Box Jumps

>Box Jumps
>vertical position of the box remained unchanged

Attached: 1470774711879.jpg (698x672, 139K)

God damn it. This actually got me to laugh. Fuck you op

>Bench press
> I'm the one pressing

>farmer walks
>I'm not a farmer

>decline bench
>do it anyway


Attached: 1319751797430.jpg (1600x1200, 1M)

>bulgarian split
>forgot my axe home

>trap bar deadlift
>still not gay

>Russian Twist
>prefer frozen yogurt

>good mornings
>it's 2pm

>Chest fly
>it's still on my body

>get evicted

>where's my oar?

>power clean
>no electricity is used and everything is just as dirty

I love these threads

Attached: nigel farage.jpg (960x638, 102K)

>Own my own house

holy fuck

>calf press
>Gym has no cows besides the women

>leg extensions
>still a manlet

Attached: 1529999448370.jpg (700x400, 74K)

Best one

Attached: 1501936359578.jpg (387x353, 24K)

>do clean & jerk
>banned from gym for masturbating in the showers

Attached: mad.jpg (300x226, 23K)


>bicep curls
>have to shave upper arm

>tricep extensions
>now a circus freak because my arms drag on the ground

>before bregfasd :DDD

Attached: images.png (174x127, 3K)

>get arrested

gets me every time


>dont move at all

>attempt squat
>gym kicks me out after 12 hours

>dragon flags
>gym is now sovereign territory of Bhutan

Attached: download (1).png (275x183, 8K)

>address the bar
>forget to add postage stamp

>deadlift Sumo style
>remain fully clothed

>leg extentions
>i never get taller

>wall sit
but wall stand

Attached: 1530012274533.jpg (240x240, 9K)

Attached: get_a_load_of_this_guy.jpg (675x450, 46K)

>perform reverse bicep curls
>legs grow instead

>hammer curls
>can't hit nails properly anymore

>still depressed

Nice 1, new 2 me

>military press
>tfw civilian

Attached: 140543567.gif (425x481, 1.51M)

>good mornings
>it's well past 5pm

>free weights area
>always picked clean

>i don't have to burp or pee

>pistol squat
>get shot for illegal carry


>ball crunch
>testicles are bleeding

>chest flies
>i'm not ethiopian

Attached: 1459418469228.jpg (682x600, 100K)

still alive

>sit ups
>terrible posture

>no ygg leaf

Attached: flavor town.jpg (633x749, 199K)

> Overhead press
> My head didn't get pressed at all

Attached: delete this feel.jpg (805x1000, 86K)

> Indoor cycling
> No one is doing a steroid cycle
> Chin ups
> Don't have to move your chin at all

Always gets me

>Jow Forums

>Russian twist
>Lose the war

Attached: Eastern_Front_1941-06_to_1941-12.png (1201x920, 330K)

>im not a necromancer

>forgot my gun

Attached: not-exercising-the-brain-muscle.png (1217x438, 167K)

>concentration curls
>get distracted

>face pulls
>grandma calls me her favorite grandson

>Windshield wipers
>No rain

>lateral raise
>income doesn't increase

>do German Volume Training
>I'm not Muslim

Attached: 1529964096652.png (340x319, 187K)

Attached: frodo_smiles.jpg (411x418, 43K)

>calf raises
>they don't get slaughtered

Attached: 1523762507463.gif (308x296, 1.39M)

watch yourself, kaffir

Attached: 1527782340580.jpg (483x368, 38K)

>no question was asked nobody has spoken to me in weeks

>zombie fuckers
>not a necrophiliac

Wtf is a zombie fucker

Go into a plank, hold it for 40 seconds then violently bring your hips down and up repeatedly while still in plank position.

So it is as dumb as it sounds

No, it’s oretty good.
Only I got tok into it once at the gym and sort of moaned. Everyone just went quiet and looked st me


>fist rapes
>arrested for sexual misconduct

>Aztec curls
>Spaniards steak my bench

Is this oc?

>live in government subsidized housing

Yes! Glad you liked it :)