Not having any tattoos

>not having any tattoos
It's like you don't even want grils to notice you

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Check out my ink

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You look like a fuckin arc survival evolved character

I got admit that a cool tattoo

>not having any tattoos because I don't want to look like a degenerate.
Checkmate user.

I have gf user and I like my body natural as possible

why are fags with tattoos always so edgy

Kino tatto op
Im about get more next one wil be on my shoulder

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My buddy got a series of tattoos on his shoulder of overwatch characters.

It's honestly the most cucked shit in the world but I don't have the heart to tell him that they look ridiculous.

The rule for tattoos is some are okay, most are god awful. That's just straight up facts OP

its other way around today. sorry gramps

>her face when you say her piercing is nice

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It's on like Donkey Kong

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you should rather get a workout instead
god this board is DYEL

The tat equivalent of just fuck my shit up
I’m sorry

I don’t want the kind of girls that notice tattoos m8

Looks like a girl I used to work with, cute as hell.

did it come with a fedora?

The wannabe "I'm so deep" tattoo

The manchild s oy tattoo

The weeb tattoo

I do cuck
>Pic related before tats

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I was on a date with this girl talking about how she likes men with tats, that if a dude was trying to get with her he better have some nice tats on his body. I gave her this exact look and said, “I don’t have any tattoos.” She quickly changed her tune and said she just cares if the dude likes girls with tats.

tl;dr tats are a meme

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sorry m8, never been in prison, 0 tatts for me

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Damn you sure showed him. Looking thick, solid, tight.

why the fuck are you on Jow Forums when you dont lift
go back to

We got ourselves a live one over here fellas

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vidya was a mistake

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t. Incel

Do they really have a choice?

/fa/ rightfully doesn’t approve of dog/wolf/bear with unreasonable switchblade next to it tats.

Why would this animal be associated with a switchblade or any other cutting tools anyway? What was he thinking?

it looks dirty tho...fucking rose LMAO

how is it weeb? It's just a wolf and switchblade. Looks bad tho.

you look like me when i was 14
that's a yikes from me


Is this cringe?
It would look great on my calf

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>let me just get an ugly tattoo that no one understands to rep a heritage that I have 0 connection with

that looks fuckign awful

if you have to ask, you already no the answer

You know what would REALLY look good on your calf? Something really bad ass, stylish that screams alpha?

A wolf with a switchblade!

>Has a loyal Christian fiancé
Checkmate again user.

I'm sorry user

A-are you a furry user?

Yes it’s cringe. Any video game art is cringe. You’ll be attracting fat/skinnyfat art or “gamer” hoes. I mean if you want to settle with anything less than the alpha female, I guess it’s alright? Don’t see any point in tattoos other than the:
>nice tat man!
>man I love that game
>you’re tat makes you so hot

Literally attention whoring.

Plus, get a better tattoo spot. Calph tats are for niggers and white trash

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I have a vegvisir too

is this more video game shit? jesus christ none of you are gonna make it

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>that 30 year old boomer with tattoos

>that 30 year old boomer forcing memes

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Ok now that’s epic

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All tattoos are degenerate

>It's like you don't even want grils to laugh at you

No, they're traditional you faggot

You have done interesting things to that Helm of Awe, brother. Can you explain them for me?

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It almost circles back around from maximum cringe.

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among criminals and the low class

I wanted you to come with a solid comeback but you disappointed me desu

you'd make an excellent trap

You are low class


Tattoos are for blacks and trailer park whites. As soon as you see someone with a tattoo, you know that person is trash.

>these are the people that call you cuck on the internet

Time for a bulk

>As soon as you see someone with a tattoo, you know that person is trash.
Can confirm.

Inb4 i was a skinnyfat

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If i ever get a tattoo it would be some norse symbol
Problem is i'm a pale hairlet in germany that already looks like a skinhead

I'm going to get a Chi Rho, Tau Rho, or Iota Chi. Maybe an IC/XC NI/KA cross as well. These are the only things that interest me in terms of tattoos.

Does this make me degenerate

It's actually very well designed graphically, whatever it is.

don't let them get to you, i'd vote for you pedro

A friend has the same tattoo and it looks like shit.

I'm considering getting some hand tats. "Solve" with an inverted pentagram on my right wrist, and moonrise symbol on the back of my right hand.
"Coagula" with a cross on my left wrist and a sun on the back of my left hand.
I don't believe in duality, I just think it's artistically interesting.

This whole fucking thread is filled with children.

Personally I would never want to permanently disfigure my skin with drawings.

I also very much dislike it on women, it completely ruins the uniformity and beauty of their smooth and even skin, and makes them look dirty (not in a sexual way) and stained.

Tattoos are very often placed unsymmetrical as well, so it ruins the symmetry that men and women find attractive on an biological sub-conscious level.

People have different tastes when it comes to beauty, but my tastes is usually centered around natural beauty, and tattoos are everything but natural.

Leviticus 19:28

Enjoy hell, Heretic!

How old are you boomer? Your skin is looking thin and wrinkly.
PS: tattoos are for degenerates and DYELs who want to over-compensate and look tough.

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You better have never worn two types of favrics or eaten shellfish, fucking faggot

>chinese shit
>christian shit
Just drive into a ditch already

I bet you eat weed edibles too

I only get tattoos for myself and usually hidden underneath my clothing where only if I went without a shirt would they show. If you're getting them to get attention I think that's probably the wrong reason for it. They should have some meaning that pertains to your life not an accessory you get indelibly etched into your skin for the sake of vanity. Might as well get Bogdanoff tier facial reconstruction surgery at that point user.

whats wrong with her eye

Please tell me this is an ironic post user.

>Leviticus 19:28 You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.
>Matthew 6:1 TAKE heed that you do not your justice before men, to be seen by them: otherwise you shall not have a reward of your Father who is in heaven.

>i'm not like all those other boys with tattoos, i do it for ME

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wow nice progress! routine?

Like anything else in fashion they only ever look "good" on someone who would look better without them anyway. Take for instance David Beckham's nigger tier gang tats.

I wouldnt get a tatto even for 100k

I am an Orthodox Jew, so I have not. Sounds like you are going to have a toasty afterlife also, friendo.

Getting anything video game related is absolute SHIT

Wanted to get this one with some changes but I'll wait a few years to see if I still want to and find a professional tattoo artist

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just gotta put the work in, brah. you'll get there some day.

Lost faith about a year ago but hope you keep it up, user

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>the absolute state of this board

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yes but what kind of work? i need to know

>I get tattoos to impress other people because I'm a boring piece of shit otherwise
wew lad

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you'll be right there with him, kike

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>sucking and biting off baby dicks
>not going to hell


Damn they even managed to give crash a 3d effect

Nice tat, mind if I save it?

you have to be 18 to post here