
60 year old roider and still MORE JACKED than you will ever be.

The reason why you don't roid:

You are scared for needles
Too poor to afford them/''don't know where to get them''
Believing in the meme media side effects

Attached: 60yearold-mad.jpg (726x480, 64K)

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Mostly the "don't know where to get them"

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I would do them but it's so much effort to learn everything

Do I approach the biggest guy in change room and ask for his source?

Pretty easily reversed for 99% of people.

Who cares about balls? I can tell you woman won't don't give a shit about them.

But then again you're a incel virgin, what do you know about woman. The closest you ever been to woman was your own mother

If you know how to google you know how to get them, retarded cuck COPE excuses

Know how to inject, know how to live a healthy life style. That's it.

OK buddy

Attached: received_10160545864055574.jpg (690x1001, 36K)

Anyone who's happy with their results from steroid use would not be posting on fucking Jow Forums trying to convince other people to fuck up their endocrine system aswell to make them feel better about their shitty choices hahah

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b-but blood work and hormones

Keep fucking dyel then, while I am fucking JACKED and mogg the shit out of you dyels

Als you can do is cope.

>muhhhh balls
>muhhh lack of intelligence to find a source
>muhh meme side effects

Behold your fucking GOD

i don't know about the shitty choices. Feels pretty good to mogg the shit out of you dyels and being superior to you

Attached: GOD.jpg (500x667, 41K)

Dude you have serious bdd

Imagine being this insecure, yikes.
True alpha chad roidgods don't spend time larping on Jow Forums about how goot they are, they are actually competing in shit or being likeable on social media.

Can someone doxx this guy

why are you showing your balls and tiny penor lmao at the tiny censored box

DUDE you have serious anorexia



Imagine being so secure that you are hiding behind an anonymous name like a fucking pussy. No pictures, no nothing because you no are no challenge for me

I am unmoggable

Oh nooo the internet cuc.k wizards are going to use their super secret cuc,k power on me to make me scared. Nobody can stop me, I am an unstoppable godly FORCE

Attached: 224.jpg (450x495, 33K)

>not injecting oil

>mast crushing normie/fit/

get em

You seem to be very triggered. Did someone bullied you today, user???

mast why do you hide your face? i'm pretty sure you didn't used to and I know what you look like.

lmao if you think this is a real picture of real balls pre and post roids, what do you think they cut one out then did a cycle and cut out the other just to see what happened?

He ugly and acne

post a timestamped photo you faggot

>Nobody can stop me, I am an unstoppable godly FORCE
How long until he tries to stop a moving car or outrun a train?

>Imagine being so secure that you are hiding behind an anonymous name like a fucking pussy.

says the guy posting on his keyboard
imagine being so insecure all you have going for you is showing off your roid gains on an anonymous image board

y i k e s

You mad i also have the looks.


I mogg you in every aspect in life.

Imagine being this jealous HOLY FUCK

I post pictures because i am proud of it. How is that making me insecure?

Insecure is YFKCING YOU, that never post pictures because he's too secure to do it, LMAO

Attached: e2.jpg (605x801, 76K)

LMAO what's up it's you again

that's what I mean tho. what's the point of censoring your face in certain pics and not in others? being serious, not a jelly h8r

>squintfraud manlet

l m a o

>imagine namefagging on Jow Forums
>imagine role playing as someone you aren't

post time stamp or your just some fat cunt posting someone elses pics from instagram lmao

Nah m8. This is just your regular roided rage. Most of the time it ends when his liver commits sudoku.
Or it could be just the ball shrinkage thing, who knows?

That's actually what he looks like, masTer posts on here all the time. It's pathetic

>Imagine being so secure that you are hiding behind an anonymous name like a fucking pussy
You mean like you are doing right now rofl?
>your brain on roids

The dude posts in /fraud/ all the time homie. That's actually what he looks like.

>Or it could be just the ball shrinkage thing, who knows?
I think it's small penis cope.

why does he keep wasting his time on this shit board, seriously blows my mind how someone so built can still be so insecure and pathetic lmao

>why does he keep wasting his time on this shit board, seriously blows my mind how someone so built can still be so insecure and pathetic lmao
micro-penis syndrome......

you're here, do you plan on stopping at some arbitrary point of gains? do you think you can outlift your addiction?

Body dysmorphia disorder.

Attached: 3FEB5F56-F7F5-4880-AE47-287BDDBA53D9.jpg (894x894, 185K)

What's the point of living when you are born with shit genetics like you have

being serious not jelly h8r

this was me natty btw, try to look at this picture and not get mad knowing i did this natty and you could not do it even with roids

If you find the pictures somewhere on the internet beside the archive, i am going to show my dick which you can then print out to attach to your own dick because that's the only way to make your imaginary ugly gf is able to cum

Not being payed to BTFO you twink out of the water

Attached: natty-cut.jpg (386x420, 40K)

Mentally ill is my guess

He legit looks like he should've made it, I have been on /fraud/ for 3 times total, and every single time I've been there there he was talking trash about other people, always putting others down, he legit seems pathetic, no person that's actually chad would do this on an anonymous imageboard in hopes of getting some internet points.

You looked better before, when you were "natty".
Never change mastercel.

He's always on /fraud/ talking shit and posting pics of himself for fake internet fame lol it's kinda sad

Is this what roid rage looks like?

You are insane. Nobody gives a shit about you on this board. If you died today, nobody here would care......

No he's just legitimately mentally ill. It's kinda sad because I remember seeing pics of him when he was natty and he looked pretty good

>You can do steroids forever bro, trust me!
>What are you poor?
>Nah they're not addictive at all bro, trust me
>No you don't shink back down the second you stop taking this dangerous and illegal substance

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Well this guy is being pegged by a cutie now.

this cunt ate 10000 calories of energy drinks and mcdonalds every day for ten years

bro cancer is shit no matter if you take roids or not what are you even talking about

You never looked good, Not before not now, not in a fucking decade. NEVER

>muhhh it's not fair he bullies us,

MOMMM I GET BULLIED ON THE INTERNET AGAIN. Good for you faggot son. i wish i had a son like masT who is not a faggot like my own son SM.H

For someone who people don't care about, I get a lot of reactions LMAO



I rather die 10 years sooner and lived like a GOD, then fucking die 10 years later and died as an invisible dyel loser

Attached: d3.jpg (420x243, 87K)

your brain on roids kids

Not even steroids can fix that face

Attached: masTer.jpg (240x200, 10K)

>roiding for this

Your brain when you got BFTO into oblivion by a superior man

I also btfo you in face.

I btfo anyone on this board on all aspect of life, TRY ME

>finding reasons to get out of bed everyday while being you

Attached: you-after-you-discovered-your-shit-genetics.jpg (500x375, 22K)

Lmao it's the lips

You are projecting your own experience onto other people, your own shit genetics made you hop on roids, and that's undeniable.
Your own shit genetics made you so desperate for gains that you just had to start using, you can't deny this.
Your shit brainlet genetics also had an impact on the decision, something to think about lad.

funny how you put height last; where in fact its height, face, frame
youre like a 160cm turbo manlet and with that ugly roided body you look an overcompensating little kid
inb4 long response post filled with LMAOO, XDD, LOOLLLL and shitting on others
grow the fuck up man

dude don't call him out on his height he might actually post yet ANOTHER selfie of him while claiming he is totally not a manlet with 0 evidence lmao

Nah dude, he's posted pics of when he was natty and he looked fine. It's just sad

Someone post that pic of him next to the dumbbell rack proving that he's 5"3 to 5"5 lmao

Kinda hilarious how this dude thinks he is so much better than everyone and at the same time seems to be the maddest of them all.

I bet i can show you are couple of my natty pictures you can use as a standard you will never achieve with your shit genetics

EVEN WITH STEROIDS you will not achieve with i did natty in 4 years

I got that covered as well. YOU HAVE ZERO LEVERAGE AGAINST ME

I btfo you in looks, i btfo you in woman, i btfo you in muscles .IN EVERYTHING I am better than you


you willing to trust someone like that on what he actually achieved before juice?
didn't he have really terrible photos of himself literally skinnyfat tier that are posted from time to time by other people when he starts pretending he was jacked before roids?

Nice edited pic, someone post the real one

I can't remember. I just remember on a /fraud/ a couple months ago I asked what he looked like natty and he looked pretty decent.

>he's not natty


Attached: e21.jpg (924x499, 37K)

How many times do I have to tell you to get a damn tan MassT.... All these gains and you still insist on haunting the gym with your spooky paleness.
>ITT a literall ghost thinks he mogs anyone

But I am better than everyone. or can someone prove the opposite? hmmm

>he looked fine

I NEVER SAW A NATTY BODY in your fucking cancerous cuck board better than my natty body


Attached: NATTY-4 years.jpg (461x497, 37K)

>I got that covered as well. YOU HAVE ZERO LEVERAGE AGAINST ME
>literally admitting roiding to compensate
>I btfo you in looks, i btfo you in woman, i btfo you in muscles .IN EVERYTHING I am better than you
you know nothing about any user here yet you keep making these pathetic claims, google projecting :^)

because you weren't natty then lmao

What is there i need to compensate? I have good genetics, i have good face, big penis.

What is there i need to compensate for, just tell me

>because i have shit genetics everyone must have shit genetics
DINNG DINNG WAKE UP FAGGOT, not everyone has the same .c.uck. genetics. There are people like you, that are there just by accident. AND THERE ARE GOD-TIER genetics like mine, who can just grow muscle by just thinking about a dumbbell

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This thread is pretty funny

Every thread with m'sperglord in it is a hoot

>because i have shit genetics everyone must have shit genetics
you have shit genetics though, that's why you keep posting pics of you on gear, not when you were truly natty
show me that photo, and you know which I am talking about, the one where you aren't posting like a faglord, with a black tank top, you literally looked like a skinnyfat gomad retard before roids.

>good genetics
manlet who used roids to build muscles
and anyone, ANYONE who is confident with his X wouldnt shit on other people's X out of the blue to validate himself
>good face
yet you never show it 100% in photos
>big penis
this sounds like a 9th graders banter
with a shirt on you'd look like a obese 13yo who needs a parent to enter the rollercauster

Here's something he put in the last /fraud/ that perfectly shows how delusional he is

>Get outside with my gf
>looking big and huge af
>people constantly miring and calling me
>we go to a store to buy something
>2 cashiers are mirin my massiveness and are saying wow we have never seen somehow lik youbefore, only likee in those moviess anf stuff it look so unreal woow
>you want to touch my bicep to see if it;'s real, sure why not
>touches my my bicep
>gf mad and Jealous af
>we leave the store
>what was she thinking she was exaggerating too much while being mad af

>get outside with gf
>woman are saying i look good

This level of delusion is worrying


imagine being so obsessed you would keep this in your memory and bring it up later when you get mad

Yeah you're right it's not like /fraud/ is on the first page of fit or anything lol

Reminds me of the alphadestiny lemonade story

he's the next elliot rodgers, but he's gonna shoot up gold's venice
screencap this

>in the last /fraud/

Are you even aware how genetics work dumbass. You can inject everything what you want, you will never look as good as me because you have a SHIT FRAME and SHIT INSERTIONS While I AM PERFECTLY SCULPTED

Didn't you see my natty pictures? Are you just holding your hands before you eyes and count until ten until there are new messages so they will disappear from your screen


He could not understand this would happen to him because he's dyel and ugly


dude that's nothing, was just an example from 1000 other examples. I seriously cringe every time you create this ''mire thread'', seeing this as something extraordinary good while it should be a fucking normal/natural thing LMAO

Attached: 5bf.jpg (480x318, 16K)

I'm not here to fight you buddy, there's bigger more chemically enhanced fish to fry right now
Truce? :)

Absolutely autistic. Go shoot up your gym

if you looked good natty with your "godtier" genetics why would you roid?
did somebody lie to you and said they make you taller :^)

come on dude, are you gonna pussy out on me and not post the legendary front relaxed pic of you on your legendary black top without angles looking like a straight dyel?
you looked like dog shit in that one, almost as if you weren't on roids then.

I would never change what Allah has made.
He blessed me with limited strength and size and i will carry it in his service until i perish

My man, why are you behaving like a raging insecure child? Did your family and friends shun you because of the roids or what is the issue here?

Get some help

Because I am ambition and always strive to be better than everyone else. Feels good to mogg dyels like you on daily basis

Being better is what drives me dick getting fucking hard as diamonds

I am not sure which pictures you talk about. But regardless of what angle/lightning you always look like shit so how does that even prove something to your point.

>he's so secure about himself he only tries to think of this picture to able to feel better about his own shortcommings

Attached: b61eb-thinkstockphotos-92134543.jpg (1600x1063, 162K)

>"I am ambition"

perspective fraud. camera is higher than the stack of dumbbells, dumbbells are in front. when the camera is high that makes people in the back look taller. if the camera were lower than the dumbbells the opposite would be true (the dumbbells would look higher than they are).

That's exactly an unknown word for you.

Just be yourself bro, just make sure that you have a good personality LMAO

What about this, just let your calculations go fucking LOOSE, youy fucking NERD

Attached: REKT.jpg (725x588, 145K)

>if i have bigger muscles then i am better
t. brainlet
if you were really happy with your shit genetics you wouldnt roid you manlet

>I am ambition
>what drives me dick getting
>how does that even prove something to your point
>he's so secure about himself
>to think of this picture to able to feel
lmao, does roids also shrink the brain or is it just the testicles?

>Because I am ambition and always strive to be better than everyone else.
You are better than autists on an anime forum. Who the fuck cares. You have no right to call yourself better than everyone else unless you win Mr. Olympia.

>Roiding to look bigger than anime fans

>he's so delusional and traumatized by his shit genes that he can't even admit that he looked like shit before roids

oh no no no this coping lmao

Good work bro. If the rouids make you happy go for it. Looking swole af. Just a shame that you're so insecure about something in your life that you feel the need to post and argue with Jow Forums users lol. Kinda makes you look like a douche man. Hopefully you'll look back at this in a decade or so and be able to laugh about it. Nevertheless, keep it up the gains dude.