Who do you lift for?
Who do you lift for?
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this and eternal glory
for her
why do the cutest ones always have a benis?
yen is best girl
For Chinese dominance
my mental sanity
My husband, two sons, and daughter.
For the superior girl of course
>playing witcher 3
>choose yen because obviously superior waifu
>play ng+ with the intention of choosing the opposite of everything I did first time
>choose yen again
yen is just a miracle
fuck me she's perfect
>user in charge of not being a cuck
Gonna make ot brah
I've heard (from this board) that that pic is shopped and it is a girl
either way perfect specimen
Yen is a fucking borderline nagging bitch tho. Triss is wife material
For my ethnic people.
Taylor ofc
>Play W3
>Pick Yen even though I hate her because it's what Geralt would want, and it's the canon story.
Fuck this bitch, can't wait to pick Triss in ng+
Ciri is the best but sadly she's your "daughter". Shani is the best of the fuckable girls.
Yeah I lift for pussy I'm not proud but at least I'm honest
Spotted the cuck. Triss is a manipulative cunt who only wants Geralt because she’s jealous of Yen.
I lift for my family to prove to them that change is possible
Muh dug
Feel that brother, lifting has been the best anti depressant for me
I'm unironically and seriously lifting and getting in a better shape just so I will be able to take my shirt off without feeling like ass. Then I will FINALLY invite that cutie for a swim. Wish me luck bros, we're gonna make it.
>Oh thats right, user! I forgot all about you
No more.
Keira is superior.
So true
black queens...
Jow Forums discord
My 黑人!
please do not make racist replies to my posts thanks
Lifting for my future kids, I don't want to be a pathetic dad
looks like shit compared to his brother tbqhwyf
for her
This too
>I've already won
get the fuck out of here
Lancerfag reporting for duty!
I lift for her
Triss is a filthy thot!
is the canon one where she becomes a princess or a witcher ? always wondered that
The only correct answer
Yen nearly ruined W3 for me. Fuck her attitude, fuck Triss too. Why can't Geralt go WGTOW (witchers going their own way)? He 100% has a mommy fetish and loves being treated like shit. Faggot
Witcher. Just lol at Duny getting cucked twice
b-but...that's a man
When did Rachel Dolezal get fake tits?
For any decent looking white woman willing to birth 5+ children.
lol are you blind
Triss is so fucking boring
For those sweet, sweet happiness neurotransmitters, because i have to much free time [spoiler] and for my tulpa [/spoiler]
Low IQ families have more children on average
>tfw no QT short hair germanic actress gf who also played the best female villain in a movie in the last 10 years
Antje pls notice me ;_;
; ^)
For those sweet, sweet happiness neurotransmitters, because i want to do something productive with my free time and for my tulpa
>Spotted the cuck
hitler but for the last couple of years i've been doing it for fun
I do it for the milkies
Absolutely based
is this peak natty? or low dose of test?
>tfw getting mobbed by qts
this one