*BTFO's your knee*
heh, nothin' personal kid.
*BTFO's your knee*
Anyone got that webm where that girl hyperextends her knee?
what's the point of the press ? Aren't squats good enough ?
Yeah, if you want to be a manlet.
Don't lock out your knees and it's safe you retard
This is the machine version of the squat.
>weakling cope
how's the 1pl8 squat fa.m?
fuck off retard
I still don't care I am not going anywhere near those machines?
shit, I meant to post a period, not a question mark.
They exist because companies make and sell them, and the average person doesn't know any better.
Squats are better all around because they work more muscles. You get more work done per rep.
Isolated presses don't have a real purpose.
No its not. There are actual squat machines, leg presses don't load your shoulders, core, back, or any other stabilizing muscles.
If you're afraid of snapping your knee caps remember to only leg press the amount of weight that you know 100% sure that you can squat
How come nobody mentioned her (lack of) tits?
I’ve had a fear of those since I saw this
That's going to be pretty much a waste of time, most people can do roughly double their squat max on the leg press
I was looking at those weird shitty plates
People have been getting jacked using machines since the 70s.
You actually typed out "stabilizer muscles" so I'm just going to assume you're fucking retarded.
>No its not. There are actual squat machines, leg presses don't load your shoulders, core, back, or any other stabilizing muscles.
Not sure I understand why you are "disagreeing" with me by pointing out why free weights are better than machines, which was basically my point.
The hip sled isn't THE only machine version of a squat, but that's the movement it is trying to reproduce (in an inferior way.)
here you go
>guy instantly grabs her tiddie
Squats are good enough for 99% percent of the population.
An argument could be made that this is good tool for top tier bodybuilders.
I myself can get a shitloads more out of my legs using legpress rather than squatting. I have the shittiest genes for squatting because of long legs and short torso though.
I do 550lbs for 3x10. How much do I need to press to get thick? I'm still skelly.
Just don't lockout, go so deep that your heel comes off the thing or throw on 10 pl8s to impress gym thots who don't really give a fuck. It's a fairly safe piece of equipment really, your picture SHOULD have a leg extension machine that really btfo your knees.
I always thought that your joints were at there strongest under lockout
You want the tension to be on your muscles, that's what you are training. When you lock out, all the tension goes to your joint, which can lead to problems.
I'm scarred for life
The press doesn’t work your core or back. I love squats and I’m also part of the short torso, eternally long legs club.
What is the difference between this and a squat, mechanically?
if you're dumb and unathletic enough to hurt yourself on an exercise with basically 0 technical requirement, you will 100% fuck yourself up doing squats or deadlifts
they are
"don't lock out" is a myth that refuses to die because of retards like this and other retards who watch a woman with hypermobility leg press and think this will actually happen to people without similar pathologies
This webm is the reason I shudder every time I see someone using the leg press machine
i like the part where her doctor or physiotherapist ignores her and she gets distracted by the camera causing her to be injured
>aaaah it hurts
>I meant my legs
delete this please
I know better but I watch anyway
i've unironically been noticing my quads develop much better when I replaced squats for leg press
Ive never watched this and plan never to. Do I win a prize?
post it
honestly hoping he would bust his legs
Some of us have fucked up spines due to military service. Having the weight I need on a bar loaded onto my spine in any way is agonising. The sled lets me get the weight I need while being comfortable
More injuries than any other workout.
Press prevents most of these injuries and still keeps the legs strong.
If you can press 2.5 times your body weight you're at intermediate level for the exercise.
Lot less injuries, if people dropped meme lifts like squats.
Even Arnold said squats aren't sustainable and you will injure yourself eventually.
You're not sitting low enough to activate your hams and glutes
That isn't a press. You and the guy you're replying to are retarded.
So many new faggots. Christ. Nuclear cleanse when
>long legs and short torso
Become a trap you selfish fuck
I saw this like 2 years ago and have refused to use leg press ever since and my friends keep mocking me saying that I'll be fine but nah fuck that, I'm never ever risking getting my legs BTFO'd
Nobody clicks on imagrs with leg presses in them. Not worth it.
yeah I still do diddlylifts because luckily for me I also happen to have 80 inch reach at 6'1''
Quads of truth and justice
It's not a myth, if you lockout and you hyper extend you could end up like that woman in the vid. The goal is to tax your muscles, locking out shifts the tension to the joint. Even if you never hyper extend, there is no point to locking out when you recruit more muscle by not doing so.
Name ONE,
Top tier bodybuilder, powerlifter, even crossfit fag that doesnt squat
i mean, you can fuck up joints and shit on any excercise if you do them wrong
quite a few BBers didn't/don't squat, Dorian Yates for example said he got better growth out of machine hack squat and leg press
I use a cable leg press where I'm pushing myself up against a flat plate. I figured it does way more than a machine that holds some of the weight with the angle like the OP machine. I throw in 3x10 100kg on leg day alongside my squats and assortment of other leg exercises.