Where were you when the tallcels died?

Attached: Onthegoodgeneticpart_dbbbb249ec9acd3ce72b8389f4736496.jpg (1500x1000, 230K)

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Lmao I'm 5 foot 6 and hit 10% bodyfat yesterday at 136 lbs. Only took 4 months


>Gilrs prefering manlets over tall guys

Manlets will never learn

Attached: 1520444144497.jpg (600x900, 73K)

>the tallcels died
>average humans height keeps increasing somehow

Attached: ffepfpmf2pof3.jpg (960x960, 123K)

that picture. It hurts. I don't understand.

It probably would increase faster if the tall fucks could actually breed.

No 6’6 on infograph. Am safe?

And then I have girls flirting with me at 6'3 and I'm 150 lbs. I don't know what to think.

I've learned from these threads that no amount of counter attacks from manlets will ever be effective. It's just humiliating coping mechanisms

Attached: Capture+_2018-06-29-15-44-56.png (1440x2392, 3.26M)

it still looks weird

Just start roiding up now, it's your only hope. Otherwise you'll end up like this.

Women like men with masculine traits and a strong physical appearance, oh... yeah... and a good personality. Enough with this heightism bullshit.

Attached: manny.jpg (350x467, 25K)

video rental stores still exist?

If you're 6'6" and lank mode, simply devote yourself to lifting.

Now you are 6'6" and buff. Sure it takes slightly longer, but *now you're 6'6" and buff.*

When the fuck will manlets learn?

Attached: 53 KB.jpg (498x363, 53K)

>Women like men with masculine traits and a strong physical appearance, oh... yeah... and a 100 million dollar bank account

fixed to accurately portray your pic

The picture has to be fucking edited, just look at how the little kid’s head looks pasted on

imagine how assblasted the manlet who made this is

Attached: intothepit.png (1276x893, 124K)

You can be under 5 foot or over 7 and make gains

Fuck this anti motivational shit


>Where were you
here just LOL at you delusional manlets

its all about confidence man. Plus are you all still at that point in life where your slaving over what women want? Guys grow up and live life for yourself. Find you a girl that shares your own connection. Dont slave away to the idea of what women want, so be yourself and it will happen.