At your current physical ability, what’s the largest girl you could handle?

At your current physical ability, what’s the largest girl you could handle?

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I’m a pretty decent climber

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515lbs with a belt and mixed grip

Pretty sure I could handle

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Thanks for fetish baiting

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whats this from? looks cool

From what I know it's a one off
Incidentally big (as in overall) women are high test

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Giantess warrior princess. Not bad

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I had sex with a 6'1" 190lb THICC thigh woman a few weeks ago. She was on my college's women's rugby team, and absolute monster, literally had ten lbs on me and was an inch taller. It was fun, she wasn't used to being with a guy who was strong enough to lift her up by the waist and throw her on the bed, or pull her up to me by the legs. She said it was fun and exciting because it made her feel light and feminine in a way that she never got to feel before.
10/10, would fuck a muscular giant woman again.

Post her picture

What’s with the recent trend of girls taking steroids?

untrained probably up to 75kg
trained probably 65kg or so

Name plox

Fugg I'm nervous because the last time I posted a pic of a girl I slept with some creepy fucks reverse image searched her. I'll see if I can find a private image or something.

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two years into lifting and i completely lost all attraction for overweight/chubby women. why?

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>making fun of small men while wearing heels
This happens way to much desu, Women have no self awarness