Redpill me on cycling Jow Forums

Redpill me on cycling Jow Forums

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its lame

I do not envy the arms on that man

Riding a bike is a great form of cardio. Cycling is a pretientious sport for 30 year old boomers who enjoy wasting all of their disposable income and blocking traffic.

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It is great cardio and yes, it can get expensive if you let it. My bike cost more than some people's cars.

I'm sorry that you were mildly inconvenienced for a few seconds by a cyclist. That must have been very traumatic for you.

as a sport? Incredibly unrewarding.

As a mode of transport? Depends where you live. Most new world countries are pretty unfriendly on the whole but for most european cities it's GOAT. You won't really get gains just going A to B though but euros aren't skinnier than new worlders for no reason so if that's all you want then yeah.


Cycling is pointless.
Blast and cruise is the way to go.

Im a fatty trying to incorporate more healthy shit into my daily life.
I used to take the bus after work, now I always walk. Its mostly uphills and takes me like 40 minutes.

Close to my workplace they got really cheap rental bikes that I can return close to where I live. I tried those out twice now, takes me like 20-30 minutes to get home on the same route.

What would you say is more beneficial? I sweat way more when I use the bike.

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Biking is my main mode of transportation. When I moved to the city after high school, I sold my car and bought a bike. Now that I've increased my speed, I can arrive at my destinations faster than I would in a car.
After 5 years of biking around, I've lost weight, gotten my daily intake of sun, and have improved my overall quality of life. Its also a really fun hobby and a great way to meet new people.

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I can't ride a bike. Might be retarded.

What the hell type of bike do you own? My Giant brand bike only cost me around $400, and even then other bikes I see at the shop can go up to the 3k range.

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It is just a very fun and convenient mode of transportation
Yesterday I got all green and it literally took me 3 times faster than my average taxi fare to get home from work.

I'm seriously considering getting a bike for transportation and cardio, but I'm a big pussy.

All I know is I'm a fat fuck and walking for exercise is the most boring shit in the world.

>You won't really get gains just going A to B
Before I got into lifting and was a spooky skeltal, using a bike as main transportation at least got me nice calves, and something resembling quad definition.

Not that user but literally just google race bike.

>tfw my car is literally 2k euros
Yep, that bike is already more expensive than my car.

As a sport it's boring, it's great for your health and very fun as a way to get around.

Started riding my bike to work last week and loving it.

I'd love to do that but how do you get your bike/bike seat etc not stolen in the city?

> I'm sorry that you were mildly inconvenienced for a few seconds by a cyclist. That must have been very traumatic for you.
Why do all cyclists pull this shit? Do they not understand how scale works? If I had to deal with a cyclist once a week I would’t care, but when 10 minutes of my day is wasted trying to maneuver my way around cyclists it gets annoying

Not previous poster, but I have two bikes:
Trek cyclocross/commuter: $1k
Yeti trail bike: $4k
And that's not counting shit like pedals and other shit I've put on them.
Road bikes and especially triathlon bikes are much more expensive. A $3k tri bike is babby's first tri bike.

Been doing it for over a year now, commuting to work/shops/wherever. It got to a point where I cycle everywhere I can't take public transport, because walking is too slow, lol. Have two bikes now, a hybrid and an old restored road bike.

I honestly can't recommend it enough. My stamina exploded by leaps and bounds, I've lost over 30 kilos in that year, and to add to it all, cycling is fun. Bear in mind, the weightloss wasn't just cycling, also weights and bjj for the last half year. Still, I'm pretty sure the cycling helped lots.

This user has it right, t.30 year old boomer who blocks traffic twice a day, erryday, fuck you cage niggers. Don't get sucked into buying unnecessary shit for your bike, none of my bikes cost more than 400 quid, the rest of the gear was like a 100.

The best way to do this is to store the bike indoors at work. Barring that locking it in a very public place.

Bike duh

Unless you live in an Asian country I highly doubt you spent 10 minutes maneuvering around cyclist. If you're in such a hurry have you considered leaving earlier? Maybe stop wasting so much time on Jow Forums?

As an amature it can be a boring sport, unless you get in a team and get competitive.
I personally think it's one of the most demanding sport that's widely popular on a professional level. Think about it: Tour de France cyclists do 3-6 hours of intense racing every day, for 20 days straight.

What gets your heartrate up most?

If you're a cityfag, your bike will get stolen by niggers twice and after that you'll lose all motivation

I can tell you that your cardio increases very quickly when you cycle every day to work and back. When I started, I'd get winded from 15 minute commute, to the point where I would sometimes have to stop to catch my breath, heart racing and skipping beats like crazy. After about 4 months, it was easy. Now after a year, my heartrate doesn't even go above 120, during the ride, I actually checked.

The bikes in the tour are all $10k+. Carbon fiber everything + power meter + electronic shifting gets you there easily.

Cycling is the greatest cardio of all. Based af.

You don't spend 10 minutes a day. Maybe 10 minutes a year. I commute in Atlanta, with some of the worst traffic in the US, and I hardly ever have to wait to pass a cyclist.
What shithole city do you live in?

1. Don't have the nicest bike on the rack
2. Have the nicest lock on the rack.
3. Get rid of any quick-release bolts or, if you want to keep them, take off the back wheel and lock it up like pic related and take the saddle and seat post with you.

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cyclists purposely ride side by side to block cars from overtaking where I live. It is a nightmare due to twisting roads filled with blind spots, impossible to overtake. Being forced to go at less than half the speed limit for up to 10 minutes because of some self entitled cyclist pricks treat the roads like they own them causes serious road rage, I remember one time I was in a queue of about 20 cars going at a snail's pace when suddenly the speed picked up - on the side of the road was a raging twiglet with a broken bike jumping up and down in anger because chad knocked him off his cuckmobile. Nobody stopped for him kek

Shit, what sort of hellhole do you live in? I'm in the UK, most cyclists here go out of their way to accommodate cars. For example, I take the sidewalk if there aren't people all over it, and if there isn't a way for cars to overtake me, like if the road is narrow and there is too much traffic coming overhead. I also tend to stick as close to the side of the road as is reasonable and safe. I can't imagine someone being a cunt like you describe, it just isn't done here, or at least I never encountered it. Most cage drivers are cool, too, there are some cunts, sure, but most are reasonable.

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Seems like a lot of fun and great for you.

Two way street between the attitudes of drivers and cyclists. Cyclists who hate motorists are massive cunts, a lesser extent in the other direction.

Im always courteous to cyclists who obey traffic laws and just want to blend into others who are trying to commute. But I'm not going to sit behind a gang of cyclists, hogging the road, blowing through stoplights/stopsigns.

Trying to go anywhere early in the morning on Saturday or Sunday is a nightmare in my town. Cyclists literally clog the entire road, completely ignore traffic signals and lights, don't yield after motor traffic is starting to back up, and act like massive dickheads to anyone who attempts to pass them or has an issue with them disobeying traffic laws.

Expectation and reality look gay af.

>tfw live in hills: the city

You get to go faster than you can sprint while working as hard as a light jog. Its great.

the biking clearly, but the duration is also shorter.
actually its been hours and I'm still feeling it so its gotta be the biking.

that would be fine, I wanna work on my stamina anyways. sick of getting all sweaty from basic walks. right now I'm just driving back from work. when I get to the point where I'm not super sweaty after a ride I will use it both ways.

Fun cardio especially when you put your earbuds on and get in a trance. Easier on the joints compared to jogging. Just don't become a boomer that wears the full body spandex when he puts 30 miles on his $3000 bike.

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great post

The Spandex is the best part mate. That delicious cushion and sexy tanlines

Cycling with an umbrella is so comfy it's unreal.

do you realign you wheel every time you stop?

just get a wire with loops on the end so you can lock both wheels with one lock.

I'd only cycle if I was living out in the country or on a dedicated track because I hate having to stop and watch for cars in the middle of exercise and I don't want to get into the IRL equivalent of the console war.

It's a mixture of peddlling and balance. You might not be retarded if that comforts you

rate my power lads, I'm looking to get back into racing

sup fellow Atlanta resident. This city gets a bad rep, I've logged 10,000+ miles in and around the metro area and have never once been confronted by an angry motorist (honked at a few times at most). As long as you chose routes carefully and make an effort to not be a dickhead to other drivers, you'll be fine

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Decent form of exercise. You can combine it with your transportation needs (lifestyle and location depending, yes you can bike 100mi every day to work but it's not realistic). If you live in a city and use it for transport, it's a catch 22. You want a nice bike to ride, but anything that looks more expensive than $200 will be bolt cut and stolen if left more than like 2 hours, so you are stuck either riding a shit tier bike, or autistically carrying your bike inside places with you. Decent as a group activity, if you can find like minded people, but most cyclists are some of the biggest faggots in any clique (both figuratively and literally). They are seriously like Warhammer 40k levels of autistic.

Its an excellent mode of transportation depending on where you live.
>You get (free) Vitamin D
>You incorporate cardio in your daily life almost without noticing
>I get to work faster than by car and public transportation (although just barely)
>cheaper than public transportation (my bike costed me 400€, after 8 months without paying bus pass it is payed and now it is just profit) and far cheaper than car (maintenance, insurance, devaluation, parking, gas)
>more sociable, you get to talk to people on a daily basis
>your legs will look ok, even if you don't train them much (don't expect to have huge quads and such just by cycling though)

>Being so DYEL you unironically drive to the gym

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great cardio, fun af. Lot of people who do it competitively are utter faggots, but if you can get some cool people to do it with you or do charity rides, it's a blast. Way easier on my knees than LISS.

I replace the pinheads with pinhead locks. You can usually find a list of bike theft hot spots in your city online

The only ones that piss me off are the ones that think they don’t have to obey traffic laws and run red lights and the ones that ride in the middle of the road.

>do you realign you wheel every time you stop?
what do you mean?

>blocking traffic
>a cyclist takes up 1 person + 1 bikes worth of space on the road
>cager over here mad he can't fit his empty shitbox around for 2 seconds
>motorists literally the cause of "traffic"
>being the cause of traffic
>2019 - ur IQ

Fuck. For free? Give me a couple of minutes.

Who else here /30$ second hand bike/?

Here we go. Bike messenger here.

Good start.

Spot on. Riding bikes is great. Cycling is for fags, roasties, and Euro's who make too much money for their own good and like showing off their genitalia in public.

This guy is probably doing it right.

This guy is not. Tri and pro-distance cyclistes are brain drain speed addicts who don’t even realize they are fetishists.

Based. Most people are idiots and that’s exactly how they drive.

Bicyclists who ride on main throughways when perfectly good empty streets are only one block over are the scum of the earth

Why do niggers steal bikes? Every stolen bike prank on youtube is done by a dindu.

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I hope you bikebois enjoy a near miss at 80mph

I've been biking very frequently for the last 4 years. My calves are super defined my quads are big when I flex. Without proper diet or additional exercise I'm still 50 lbs overweight (205lbs @ 5'9" 30%bmi) I'm 26 and a former ssmomer (20-25) and my blood pressure is 122/80 heart rate is 59 bpm. My favorite thing to do is biking and it was formally guitar.

QR wheels don't need to aligned or any of that shit when you put them on

1 way ticket to ball and ass cancer.