Planet Fitness is legit

>Go to new huge PF in town
>Ask for a day pass
>Ask about lunk alarm
"Uhh what? We don't have that here."
>See multiple people with gallon jugs, people grunting, muscle shirts, see a lot of fatties trying to get in shape too
>Huge selection of machines, sometimes 3 different ones for the same exercise or lift
>Huge free weights section with dumbbells and bars
>Ask why no deadlifts or bench
"Oh it's just a liability, for 10 bucks a month we get a lot of stupid people trying things they shouldn't, and back in the day the injuries were from free weight bench and deadlifts, the deadlifts also had people throwing them on the floor which jacked up a lot of the other pfs."
>Completely understandable
>Ask about free pizza and bagels
"Well yeah, all carbs, and we make money off the guilt, I don't think it's a big secret to people actually interested in fitness."
>He's right
>Huge fucking locker rooms with nice showers and even hair dryers
>Don't even need to bring a towel as every 5 feet there are paper towels and anti bacterial spray
>Like 800 fucking TV's

I signed up that day. Maybe my PF is different since it's in the south I dunno.

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So how you gonna bench and deadlift?


I personally don't do those. You do t have too, you realize that yeah?

People were doing squats and bench in these super Smith like machines that let the bar move in all directions.

Don't come at me with that horseshit STABILIZER MUSCLES HURRRRR

That shit is 100% myth.

>t. Planet fitness marketing team

Retro fitness is better

so you've never lifted before then right?

you're right where you belong

>dumbbells only go up to 75
>there IS a "lunk alarm"
>ezmode hydraulic smith machines doing all the work for you
>extreme pc pussy-pandering attitude
>front desk attendants are all dyel
>nowhere to do squats

I only go there as a joke with my friend sometimes

Not only are most smith machines not completely 90 degree verticle (which fucks your form)

But the mechanism in which they move takes weight off your back.

Ur not actually squating or beching in a smith machine

>more than zero TV's

for 10$ a month that sounds super comfy and nice, all those machines, and weights, space etc. just for $10 a month? spewin

OP please stop telling people about my comfy gym.

you posted the wrong pic, OP but i gotchu senpai

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He might be referring to the Jones machine, which allows forward and backward motion as well. They're better than Smith but it's still not the same. They've got that weird quality to them where they seem to conserve extra momentum from your movements

>I personally dont do those. You dont need to do those
>that 25yo boomer who does 3 different style of curls and thinks he's buff
Oh I am laughin

It's actually pretty nice, but I go free because my GF has a pass. I mostly do cardio and fake db bench stuff with the dumbbells

Dude come on, I'm sure you could find a gym that maybe costs a bit extra, but comes with a fucking bench with barbells. Jesus Christ.

I agree with not having to do deadlifts, after all only fat ass virgins squat and deadlift. But no bench? Are you a bitch?

I am, they had like 4 or 5 of those.

I mean, you can make believe what you want about me all you want, it doesn't make it true. Hey you lift ham for reps and have a 2inch penis.
See how stupid it is to make up stuff about people?

You can bench in the Jones machine, or dumbbell press, or use 3 different isolation machines to replace bench.

Try using your head instead of being a freeweight parroting puppet.

dumbell press is objectively superior in every way and they clearly have those in Op's pic.

Good luck benching heavy with dumbbells. Good way to snap your arm up.

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>That shit is 100% myth.

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Is this your car OP?
> note PF decal
Sounds like it could be.
That's the type of person PF attracts.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-28-16-34-26.png (2880x1440, 3.49M)

So how high do the dumbells go? They better go past 70kg if you want to make actual gains.

delet this thread.

Stick with the anti-PF threads, don't need yall crowding my gym.

>PF doesn't have benches
The one near me had a whole row. I went there for a few weeks when my usual gym closed for renovations.

Snap? Essplain.