What exercise do you hate the most, Jow Forums? I fucking hate squats

What exercise do you hate the most, Jow Forums? I fucking hate squats.
>tfw 6'4 lanklet
>tfw it's a long way down and my hip flexibility has always been trash
>feel more exhausted than sore after doing them and never feel like i can actually get a lot of power out of them, unlike deadlifts.

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If you hate squats for being tall boy you gonna love deadlifts

I already said i love deadlifts. The movement feels much more natural and smoother to me

who is this thot and why is her pusy so puffy

firstly, you are a faggot for hating squats
secondly 6'4 isn't tall, thats average. 6'6+ is considered tall buddy
thirdly you are a mobilitylet, no excuses other than you are lazy to work on mobility, one of the main focuses of athletes

you hate squats because you are lazy

Oh i still do them, so no laziness here. It's just that i fucking hate them.

I can tell she pulled her panties up to her hips.
Fucking stupid bitch.
I swear To god I wish i coulr kill this bitch img guk kill hee abd eat her ljssy

You’re not some abnormal giant buddy
Just fucking squat like everyone else

one thing that made me start liking squats is scrap doing high reps, do max 5-6 reps swap to strength training for squats not hypertrophy 3 sets of 12 stuff. Feels really good to be squatting heavy weights, you don't get that nasty hurtful leg pump because the reps are low, and you don't get massive DOMS

>6'4 isn't tall
Jesus Christ the amount of body dysmorphia on this site is crazy

same here

>its a fucking exercise for women
>heavy knee strain
>you look like a tool doing butt stuff

but apparently since its part of the classic ones I have to do it.

one arm dumbell row, i'm trying over and over but to retard to have an actual good form.

Rows is one of the few exercises where i feel it better when i do it with a barbell. For some reason dumbbell rows mainly seem to hit my biceps.

>6'4 is average

If you're Dinaric

You know you can do exercises and still hate them, right? I hate rows but i still do them. Hell i fucking hate cardio but i still do it three times a week.

>tfw i run for an hour and don't get runner's high
Cardio is a fucking scam.

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pineapplebrat on instagram

if you aren't 99.9th percentile you're average

>6'4 isn't tall

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it's average at best

fucking pigmie,

how's the weather down there, dwarf? If you're not 7'5 then you might as well give up

By the hell on me I cant comprehend why I hate squats yet front squats are so much fun. If i could i would do massive volume weekly in FS.

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I can never keep my goddamn back straight

>muh height
It's actually only due to your subhuman tibia:femur ratio and leg:body ratio.


Also 6'3 and I hate calf raises

nothing to do with height, everything to do with proportions

you have long femurs relative to your torso, which makes squatting a struggle for you

do lowbar if you aren't already

I absolutely hate doing curls.

I hate training abs