General Jow Forums feels thread

>tfw have to fold my sleeves TWICE when wearing a shirt so they dont fall because my biceps and forearms arent big enough to hold
tell me where does it hurt user

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I hate working out legs now. I don't fucking enjoy it anymore. Its a fucking nuisance to squat heavy and deadlift heavy. I still do it anyway...

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I worked hard on calves only to get mogged by my sister who never works legs, I lost all motivation...I stopped for a few weeks and that shit looks like I never even touched them

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Im eating 4k calories a day, lifting every second day and running the days i dont lift. Every part of my body hurts just the right way

Haha and I thought it was the wrong size shirt

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Seeing all the hot gym thots makes me depressed because i haven't made it yet i wish i was fit so i could go up to them and try to talk to them but its just not time yet. On the flip side ive been doing 3 hour workouts this whole week

I know that feel. Im a triple roller if the shirt is loose. Forearms just won't grow

I havent cut my toenails for over a month now. It came to a point where they start penetrating my socks. Should i cut em off or let them grow more and see what is happening?

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They're develop consciousness and cut your throat in your sleep.

user... cut them off

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See arm sitting on side of body in mirror. Thick. Solid. Tight.
Lift arm. All of a sudden looks half the size.

Cut them. If you don't they'll end up ingrown and you may need surgical intervention.

Had the same thing. What helped me was replacing those lifts with more unusual stuff like zerchers and jeffersonad.

>see what is happening

What do you expect to see happen?

>tiptoe running
>box jumps
>etc plyometrics

Legs can get and stay big through a lot of approaches, mix it up.

i wish i could just be normal i get anxiety whenever i go out in public that i'm going to fuck up somehow

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gym staff ganged up on me today and nearly had a fight with one of them for making fun of me and trying to be the funny guy
Negativity is all around me

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I suffer the same shit user, it definitely affected me in ways no one ever expected.
>Tfw I fucked up 3 relationships because of my mood swings, being too clingy or too cold in matter of just hours and to get those paralyzing fear of not being good enough and that she would leave if she finally saw how horrible I'm inside.
>Tfw finally started to getting better, working out and meditation regularly actually helped me a whole lot, feel like finally might make it this time.
>Tfw start a relationship with this amazing girl, even tho I'm ten times better than before I found a way to get anxious to the point of fuck up this too.
>Tfw I still miss her, she never actually blamed me only said"user I feel so much pressure right now and I really like you and that's is why we can't be together, I wouldn't give you my 100% and you don't deserve that, I'm so sorry".
And just like that after all my efforts and hard work I end up messing things up, just kill me already user I'm ready.

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damn are you me
>care way too much about my friends
>constantly want to argue and fight with people
>get anxious and try too force myself to be social
>end up coming off as annoying and now they want nothing to do with me
>whenever i talk to girls i get anxious, force myself and come off as annoying
i think it's better if i'm alone so i don't fuck shit up anymore

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I know dude it's shit, but funny enough I trained myself to act sort of "Chad" around girls and they actually love my personality but the more I like the girl less I can act like this.
>Tfw many girls had mentioned before exactly this "wow user you are so cool, I literally can't understand why you aren't in a relationship with anybody"
>Tfw as the time passes and I fall for a girl slowly change the way I behave and act super clingy and shit, until I end up fuckin all the thing up as always.
>Tfw I still can talk to girls I don't have interest like they aren't shit, and I can't tell you they always find a bullshit reason to text me or talk to me but it appears the just got bored of me when they know I like them.
Don't know what to do anymore, the last time wrecked me really bad, I was so depressed that if my mate wouldn't made me try coke for the first time I would likely killed myself.
Now I just living by the day and focusing in my uni and to eat clean and to work out, slowly getting there but I'm getting stronger every day

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I know when i like a girl i always get clingy and wanna fight any dude who talks to her
>tfw when i can talk to girls fine when i don't a shit about them
>tfw if i do like them i spill spaghetti everywhere
i don't know how to stay confident around them if i'm interested and i'd go to my mate for advice but he got annoyed with me and told me to fuck off

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Let it all out, brothers

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Fuck, it's all so tiresome my man. You know what's funny? When I kissed my last girlfriend for the first time the only thing in my head besides the thought of happiness was the most pure sadness of knowing that this shit wouldn't last long but I just pushed those thoughts and just went with the flow anyways, I guess it's was a self fulfilling prophecy. God I hate myself, but in the bright side I'm getting buff as never before, just use the self hate as fuel and shit is cash

What's your story my man, I am the second anxiety filled user.

yeah getting shredded makes me feel better about myself and being alone has allowed me to reflect on my past
best of luck user

Been there done that. What helped me overcome it was 2 things:
1.philosophy (inb4 neckbeard)
2.removing bad friends/influence. Have your goal in mind. Do your thing and good will come. It's that simple. You owe nobody your time and effort. That's how you get niggas to crave for your attention.
Tl;Dr detach yourself from friends and see who comes. Keep the faithful, no mercy for the rest

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>tfw a girl likes you

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Well, I let myself go between May of last year until April of this year, so roughly 10 months of being a fat ass. Not only did I just lose money on my gym membership from non use, but I spent so much on food enjoying my post grad lifestyle and drinking. The last two months have been hard trying to get into weight loss, but I feel the previous failures only strengthened my resolve. The nail on the head was having some cute friends invite me to the beach and I just happen to be getting out of the shower to see my disgusting self. It's gonna be a long journey but it'll be worth it.
I somehow went from sad feels to motivating myself here. I guess that's a good thing. Good feels

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>new to gym
>one of the guys working there makes fun of me multiple times for being calm, not talking to other people,( insert any autistic trait)
>i ignore him every time
>today he asks about my routine
>i reply briefly and in a dismissive way
>he gets mad and starts arguing about the routine
>i tell him that i dont need his advice and that i prefer to take information from someone who is actually informed
>he keeps babbling shit that i didn’t pay attention to
>I basically tell him to fuck off and that im here to exercise and not to talk
>he bitches to the other guys who come to me saying they must make sure im exercising right to not hurt myself and other bs and ask about the reason behind this tension
>i tell them i will say nothing because they will justify whatever i say for their friend
>faggots also get mad because they expected me to be more “polite” with them and start they saying things intended to upset me
>boring discussion ends when i tell the bitchy faggot to stop playing victim and stop trying to be a smart ass
>he gets mad and implies he could hurt me physically(he isnt even big)
>i tell him something like easy said than done in my language
>he takes a step ahead as if he is going to attack me so his friends interfere and calm him down
>i resume my workout and leave and he keeps bitching loudly like women

I don’t know why im so unlikeable but at least i tried to “stand up for myself”
my membership ends in 2 days and i will go to another gym

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>mfw failing the first rep of the first set of squats

>start lifting couple of years ago in highschool
>take it serious at first but become sidetracked over the years
>spend time i should be going to uni drinking, smoking weed and taking harder drugs
>develop all kinds of minor health issues
>basically pretending to attend university while wasting my life away
>body going to shit
>lie in bed the day after some party coming down from xtc and speed
>suddenly everything hits me at once
>i'm wasting away my best years
>joke of a man, still a virgin, absolute failure
>not that i was a junkie or seriously addicted to anything except weed maybe, but this was never the life i wanted to live, i just kinda did it because all my childhood friends grew up to be like this
>stopped smoking weed
>drastically reduced alcohol intake
>take xtc super rarely in small doses and feel fine with it
>find the source of my health issues through sheer coincidence on Jow Forums, not even joking
>drop hard medication from doctors that only treat symptoms and switch to probiotics
>feel 10x better overnight
>realize i was actually sick for probably the last 4-5 years of my life, which is partially why i had to stop lifting
>find my old self in me and remember i used to be a completely different person
>quit uni, starting new one
>lost virginity a few months ago
>back lifting 5-6x a week with additional cardio and watching nutrition
>regain all of the muscle i had at my peak and lose some fat in just 3 months
>look more healthy overall
>doing all kinds of self improvement shit, reading, meditation etc.

/blog/ over

Really amazing how 6 months can feel as long as 4 years. I really wish i took a picture when i started working out again, my transformation was completely insane, probably since i allready spend years lifting before taking a break.

Still got a long way ahead of me, but we're all gonna make it brothas

What a fucking douchebag.

If everything happend as it did from your perspective you are 100% in the right. Fuck that guy and fuck that gym for hiring him

That was alpha man. You handled that like a champ.

Good to hear that my man, I use the bad feelings to fuel my workouts too and as you might read above I have plenty, and all of them were my fault but I just keep going with just the lesson learned, godspeed my nigga

I've done a lot of thinking recently about why I'm so jaded, have a hard time holding on to friends, still a virgin, and been really depressed. I realized that I've probably had emotional issues since I was a little kid, because I remember always seeing counselors but I never understood why. I also remembered when I was a kid I wanted to join the military so I could disappear from my family and die. Lots of other random memories I have from my childhood too are just as fucked up. Retrospect is a bitch.

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Yeah, getting fit has many benefits and I'm not even ottermode yet more like getting out of skinny fat zone but I'm getting there slowly. The only thing I know it's killing me and can't help it is to time and time look at the pictures of her, I just can't erase them and some days I just get all emotional and end up watching them, I guess I like to suffer

>tfw no girl ever liked you

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Fuck man, I love to hear of fellow anons doing good in life, it means that everybody can make it in the end, I'm proud of you bro

Get help user, it seems like there's some issues you have to work on, there's no shame in getting help to live as happiest as you can, I'm rooting for you my man you can do this

I've actually been feeling good. For the entirety of 2017 and half of 2018 it felt like something was in my arm and sometimes my chest would sort of seize up. I'd sit in bed feeling like maybe I'll die and would roll around in discomfort and a little scared.

Gave up drinking, started eating healthy, and got over the sensation to finally begin lifting again. It's been a month now, and I don't feel any of it anymore. It feels great to feel normal again. It's wonderful to finally sleep a whole night peacefully again. Lifting may potentially cure you of all your woes, anons.

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Good to hear bro, keep going forward and get in there, proud of you user

For 3 weeks I had been walking with an ache in my right knee, no swelling, there all the time only when I do some movements. Went to a physiotherapist a first time and the guy couldn't find anything and had to reschedule me with someone more experienced. I was worried that something either tore or would stop my gains but it doesn't hurt more when I work out.

Last week she went on massaging it and told me my calve muscles are too short and they are strained so I have to stretch them out more every day.

Before seeing her it wasn't physically present as in hurt to touch but ever since that area hurts like a bruise whenever I touch it, the feeling is becoming less prominent during the day though..

First time getting something in 5 years or so, watch yourselves guys, take care of your shit.

I've seen people go through psychs and meds and it's always temporary relief, never permanent. I'm convinced therapy is a meme.

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It's the high heels

This feel right here. This damned feel.
Im not sovially autistic, actually i have always had the role of a funny guy, but i have never had a girl show interest in me. I dont know if its my bad face skin quality or what. I just hope to not die alone. I just want a loving wife and a family of my own. Please, God, please. These feels.

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>Haven't squatted in forever
>Warm up with the bar, and then like 100 lbs or something.
>Squat 135 lbs a few times
>It's not heavy at all, obviously very easy, but legs tighten up and I'm done instantly
>Sore as fuck the next 2 days

I'm not even out of shape, I lift upper body all the time and run/swim almost every day, but holy fuck. I am never going to ignore squats ever again.

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>still thinking about the girl who turned me down
>she wanted us to stay friends and kept trying to text me
>ghosted her for 5 months because I was out of town
>have to see her at church events every week or so
>we talk but it’s superficial and a little awkward, not the same as it was before
>she doesn’t try to talk to me as much as she did before
>only reply to her texts when she sends them but otherwise don’t actively seek her company other than when i have to see her at church
>her brother randomly adds me on social media a month ago, talk to him a bit online yesterday and it was awkward
>still a bit sad that she turned me down and not sure if I should keep keeping her at an arms length
What the fuck do I do I can’t go no contact I have to see her every day and everyone at church will notice if I do

I think you did the right thing user. just keep contact short and simple, she's just another girl now and you should move on to finding another

hold fast and stay strong, you're going to make it

Thanks bro. Whenever I see her I pretend that what she didn’t kill anything I had left in me, I’ll be polite with her, cracking a couple of jokes but then go on to talk to other people and not look at her whenever I get the chance. But at night it’s always the worst just thinking about what could’ve been and where it went wrong with her. But she can never find out, gotta put on that mask, and lift. I’m gonna become someone whom she’ll regret turning down. Thanks again for listening man.

Try this but still have a crush on her months after rejection. Thats my story. I dont understand why didnt it go away sooner. Now i think i have moved on.

Oh my god someone else too?

How long do I have to wait to lift heavy. I'm benching 144 (Inc bar) and it's killing me. I pinned myself under 160 the other day. How do you manage it.


I bet you're the fag who puts mental limits on yourself

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I got my first professional job in my field recently. It doesn’t pay well but they are willing to train.

I’m kinda scared of being an adult. I’m moving back to my college city since it’s where my job is but I’m frightened. I’m awkward and don’t go out a lot. I have a few friends but not a lot. Most every friend and every gf I’ve ever had has been through school. I have a dream beyond wage slavery but I don’t know how to succeed in it. I don’t know. I’m terrified of stalling in life. I don’t want to be that weird guy with no friends but I want to stay true to myself and not pressure myself to be someone I’m not.

Also man everything in my life is just changing. One of my brothers is going to leave the country to travel. Ones a shithead who I think does Xans regularly. My parents are old and both working crazy. Even my dogs old. (Pic related). I can’t take him on walks or throw the ball for him anymore because he’s old, has a bad leg and Arthritis . I can only take him to a empty lot nearby my house to sniff. I can’t even take my border collie running because she has hip issues. Damn dog loves running too. Would run herself to death she loves it so much.

Everything’s changing and it feels so complicated and empty sometimes. I wish things would be simple again. Back where I could just exercise, not pay bills, and think about the beautiful girl in my chemistry class.

Sorry for the blog post. I also have same feel to keep it fit related.

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I'm spending time with my gf tomorrow, feels pretty good. If I can make it through this summer without fucking anything up, we'll have been seeing each other for around 6 or 7 months by the start of the next semester at uni. We seem to have something genuine going here, it's seriously refreshing. Even if this relationship fails though, I'm no longer worried that I'll never find someone else who loves me. Getting that one girl who actually likes you makes huge changes to your self esteem and worldview. I've got the feeling that I'm actually going to make it, eventually.

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>the role of a funny guy
Word of wisdom, people who identify as "the funny one" and try to base their personalities and interactions around that are almost never as clever as they think they are. Try dialing yourself back some, you might not be attracting anyone because people think you're an ass.

Exposure works. Get out more.

>recently got a job that I really like
>pays well
>building a nice house, move in a couple months
>keep myself busy with hobbies in an attempt to improve myself, so much I want to do
>never had a gf but have gotten pretty comfortable being in solitude
>yet have no purpose or belonging and the helium tank calls to me every day

Why does it have to be this way lads

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Been lifting for 2 years and still invisible to girls. Low test makes gains really hard, and I've seriously considered suicide

it doesn't have to be, change something in your routine. do something you wouldn't normally.

Change is scary man, I understand. You got me damn near crying over hear reading the part about your dogs. I think you're just way overthinking things at the moment, focusing too much on all the things that have slowly built up over the years and are out of your control. You will feel better once you get more settled in to your job and field, life will get better. You're going to make it user.

> I don’t want to be that weird guy with no friends

Who would think this about you anyway though?

A lot has happened in the past two years.

>I've lost nearly 60 pounds since May 2016 and finally gone back to school.
>I'm still stuck in a dead end job at 28 years old but I just met with a guidance counselor to get myself a decent resume devised.
>Getting attention from girls now but I have no self confidence since I was a fatty for 26 years.
>Mom killed herself in November and now I'm left with my brother and father.
>Brother is a bit older and will move out soon, father barely talks to me aside from "Hi" and "Bye" and always goes out.
>Just got an offer for a research position at my school but not sure whether to accept since I'm already struggling with time management because of lifting 3 times a week plus full time school and work

I think I just need more time to adjust to my new life. Thanks for reading my rant.

>went to the gym with one of my closest friends for the first time
>he's gone to the gym since he was 17, now 20
>i started this year
>he did a little bit more than me but we were not that far apart
>had a great time and felt way more fun than when i just go to the gym alone
Is a friend the ultimate trick to get better gains?

It's a long journey my man, some people find the right drugs sooner and others not it depends but also least you are doing something, and the meds are to help you but you still are going to work on your issues and over time it's going to be better, I hope you find what you need to be happy I really do, maybe I find it too

Holy fuck user, are you me?
My ex still text me from time to time and I can't help but answer her but not in the way a used to, I can't let her know that she destroyed me from the inside. I use the feel of rage and sadness whenever I don't want to get out of bed to work out and it's working miracles so far, I guess the glass is half full

Do it faggot

I'm just happy to hear that you are doing great, keep doing the good work and live as happy as you can and we're all indeed going to make it breh

Geez user I'm sorry about your mom, the only thing to do is to keep going forward and never look back, focus on the progress you've made this far and notice how far you are from where you begin,I'm proud of you user

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>showed gf picture of me 4 years ago and she got visibly excited and said she wanted me to get back to that
>Not being able to walk to the gym has made it super unappealing
>In apartment so couldn't set home gym up with shit I actually like (Oly)
Idk not the worse feel bc I think it'll pass. My actual bad feeling is realizing how badly I'm wasting my potential.

Take the research position, user. You can do it. Sorry about your mom; all this pain will become useful for you soon enough.

I had a childhood dog, got him when I was 7. He was with me till I was 17 and his death hit me and my sister hard. He got really sick and I knew if he didn't get better in a few days we'd have to put him down. He was 13 which is a respectable life for a rescue beagle. But the day we were going to put him down my parents didn't even wait for me to come home from school. Came back home to my dad carpet cleaning the house like he was waiting for the hound to die so he could clean. We never buried him, They just left the body at the vet to be mass incinerated somewhere. I never got to say bye, my parents never apologized or even brought it up, my parents didn't even seem to care he was gone.
Fast forward 8 years. My coworker's family dog died. He's also a dad with kids around my age. He took several days off work and came back in borderline tears, showing everyone pictures of his late shepard. He has a grave in his yard for her.
>mfw i realize my dad didn't care about my dog
>mfw i realize my dad hated my dog
>all the abuse and short temper he had with him became clear
>mfw i realize why im so distant from my family now
>mfw i realize my only childhood dog died without the 2 people that loved him by his side

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Same to you my dude. Pic related is brightened my life a lot.

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My forearm. Just got the staples out and even though I had a round of antibiotics already, have to take another one. Haven't been able to work out since two Mondays ago. Can't even drink because on antibiotics, fuck this gay earth.

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What happened?

holy shit are you me? seriously, sounds like everything I do it's kinda scary. although I only lost 1 girl because of my ways (so far), but it still stings a little that I messed it up

>be me
>lose 150 pounds
>people tell me they're proud of me, I look great etc
>actually kind of feeling good about my body
>i've never had a girlfriend before
>talking to girls seems confusing, and stories I read online about girls make them seem like they're horrible creatures and I resent this
>that, accompanied with the fact I can't believe a girl will ever actually like me, will haunt me

Man I feel like I'm literally talking to myself here.
> accompanied with the fact I can't believe a girl will ever actually like me, will haunt me.
This right here is the cause I lost the 3 kinda girlfriends and the last one official girlfriend, even if they told me why I like them and how I'm loved, deep inside I just can't believe them and I start to resent them. It's all so tiresome my man, right now she just texted me telling me that she did well in a test she did today and I'm so happy for her but it just fuck me the fact that this is never going to be as it was before

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Thanks bro, we're together in this my man I'm sure we are all going to make it in the end

Good news: losing weight is much harder than learning how to talk to women

Bad news: learning how to maintain a healthy long term relationship with them (and most people) is harder than losing weight.

>I'm getting old and I feel my back pop any time I try to squat heavy
>I've always had big legs because I was a fat kid
>Can continue to ignore legs and just do upper with a few leg extensions thrown in so I don't look retarded
I guess it's ok but I'll never be able to get 1234 thanks to my old man body...

Bro I don't even lift heavy and I fucking g hate working legs. My theory is I have low stamina because it tires me out so fucking much. Probably need cardio.

>Mark Rippletoe will die in your lifetime

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Yeah I know this bro, Its been a long way from where I was in the matter of relationships my man, I started in a place when I couldn't even talk to girls without make it weird, I still have a long way I this but being more fit helps a lot.
>Tfw I still don't have the slightest idea in what I keep doing wrong with girls, I can make them interested in me and even get them to be my girlfriend but I guess I can't keep them happy

>ceps and back grew larger, should buy new clothing
>still at 20% BF so it feels like a waste to purchase clothes that will be loose in a year
hold me lads, n-n-no homo

i overate like shit these two weeks because of fucking uni

Guys I'm in a fucking mess in my life and I'm so fucking frustrated. It's like all the bad shit in my life is now piling up and it's freaking me out. Even though I finally have a job after graduating from college back in August, I'm making money, progressing but I can't stop thinking about my ex girlfriend from a fucking year ago. I think about her every fucking day. And what pisses me off the most is that I dated an amazing girl a couple months ago but I have to actively think about her. And I'm telling y'all she was genuinely the healthiest experience I've ever had. She's was a genuinely happy person, and when you meet someone like that and feel the positivity from her and the how she is actually interested in you and who you are as a person; it feels fucking awful when they leave your life. I only dated her for two months and I honestly would have fallen in love with her in more time. She was a virgin (so am I even though I dated my ex girlfriend for 7 months, she had problems with her vagina that would make it too painful to have sex, which my dumb ass took too seriously) and she was even missing her left arm which was a real learning more experience for me, she was this little beacon of light in my life. My father died when I was 13, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease when I was 12, and my family has lived in a 3 ROOM house for 16 years, I've been poor my whole life and sick (I am now sick again because my doctor dropped me due to being in expensive as fuck medicine and I can't get new insurance till September.) My mind is plagued with so much anger and frustration from my ex that I can't purge because no have no privacy. But I have friends and creative outlets that sort of help. My 52 year old friend from college (he was my teacher) and I are working on music together, but he's also depressed as fuck since he has an 8 year old child with learning disabilities, and has been depressed his whole life which scares me since I may end up the same.

Have only been at gym for single week. Before this had never lifted a single plate, only workouts that I could do as a poorfag (pull-ups on the monkey bars). But seeing people unironically lifting 400 lbs gets me down. I was mogged by the qt blonde gym staff when I was 28 reps through the 144's- she asked if I needed someone to spot me. This pulls a dude down.

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>help the loved ones in your life
>properly grieve and bury those ended relationships

There will always be plenty of women, but only one of you.

you don't count the bar dude, you're benching 100

Thanks man. I've tried meditating before and it really helps, but I don't have enough privacy for me to practice it especially now that I work 8-5. When I'm saying no privacy I mean, we all sleep in the same room, on the the floor just laying on top of blankets kinda like a Japanese futon. I fucking hate my living situation and this is literally the first time I've ever mentioned it to a third party. My closest friends of 10 years don't even know it. Fuck me, man

My girlfriend was with me when I had nothing. When my electricity would get cut off every two weeks and I couldn't afford to go to the doctor. When I didn't have Internet and just dealt with it.

Now I've got money, plenty of money, she's been with me for 8 years and I've worked my ass off for those 8 years. I bought her a vintage 1930s Tiffany Engagement Ring for 15000 dollars. I plan on proposing to her Sunday.

I'm only 22 and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

Attached: President_Roosevelt_-_Pach_Bros.tif.jpg (220x311, 43K)

>Lift heavy
>Be hungry
>Stop at gas station for water and gas
>Smell the hot dogs
>Buy 2 and shove them down my throat in the car while crying
>Get home and order a large pizza from Dominos and eat the entire thing
>Wash it down with 2 large tall boys of apple cider
>Cry myself to sleep

Why does lifting heavy make me so fucking hungry?

Are there any way for you to go running or walking outside and do it during?

That doesn't sound like a fun situation; at least you have human companionship, even if it's claustrophobic and stressful at times..

Good for you user; love and cherish her. How are you planning on proposing?

On of our first dates was to the gravestone of Bonnie and Clyde. She's really into the 1920s and 30s. We wrote our names on it. I told her we should go see if our names are still there.

I'm gonna propose to her there.

That's really fucking cool, man. Maybe have the ring planted at the site for her to find or something; idk. You probably have this all mapped out already. You must have been thinking of that time period when you got the '30s Tiffany ring too.

She'll love it.

user don't talk about your dogs next time please so I don't cry

I'm gonna do the traditional on knee ring in hand shit.

The ring I got is emerald and pearl, which is both of our birthstones

Walk around on your tippy toes
Not even joking, I knew this guy who walked on his tippy toes for some reason (he was from China, do they all do that?) and his calves were fucking giant