What the fuck is James McAvoy on?
What the fuck is James McAvoy on?
Meant to post the rotated version
probably some of that creatine and whey powder
>Black Wizard
It's called working out
you should try it
post body
>Southern Priest
mr nigger doesnt have super powers. die hards power is that he can bench 350 even though you can find people much stronger than that in any strength gym. trannies power is actually real which is silly
they should have just had him be a looney who thinks hes some beast
>being the only survivor of a train crash is somehow less important than pushing a bunch of metal while lying down.
Jow Forums in a nutshell.
i dont understand. my point is that neither of them actually have powers
He's never been injured in his life and has super strength
And also when he touches people he sees their past
oh ok im an 18 year old boomer and my memory is too bad to remember any of that. so whats glasses power? super nigger who commits super crime?
wasn't it more specifically their crimes? He could detect rapists and thiefs by touching them iirc
Their power is their mental state. They dont really have superpowers, its that they believe they have them.
you're self aware, but continue to embarrass yourself
Just tell him you nigger.
he can touch people and get visions about the crimes they commit
hes wicked smaht
dat dere celltech
He's a comic book nerd.
on copious amounts of photoshop
I guess you could say he's on a... split.
why didn't they put their names under the characters they play?
350 lbs bench is bordering on elite level. Most strength lifters barely touch 315 in their career. There are maybe 10 guys at my powerlifting gym that hit 350 and above and only one of them isnt gassed.
He benches 5 plate for reps in a deleted scene.
Pants. Down. Now.
i dont get it
James McAvoy was the crazy dude in the movie "Split". Split is also slang for a popular training regiment.
holy shit
his bones break very easily that's why they called him mr. glass