Dumbbell>machine>barbell on any lifts except for squats. Also, fuck deadlifts.
Post your unpopular fitness opinion
> cable > dumbbells > barbell
> barbell > dumbbells > cable
> barbell >>>>>>>>>> machines
biceps and delts
> cable >>> barbell = dumbbell
> bodyweight >>> cable > barbell > dumbbell
Large quantities of muscle mass is the illusion of strength most of the time
There's nothing wrong with doing minimal leg workouts if you're just going for aesthetics
Machines work perfectly fine, and are actually better for newbies
You don't have to do deadlifts, squats, or even bench press to get jacked
Planet Fitness is a good cheap beginners gym
SS/5X5/GOMAD etc make you fat/look like a fridge/set you on the path to look like a brick shithouse but not anything aesthetically pleasing.
lifting for aesthetics is retarded and everyone doing it should be hanged to death
Dumbbel > barbell > machine on any lift including squats, also fuck deadlift
Fuxk dumbbel rows worst exercise ever
Never seen such a correct post on here
So you just started lifting this week huh OP?
Any exercise that causes you to bend at the wrist will take you to snap city. Upright row and dumbbell Curls where you turn the weights I'm looking at you
It's 100% possible to cut and add lean muscle mass at the same time but the scales won't move as fast though you are losing the same amount of fat as a non lifter.
Vitamins are good for you mentally and your joints.
Squats are legitimately the best quad exercise there is. If you did them and nothing else you would have aesthetic legs
Your 1rm has nothing to do with aesthetics
PPL is stupid and doesn't have enough exercises per body part.
A rotating 5 day routine is better than whole body three times per week
>A rotating 5 day routine is better than whole body three times per week
I agree with this but only for intermediate lifters.
Newbies can get more out of the full body workout.
how the fuck are you doing body weight for tris
if you say dips then leave
Bench press is the worst of the basic barbell movement patterns and the fact that it’s the poster child for lifting is a travesty.
Having big chest and arms is the literally the most important factor in looking like you lift and being able to kick someone’s ass. Have fun looking like a fucking homo because all you do is squats and deadlifts
No, that’s just a retarded opinion.
1 day on
2 days off
Your routine does not need to fit in a neat 7 day cycle
Fall asleep on 1 leg so it goes dead and then fold it up behind your back and use it to do tricep extensions
Powerlifting style training is dumb if you aren't a powerlifter and all the below points are aimed at people trying to gain general strength.
If you can't perform a behind the neck press you have bad shoulder flexibility.
Military press is a better excercise when done with ankles touching than the way most people do it.
A variety of rep ranges are always better than linear progression because it helps you get better form and find where your sticking points are.
Not doing isolations is dumb
Fat bar work and cable machines are essential.
Post body lmfao
>Natty lifters need to be working out 6 times per week
>Strength vs Aesthetics is stupid. It's just that one is for sport and one is for ""covertly"" advertising yourself to the gay community
>hanged to death
>not preferring being hanged just enough for a broken neck
Grunting while lifting is unnecessary and makes you look/sound retarded. Anyone who believes the "but muh diaphragm strength" meme is definitely retarded.
Tricep pushup perhaps?
I almost never do legs. No one calls me out for it because I have naturally large calves.
what are you a homo?
90% of girls will like you as long as you're not overweight. No amount of lifting will fix autism unfortunately.
front squats > back squats
dumbell bench movements and OHP > barbell(mainly for bench. I prefer OHP with barbell)
Jesus are you retarded
Best post since months
He's correct though.
You have no evidence to the contrary and if you mention mythical "stabilizer" muscles that don't exist go fuck yourself.
Machines teach and enforce proper form. It's 2018. This isn't Rocky IV. Free weights are for back water idiots. Machines have been designed for years to be perfect.
the minimum required amount of protein (0.6g per lb), extremely low fat and just enough carbs not to starve is the best way to cut
fucking idiot, clearly never lifted heavy
Actually yes, because muscles lose mass after about 2 weeks, so if you don't train all muscle groups at least once per week you're advancing very slowly.
>stabilizer muscles that don't exist
>Machines teach and enforce proper form
It's not hard to learn proper form with free weights, you can feel the muscles working when you're doing the things right.
Compound exercises are "superior" because you need more strength overall to perform them, "stabilizer" muscles "exist" because you need other muscles to maintain your posture/proper form, hence making you a stronger individual.
Machines are great exercises too tho, when you need isolation/superset.
Decline bench is infinitely better than flat bench.
By changing the angle, I get more activation in both my chest and tris. I can also push much heavier weight. I’m also a long armed lanklet
You should spend your time lifting weights and doing cardio only so that you’re better able to do fun manly activities like hunting, hiking, sports, kayaking, skiing, etc
>fag, twink
Meat only diet is the way to go. Carbs, sugar, fruits, and vegetables are for absolute girls.
Post body, there's a reason it's unpopular
Great post
Biceps aren't important.
this user has achieved the natty maximum
PPLPPLx works very well, but I agree, PxPxLxx or any 3 day routine is shit
Lifting alone won't get you a girlfriend.
This thread is filled with pussy gymcels who can’t find one friend to help them with their form, so they use machines and cope.
Only thing I'll argue here is chest. Dumbbells are better than barbells. Everything else is spot on
Honestly just pushups are really good for tris. If that's not enough, then do diamond push ups. I feel like way too many people neglect basic bodyweight exercises. You really need to do your pull ups and push ups.
I also have naturally large calves and its glorious. I can't imagine wearing shorts with bird legs
You're retarded and clearly don't lift. We're not grunting by choice. It's not really in your control sometimes
Use wider grip
Jesus Christ
Peak aesthetics is what a regular guy with acceptable, not perfect training and diet achieves in 3 years.
Everyone should train to be athletic, lifting only for aesthetics is for fags, and lifting only for strength is for retards. That means, do your squats/deadlifts, do sprints, do explosive work, and do cardio. You'll get more aesthetic as a side effect, and you'll feel better
"hang by neck until dead" was added to execution sentences after someone hung for a fair bit of time, thinking they were dead, the executioner pulled them down. They were in fact alive and weren't rehung as they had technically served their sentence of "hang by neck"
What's It feel like being a brainlet?
Meant for
>This isn't Rocky IV
Using an overly wide grip can hurt your shoulders. Plus, you can do that with dumbbells too, only with the added benefit of increased ROM and more comfortable movement.
I totally agree! I never work out that muscle group by itself but my arms look fantastic. It makes much more sense to me to incorporate something so small into a compound.
Sure, but don't forget to squat or deadlift, or you'll unironically not be able to punch or kick very hard.
Sounds like you're mad about being fat. I bet you eat 8,000 calories of McDonald's a day and claim that it's for your bulk.
Low carb diet with a reasonable calorie deficit is still the most effective thing for weight loss even when I slack at the gym. But post this and people always argue even though my own numbers back it up with steady loss, no regain.
confirmed DYEL
Lifting is a complete waste of time, and I look and feel a thousand times better after ditching weights and exclusively running/sprinting for exercise.
Barbell bench Press with correct form is infinitely better than a cable exercise. Yes cable machines enforce strict form, but they apply a constant load where barbell requires explosive movements to generate momentum.
It's not a matter of one being better but they are entirely different.
Routine should go)
Compound barbell exercise
Free weight accessory lift
Cable accessory lift
Best of every world.
I think a cable fly is better than a dumbbell fly for this reason.
And Lateral raises with a cable owns everyhjnh but the OHP in regards to building delts
I would put it as dumbbell>barbell>machine because the machine doesn't require any of the stability that a barbell or especially a dumbbell requires on lifts like benchpress
bro your stabilizers are definitely real but
>Machines have been designed for years to be perfect
is the most retarded part of that post, many machines in gyms are not well designed at all, that's the inherent benefit of free weighted compounds in mnay cases, they make your body the only thing in between gravity and the weight which FORCES large amounts of musculature to work together
Running is a mental illness
Some people will just never look even decent as natties, even if they can become pretty strong and build some muscle. Insertions, frame, fat distribution are everything.
>Barbell bench Press with correct form is infinitely better than a cable exercise
>It's not a matter of one being better but they are entirely different
What? You completely contradicted yourself.
Who the fuck does a 3/week PPL?
r/fitness tards worried about """overtraining"""
cleans and snatches are good and also fun
Everybody here will be better served if they never visited this site again even if they never lift another weight in their lives again.
You should call your loved ones fatfucks if they are over weight. They shouldn't be allowed in your house until they are fit. Also, parents with over weight children should be punished. They should be held accountable by having to run a marathon with other neglecting parents and the public should be able to throw veggies at them as they run.
I also have naturally large calves and many other men have told me they wish their calves were as big as mine.
I bet you have fat parents and were bullied for being able to do the truffle shuffle when you were younger.
Yeah big arms and chest to look like a croissant
Most people do not need to be lifting weights, or doing complicated lifts like clean and jerks, snatch, deadlifts, or even much less complicated ones like bench.
The average person shouldn't even be going to the gym.
The average person should be at home, using a pullup bar, doing pullups, pushups, situps, and running (both sprinting and LISS).
Anything more is simply over complicating health.
If you're looking to get better at sports, by all means use barbells, dumbells, etc. Do the complicated movements, under supervision, but the average person who simply wants to be healthier is wasting money by paying for a gym and putting themselves at risk for an injury.
If you only care about health and body image, master simple compound bodyweight exercises and running, and have a moderate, healthy diet.
No fads, no gimmicks.
cardio is not optional
You know there's a difference between unpopular opinions and wrong opinions, right?
truth, the thing its most of us are more about getting huge than health and that stuff
>Using an overly wide grip can hurt your shoulders
Almost gave up benching. Adjusted my grip to slightly narrower and 0 problems.
Always had this constant ache when my grip was wider. Was great working with a PT and fixing my form. However he overlooked the possibility that his wide grip suggestion for benching was causing me issues.
user, does a wider grip for bench press produce a wider chest look compared to slightly narrower grip or does it not matter as the muscle fibres will grow depending on genetics and amass in a predetermine fashion?
I never do legs except squats and running
very sometimes maybe leg press
The problem is without doing compounds, there's a good chance you will et inbalanced muscles. I had a fuckton of back pain bc my abs gew big but I didn't train spinal muscles. Had to deadlift 3 times a week for 3 months to get rid of the inbalance. Doing compounds can prevent shit like that.
Also fucking back pain is the worst shit on earth. Fucking agonizing pain. It's fucking rediculous looking like a champ but screaming of pain when you lift a 5kg backpack of the floor desu
FYI your back is shit, but not because of 'muscle imbalance'.
Compounds are the most overrated shit.
So whyd it go away