I'm 120 pounds and I smoke half a pack of cigs a day. I just recently started getting out of bed for the first time in years and I crack my back at least 50 times a day. I'm in constant pain
Pic unrelated
I need some solid advice
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>I just recently started getting out of bed for the first time in years
What? You were bedridden? Why?
>120 lbs
What height are you
>I smoke half a pack of cigs a day
Stop smoking. Smoking is unironically, genuinely, wholeheartedly, unequivocally for massive tryhard faggots or uneducated retards.
>I crack my back at least 50 times
Hit the gym. Do some bodyweight deadlifts.
>I just recently started getting out of bed for the first time in years
If he's been bedridden for years he won't be able to deadlift. Give us more information op.
I'm 5'11
I can't afford going to a gym
this + start eating more and taking supplements
make sure to drink lots of water and eat 50% veggies, 30% meat, 20% whatever
How did you survive?
My diet has been soda and a meal once a day for years. I recently starting eating eggs with toast in the morning and eating some grilled meat at night. I've cut back on soda a lot, I used to drink 6 or more a day and now it's something like 3
I've pretty much been bed ridden since I was 13, I'm now 18.
>I can't afford going to a gym
>I smoke half a pack of cigs a day
give up the cigs and you probably would be closer to affording a gym membership asshat.
I wouldn't have a ride to the gym and I bum a lot of cigs
no soda, only water - drink juice if you can't go straight to water, but try and drop soda entirely
also try to get on a regular sleep schedule, in bed by 10, up by 6 etc you get the idea, try and get a full 8
step 1: stop smoking
I know you're depressed. I know you're trying to turn it around. This is the first somewhat easy thing you can do to turn your life around. trust me, user.
I'm looking for some exercises that I can do to keep my back from cracking all the time
Spend a weeks worth of cigs on some shitty dumbbells and have them delivered to your door if you're too poor to get a gym membership. Stop smoking.
You fucked your body up bro. You only get one and you destroyed it by being a giant pussy
Honestly, I can deal with the depression. My problem was I stopped feeling and for a long time I was miserable because I didn't have any emotions. Now it's normal and I'm ready to get myself in alright physical condition. I appreciate the kind words
God what a fag
just follow the sticky, or download the fit information repository. no special snowflake case is actually special you mong.
alternatively start smoking in bed
That user is right, in your current state you can make major improvements with a simple set of dumbbells, bodyweight exercises, and eating more protein.
Can anybody give me some advice specifically pertaining to my back? That's the only thing that I'm really worried about.
do yoga
Nigger stop smoking and get a gym membership and go deadlift. The advice is in the thread.
>the way is lit
>the path is clear
>we only require the strength to follow it
Jesus fuck. Quit the fags, now. They make you feel better for a short while, but they absolutely exacerbate depressive symptoms. Start walking every day, outside in the sun preferably. Stretch before and after, you obviously have access to the internet, google stretches and corrective exercises. Progress from there, start doing bodyweight squats and pushups, knee pushups and chairs squats at first, there is no shame in starting with the basics. Then find a place for pullups, look up tutorials on how to progress in pullups. You can get physically fit, as in get a functional body, without access to a gym. The gym is for getting swole, getting swole is nice, but you have bigger problems. A program called Convict Conditioning might actually be useful to you, it has well outlined progression on bodyweight exercises, starting from the easiest shit imaginable.
Start slow, after 5 years in a bed your body is a goddamned mess. Good news is, you're young, you can bounce back, easy.
You also need some solid shits. Jesus man, get some fiber in your diet.
Strengthen your core. Do planks, push-ups, sit-ups, squats. If you can afford dumbbells do deadlifts with them.
here is my yogafu. since you cant even be arsed to read the sticky i doubt you are going to do any thing else
On a related note
I'm 18 and I haven't rally been physically active for the majority of the last 4 years. I'd say 70% of my waking time has been spent on a computer or laying in bed on my phone. I do try to exercise once in a while but I always overdo it (I'll walk 6-15 miles for fun)
I feel like my body is going to shit itself one day
What can I do to be active? I don't really have friends anymore so hanging out with them and walking like I used to is out of the question. Every day I get a bit fatter and a bit weaker.
Holy shit I totally forgot about adrienne, I tried doing her shit but got distracted with weights and bjj. I might give it another go, try it in the mornings before work.
Take vitamin D and zinc/magnesium
Just go for a jog every second day.
Try to keep this up for a couple of months. Then you can start including more calisthenics.
Your first step is not to get muscular but to build up the discipline to be able to improve yourself one small step at a time.