Who do you lift for?

Who do you lift for?

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this and eternal glory

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for her

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why do the cutest ones always have a benis?

yen is best girl


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For Chinese dominance

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my mental sanity

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My husband, two sons, and daughter.

For the superior girl of course

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>playing witcher 3
>choose yen because obviously superior waifu
>play ng+ with the intention of choosing the opposite of everything I did first time
>choose yen again

yen is just a miracle

fuck me she's perfect

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>user in charge of not being a cuck

Gonna make ot brah

I've heard (from this board) that that pic is shopped and it is a girl
either way perfect specimen

Yen is a fucking borderline nagging bitch tho. Triss is wife material

For my ethnic people.

Taylor ofc

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>Play W3
>Pick Yen even though I hate her because it's what Geralt would want, and it's the canon story.
Fuck this bitch, can't wait to pick Triss in ng+

Ciri is the best but sadly she's your "daughter". Shani is the best of the fuckable girls.

Yeah I lift for pussy I'm not proud but at least I'm honest

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Spotted the cuck. Triss is a manipulative cunt who only wants Geralt because she’s jealous of Yen.

I lift for my family to prove to them that change is possible

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Muh dug

Feel that brother, lifting has been the best anti depressant for me

I'm unironically and seriously lifting and getting in a better shape just so I will be able to take my shirt off without feeling like ass. Then I will FINALLY invite that cutie for a swim. Wish me luck bros, we're gonna make it.

>Oh thats right, user! I forgot all about you
No more.

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Keira is superior.

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So true

black queens...

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Jow Forums discord

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My 黑人!

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please do not make racist replies to my posts thanks

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Lifting for my future kids, I don't want to be a pathetic dad

looks like shit compared to his brother tbqhwyf

for her

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This too

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>I've already won

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get the fuck out of here

Lancerfag reporting for duty!

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I lift for her

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Triss is a filthy thot!

is the canon one where she becomes a princess or a witcher ? always wondered that

The only correct answer

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Yen nearly ruined W3 for me. Fuck her attitude, fuck Triss too. Why can't Geralt go WGTOW (witchers going their own way)? He 100% has a mommy fetish and loves being treated like shit. Faggot

Witcher. Just lol at Duny getting cucked twice

b-but...that's a man

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When did Rachel Dolezal get fake tits?

For any decent looking white woman willing to birth 5+ children.

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lol are you blind

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Triss is so fucking boring

For those sweet, sweet happiness neurotransmitters, because i have to much free time [spoiler] and for my tulpa [/spoiler]

Low IQ families have more children on average


>tfw no QT short hair germanic actress gf who also played the best female villain in a movie in the last 10 years

Antje pls notice me ;_;

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; ^)

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For those sweet, sweet happiness neurotransmitters, because i want to do something productive with my free time and for my tulpa


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>Spotted the cuck


hitler but for the last couple of years i've been doing it for fun

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I do it for the milkies

Absolutely based

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is this peak natty? or low dose of test?

>tfw getting mobbed by qts

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this one

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