How do you get that big? I thought it was unattainable for skinny people.
How do you get that big? I thought it was unattainable for skinny people
he maintained and bulked, not that hard
What you think "eating a lot" means is far less than what it actually means. I used to think I was a big eater before I started lifting but now I have to eat like a monster to continue growing past the 30lbs I've gained. His aesthetic is even achievable natty, but it takes a lot of time and a lot of eating. 5-6 days a week could get one from left to right in a year if you never took a break and used every assistive supplement outside of roiding. You're better off having a life and getting there in 2 years.
Get super strong and eat a lot. Will take about a year.
Also be 6’2”
>he maintained and bulked
>not that hard
My dyel-radar is going crazy
*1 year if you're on roids and have elite genetics.
cope and maybe you'll be one day too be but not at this point now
dyels constantly coping because they dont have the will power to achieve any impressive results
>every big guy is roiding because I only bench 20kg
>Based on my 3 months of lifting as a 5'8" manlet I'm sure that the gains of tall people scale linearly with time thus you can look like a golden era bodybuilder within a year.
Not if you do whatever it takes to achieve your goals, god dammit.
5 scoops
>5-6 days a week could get one from left to right in a year
sure, keep thinking about that
best trainers on the planet plus all day to do only that, possibly gears too
doesnt seem unrealistic
Do you look like right after 2 years @6'3"?
Hollywood Jews know lots of biological secrets they don't share with the rest of us. How do you think they manage to live so long?
Every "big" guy in Hollywood is drinking protein shakes mixed with baby blood. Hollywood Jews will "make you big" but it comes at a price.
yeah those filthy protein shakes
He's a celebrity who gets paid for his physique.
Why wouldn't he roid?
Jesus christ, the absolute state of this board.
>getting Jow Forums is hard
It will be if you look at it like that
>I thought it was unattainable for skinny people.
Zane was a naturally lanky guy. Tell that to him.
I wonder, who's the strongest actor in Hollywood?
>Those legs
Hafthor if you count him. Not really a "Hollywood" type actor I guess.
I don't even consider him an actor. He literally can't act.
He was Mr. Olympia you stupid chode.
Mostly the angle of the picture.
This was back when bodybuilding still valued aesthetics.
Out of the really famous ones I'd probably wager The Rock, but there's probably some lesser known guys who are bigger.
Stop doing cardio while you are working on building muscle.
Pretty easy when you have millions of dollars and a professional trainer and nutrionist.
He probably roids
non meme answer to go from left to right?
>3-5 years of pretty dedicated natty lifting
>1-2 years of average dedication lifting but gear
>Frank "The Chemist" Zane
>a year
it took 10 for him, roid included
those delts are crazy
Eat clen
Tren hard
Test your limits every day
Win-ner mindset
Anavar give up
When it comes to the entertainment industry, everything is fake. E V E R Y T H I N G