
Just fucking end me already,goddamn retard parents not only they gave me their shit genetics but they also forgot to feed me vitamin D

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You didn't drink milk? What are you a shitskin?

dmitry klokov is bow legged, does it affect performance or is it just aesthetic?

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Anybody else normal alignment but with duck feet?

Jensen Ackles is bow legged, I doubt anyone on Earth gives a shit.

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it can only be corrected under the age of 3 idiot, and milk is not enough

It makes you more prone to knee arthritis ,which is what i have right now.

dam, wish u the best man

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Thanks, y-you too

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Yeah I got that too. I look retarded when I run. I used to run normal before I broke my femur when I was twelve

Guess who else is bow-legged you fucking fag

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But did he get a knee arthritis out of it though, you fucking fag?

I know that feel, can't run for shit because of it.

does your knees hurt when you do hack squats?

I have knbee valgus, wanna exchange? I can't squat over 1.5pl8 without knees caving in.

My knees are fine, it's my shins that suck.

No he didn't because he knows how to squat and your arthritis didn't come from being bow-legged, it came from you not knowing wtf you are doing

i didn't even squat before i got it,i got it from running/playing football, the doctor told me my bow legs was the cause since it makes your knee bones closer to each other making it easier to fuck up your bones.

I had feet going inwards like I was some kind of a retarded doll and my mom forced my to go do ballet. it actually fixed it.

Which one do I have?

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every damn week there is a new Jow Forums posts that indirectly points out something about my body that makes me feel insecure

fucking klinefelters syndrome

I dont think i have that

Either normal or the one on the left

It's bad for you just like any other deformity.

Valgus, you clearly can't touch heels together.

Well fucking running and playing a full contact sport would give you knee arthritis anyway

Not with normal alignment it wouldn't.

It gives you arthritis faster than a normal knee, i normal person doesn't get arthritis at the age of fucking 16

Muscles help offload that part of your anatomy. If you begin safe, slow, methodical weight-training, you may help mitigate some of the damage because your muscles can help control impact and the brunt of any activity.

I can't tell you the number of people who are completely sedentary in their 50s or 60s, and have arthritic and painful knee joints... and they're not bow-legged.

Regardless of what you choose to do in your life (lift, not-lift, cardio, just be a sedentary fatass) you will most likely end up with arthritic knee joints earlier than most. So even if you decide to never lift a weight in your life and play it safe, you could still end up with painful arthritic knees. If you decide to lift and build up slowly, you can probably develop some leg muscle and that may help offload and decrease pain now and potentially in the future.

To add - try and visit a Sports Orthopaedic doctor or surgeon and just get their recommendation on painful knees. Not because you need surgery but because they may clear you for exercise or send you to physio/physical therapy to help give yo some basic strengthening stuff before you start out on your own.

Nobody here can completely tell you what is going on, but if you're bow-legged, a true Sports Ortho doc can help address and tell you what's what.

I see so many fat chicks with the left one. does obesity cause knock knee?

Fat>unbalanced muscles>apt>knocked>headforwardtilt>flatfeet