snort it like it was cocaine on both nostrils. It should be a strong enough snort that will make the water come through your inside part of your nostrils and spit it through your mouth.

Do it twice a day (morning and before bed) for around 3 days and check if there's any improvement.
It's about half a teaspoon of salt per glass of water.

do this

beta glucan. Take a teaspoon for the first few few days then if it works take like a gram as maintenance.


Seriously. Do it for a week and see how that goes. It works wonders.

I can’t believe nobody has said sudafed. Shit works.

don't get Sudafed it fucks up your blood pressure and gives you skipped beats and palpitations. I had the same problem as you guys, and got prescriptions for 2 OTC drugs: fenofexadine and Fluticasone. I haven't had a single issue for 4 months, and this is after torture for months

Get one of those boreing syringes and make a hole in the sinuses to drain it like they do in hospitals.

I'm plagued with this bullshit a couple times a years, usually mid spring and mid fall.

What color is your snot? When you lightly press on your forehead (just above your eyes) and your cheeks (on either side of your nose) how does it feel? Is the pressure effecting your eyes? Are you nauseous (with no headache)?

If any of your answers are:
>Gack green/puss yellow
>Deep discomfort (5/10 on pain scale or more)

Then most OTC treatments will only help somewhat with symptoms and you will 99% need antibiotics to get rid of it. Its an infection, not a just stuffy nose. The tissue is inflamed and producing more than just mucus.

If your symptoms haven't quite gotten there, or you only have one of them to a minimal degree then you can probably get away with using OTC medications to get rid of it.

go to chiropractor


You will need to first minimize whatever is setting off your immune system. Get a weather app that measures pollen levels (there are some that even tell you what kind of pollen too), and try to use that to predict when you will have issues now and in the future. Get a good antihistamine. This is happening because your body went overboard trying to keep foreign bodies out of your shit and it let even worse shit in becasue of it. Some people have good luck with taking Benedryl when counts are high, others need daily Claritin. Find out what works for you. This will keep your body from overreacting to whatever is fucking with you.

Next you will need to see if its something you need antibiotics for. I listed a simple test above. If you have any of those symptoms, or a tell-tale fever, you should see a doctor and get some meds. OTC won't cut it as the inflammation has let the bacteria present in your sinus canals wreak havoc and turn this into something other than a stuffy nose.

Next will be to mitigate symptoms, with or without infection. You can do this with nasal spray that helps dry the canals, warm saline solutions to help drain and dry canals, strong decongestants like mucinex and suddafed, and inflammatory pain medications. Please remember to be taking meds from step one (and two if you have an infection) or you are just going to treat the symptoms rather than the cause.