Does vaping hurt lung function and kill cardio?

Does vaping hurt lung function and kill cardio?

Attached: Vape-Nation-Video.jpg (1200x630, 132K)

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We dont know for sure yet, but by all means be a case study


>artifical chemicals being roasted by a burning hot coil and inhaled

gee i wonder

My cardio has gone up since I’ve stopped smoking and started vaping. I don’t have a baseline because before I started smoking I didn’t do any exercise really. If your smoking best option is to quit, 2nd best is to vape. I don’t cough or feel out of breath anymore, less sore throat and feel better in general.

Vaping is worse than smoking
>artificial chemicals
>risk of popcorn lung
>early studies show higher risk of cancer
>makes you look gay as hell
>used mostly by white trash who can't afford to smoke
>makes your lungs too moist

>>risk of popcorn lung
>popcorn lung



Despite what you've heard, our lungs weren't meant for inhaling smoke of any kind. Smoking anything damages your lungs. Depending on what it is will dictate the severity of the damage.

It doesn't even matter, you're still a gigantic faggot for doing it regardless

Attached: 1497984155390.gif (270x199, 198K)

I vaped for a few years and nothing changed.

Vaping is for faggots

Vapor isnt smoke dumbass

I hope so. We'd get rid of a bunch of annoying faggots.

Let me just inhale some chemical vapors. It's fine man, it's not smoke. Just vapor.

This post is objectively false

In my subjective experience, yes. It's why I stopped.

It's not harmless, but from what is currently known, it is like 90% better than smoking cigarettes.

>who cant afford to smoke
Nigger youre trolling. Juul pods costs about the same as a pack of smokes per pod, but each pod claims to be the same amount as a pack of smokes but we all know thats bullshit. So to get the same effect as smoking a pack a day, vaping is more expensive

Cope more you vaping faggot. If it's not the air that keeps us alive then it's bad. Didn't think that actually needed to spelled out for you fucktard.

It's all true.

>artificial chemicals
>popcorn lung
>makes you look gay as hell
>used mostly by white trash who can't afford to smoke
Many could afford to smoke. But they are still white trash.
>makes your lungs too moist
That might be false

We get it you vape

>inb4 no willpower just do it faggot hurr durr, go learn about addiction
I smoked 2 packs a day since I was 11, 26 now, quit a month ago. I've tried a lot of times but could never quit cold turkey, I'm too dependent. I tried chantix, was homicidal and suicidal by day 2, tried the patch and 6 hours in it literally burned a small hole in my skin, so I got a small, discreet, high nicotine vapor device. I only use it when I'm having a nic fit, and I wait the fit out as long as possible each time, just so I dont yo back to cigarettes. Say what you want, I'm a vapor fag, but I want be for long and it's better than smoking.

>>artificial chemicals
>artificial automatically means bad.

>The researchers came to their findings by exposing 10 male mice to e-cigarette vapor — containing 10 milligrams of nicotine, which is comparable with what humans inhale — for 3 hours per day, 5 days per week, for 12 weeks

Who the fuck vapes for 3 hours a day? Even if someone is a pack a dayer, that's like an hour and a half. It sounds like an extremely biased and unreliable article. But hey, if it gets clicks amirite?

I don't think anyone argues that it's not a good way to stop smoking. But all the teens doing it today never smoked. They're being fed the same propaganda that was used to get kids to smoke cigarettes. But we don't know the long term effects.

If you start vaping for any reason other than to quit smoking, you're retarded.


Nice image brah, only the seven millionth time that le epic reaction gif has been used.