Breakfast Jow Forums, you?

Breakfast Jow Forums, you?

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Bro take out the aspirin is have negligible benefit and can actually be harmful to your heart. Add something like yohimbine instead

Really? From what I understand is that the asprine works as a blood thinner and moves everything along faster

What is that shit supposed to do?

I've been eating little bits of soil when I'm out in the forest recently.

Wtf is this

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>he doesn't ECA/Y stack

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for srs?

Yeah. I go out running and when I take a break at the top of the hill I'll eat a little bit of the top soil. I think the stuff at the top of the hill is safe because the rain washes everything downhill.

Here's my daily stack:
-Vitamin D3 1000iu
-Fish Oil 1000mg
-Lutein 20mg (for my eyes)
-Astathaxin 12mg (primarily for my eyes, but also muscle recovery)

I also use two serums on my skin as a part of my skincare routine, vitamin C and niacinamide.

Do you guys have any other recommendations? I'm considering adding a spoon of collagen to my daily stack.


Ok but why

He probably thinks it boosts his immune system. I love it when people fall for memes like that.

Maybe its a fiber thing

I just like it. I eat coal sometimes too.

>Pica is a psychological disorder characterized by an appetite for substances that are largely non-nutritive, such as ice (pagophagia); hair (trichophagia); paper (xylophagia);[1] drywall or paint; metal (metallophagia); stones (lithophagia) or soil (geophagia); glass (hyalophagia); or feces (coprophagia); and chalk.[2] According to DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition) criteria, for these actions to be considered pica, they must persist for more than one month at an age where eating such objects is considered developmentally inappropriate, not part of culturally sanctioned practice and sufficiently severe to warrant clinical attention. It can lead to intoxication in children, which can result in an impairment of both physical and mental development.[3] In addition, it can also lead to surgical emergencies due to an intestinal obstruction as well as more subtle symptoms such as nutritional deficiencies and parasitosis.[3] Pica has been linked to other mental and emotional disorders. Stressors such as emotional trauma, maternal deprivation, family issues, parental neglect, pregnancy, and a disorganized family structure are strongly linked to pica as a form of comfort.[

Is it a pure niacinimide serum or a serum containing it? If so, what’re you using?

It's a 10% serum with 1% zinc. It's from The Ordinary and it's incredibly cheap ($5-$10).

I'm also dermarolling once a week with 0.5mm. My goal is to reduce acne scars. My whole routine has been helping a lot.

Well at least it's not feces.

I recognize those pills. Those are tranny pills

You might have an actual condition nigger, talk to your doctor about those cravings. Also, eating soil will kill you. You will sooner or later eat something that will in turn eat you, from the inside.

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Alright, I'll give it a mention, mate.

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