Is coffee bad for you? Let’s settle this once and for all

Is coffee bad for you? Let’s settle this once and for all

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I don't care whether it is or isn't. I'm not going anywhere without a daily dose

Drinking 20 glass a Day yes
Drinking 4-5 glass no


Bad for your teeth, take caffeine pills instead

all dentists drink coffee and they usually have the best teeth in terms of general population.
As long as you keep good dental hygiene, its fine.

It boosts testosterone

Iirc its correlated to lower cardiac diseases. In like a J shaped way. So a few cups a day 4-5 max is good for you any more and it starts to become unhealthy.

It raises cortisol

What retard drinks coffee out of glasses

I drink a fuck ton every day but if i can find an alternative that gave the same effects i would
>inb4 take cold shower
That didnt work

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Relying on a stimulant to function is essentially cucking yourself

I drink 2 cups a day, sometimes 3 if I feel like doing Turkish in the afternoon

>comparing average joe to dentists
>dentists have expensive teeth whitening equipment to their hands for free
>average joe needs to pay a expensive procedure or just take care of their teeth

I drink like half a cup a day, if at all. How the fuck do you addicts drink more than three a day? How do you not have splitting withdrawal headaches when you're off it? And if you do, why the fuck isn't that an indication to stop?

Just drink water

No. Caffeine
> Improves bloodflow
> Increases energy and attentiveness
> Contains antioxidants

>not understanding that if a professional in dental care doesn't find it significantly harmful, why should average people tell others it is

this is like going against the word of your doctor and telling people not to go to the hospital because you know more.

Coffee is rich in polyphenols and has over 40 active compounds that are good for you


It cause anxiety, depression and cancer

i know some medical students who drink 8-9 cups of coffee a day just to study for 10-14 hours a day. I on the other hand only study 10 hours a day with 5-10 minute breaks between each hour and drink only 3-4 cups.
Whatever it takes to get through the day because either way, your physical and mental health goes down if you are a hard worker.

I take caffeine pills, can't stand the taste or smell of coffee. Even the word 'coffee' sounds horrible to me. Ugh.

I don't think it's great for you, but I love taking it when I'm already wide-awake and have low tolerance to it. The mild euphoria you get feels awesome and you feel very motivated to do stuff, which is great. I find it pretty difficult to concentrate on it though, more distracted than anything.

God-tier when you need to do all-nighters.

how long will it take for me to get anxiety, depression, and cancer? Ive had social anxiety before i drank coffee and no longer do. I experience serious depression only once before i started drinking coffee. Been cancer free before and after drinking coffee.

You'll only suffer anxiety or depression at high doses.

Are you saying coffee cured your anxiety and depression? LOL

Caffeine pills

>Lets settle this once and for all
>We have this thread every fucking day

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no, im saying i had it before i started drinking coffee and even after drinking it, it hasn't returned. Don't be stupid

coffeine raises cortisol, surpressed the production of serotonine and makes you addicted. stopped using it two months ago and feeling better then ever.

coffee can help fight against cardiovascular disease and even Parkinson's

it's also fucking delicious and the best way to get your caffeine every day

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>How do you not have splitting withdrawal headaches when you're off it
you keep drinking 2 cups a coffee everyday

>implying the pharm jew doesn't have its hands up healthcare professionals' asses

t. medfag

>implying pharmacists have any control over prescribing patients and doesn't just fill them

How many cup a week can I drink to not develop tolerance?

Is 2 cups of coffeea week good enough?

I have at least 2 a day

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> tfw 8 days caffeine free
Not trying to quit. Just lowering tolerance so i can feel euphoric as fuck just by taking 50-100mg a day.

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I drink around 7-8 cups of black coffee a day, filter coffee not that instant jew that mutts drink. I have no coloring on my teeth as i brush them once in a while. Natural coffee will not give you any problems with health, but help your hearth instead.

>t. nordcuck