Anyone here cured cancer without chemotherapy?

Anyone here cured cancer without chemotherapy?
If yes, what did you do? Any supplements?

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Ask a doctor you suicidal retard.

I’m sorry but as far as medical science goes
Listening to the doctors is the best bet and having a positive attitude helps too.
I work for a cancer treatment center, whatever your struggle, we are here to help, you don’t have to fight on your own

doctors just want to milk money out of me.

Give me the red pill on how to cure cancer.

What stage are you OP

Good luck, user. If I was religious I would pray/ tell you to pray.

Nigger you will literally die if you unironically favor the advice of strangers on an anonymous internet forum over the advice of an actual doctor.

just be yourself bro

Go to the /fast/ general. There are guys that are waterfasting, and claim that the body will eat the cancer when it gets hungry enough.

If you're going to die anyway, may as well spend a month without food and see if the cancer shrinks.

Just drink water, and have some NaCL and KCL so you don't die from dehydration.

Dunno, maybe change diet? Always heard about carbs and bloodsugar strengthening cancer, a clean diet wont hurt you either.

Anybody willing to elaborate on the proper diet while having cancer?

Do dry faster, thats supposed to kill cancer better.
Might aswell try those woodoo things if you are dying anyways. Godspeed user

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*dry fasting

don't be retarded

Look into inedia. Just 1 month on it and you should be able to starve the cancer cells all to death. Two months tops.

I cured 4 metastasizing brain tumors and triple testicular cancer by drinking whey protein shakes

Weed. Lots of fuckin weed.

Although obviously the best course of action is to have chemo too.

Follow your doctor's advice fag. Don't listen to snake oil peddled by Internet strangers.
Supplement your treatment with keto, intermittent fasting and thc.

this. don't listen to the other anons there is nothing else that truly works

This is a theory, have u seen any people with cancer who use test n roids?

Also ajother medical theory
Cancer cells are basically dead cells zombie so to say n they stick on living cells n zombify them.. what if you were dead for a while and they couldnt grab enough living cells n just rotted?

Tim Ferriss has a bit on what he would do if he got cancer, might be worth looking into

My mum just went through a bout with breast cancer. They took two lumps out of her breast, then went in once more because the margins showed cancerous cells. After this, it was possible she would need chemo, radiation, or hormone therapy to prevent a recurrence. Based on the analysis of her cancer and genetics, the oncologist recommended radiation. Maybe you will be just as lucky not to require chemo.

> muh weed cures cancer meme
Kill yourself you fucking retard.

Gerson therapy. No bullshit. Look into it!

>what if you were dead for a while and they couldnt grab enough living cells n just rotted?
Brilliant! We'll call it chemo therapy.

my mother had cancer and she went to africa and lived in the mid of nowhere eating vegetables and meat in the wild, completely chemical free natural food for a few months and made a full recovery. They also say fasting can help but you without question need to eat some 100% natural organic free insanely healthy diet when you aren't fasting

1) Reduce Sugar intake by 90%
2) Drink nothing but glass bottled mineral water for 3 days without food.
3) Get on the vitamin tablet and fruit and veg only diet. 1500 cals per day.
4) Stay away from strong EM fields (switch off router at night and shield bedroom)

Congrats no cancer in 1 month.

You will ignore me, but this has saved hundreds who have listened

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>my mother had cancer and she went to africa and lived in the mid of nowhere eating vegetables and meat in the wild, completely chemical free natural food for a few months and made a full recovery.
I don't think any of this actually happened. Either you're lying or your mom is lying.

his mom used the good ol' cancer story to go get some bbc
let that user live in the fantasy, deep inside he knows the truth

oh and buy some himilayan rock salt (NOT WHITE SALT IT@S NOT SALT) and have some of that every day when doing your first fast

1) I eat a low-carb vegan diet
2) Ok
3) I'm underweight and already taking multivitamins. My diet is not 100% fruit & veg though, will try
4) Do not have WiFi at home

>Max Gerson (October 18, 1881 – March 8, 1959) was a Jewish, German-born American physician
this is the only sentence i need to know that this works

Also this
>In addition, patients receive enemas of coffee, castor oil and sometimes hydrogen peroxide or ozone.[10]

stop eating carbs

go away Eddie

Dear op, you are what you eat, the end. I recommend you a raw food diet as long as you have lumps of kanker in your body, if it is bone or blood kanker i sadly do not know how to help you. Consult with Boston Kanker Institute if possible

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don't be a retard. steve jobs tried to do this homeopathic crap and guess what? HE DED

get a piece of cancer and eat it
body will recognize it as food and search around for other cancer cells, healing you
wa la

>let me just pump my body full of cell killing chemicals in hope that my body is strong enough to survive until the kanker is dead
literal nigger confirmed.

Our body is the greatest mechanism ever to be evolved on this earth, even we in our self absorbed minds can not see its greatness because we are Gods on this earth. Remember that your body is an engine and how you treat it will reflect its efficiency. Modern research in kanker treatment is nothing but laughable, so why do you think that a (((doctor))) will prescribe you the antidote? Sugar is most likely the cause of most kankers known to us at this time, people are obsessed with it. You know how it is, when you abuse any substance at all your organism can not recover fast enough from the damage dealt to it. There is a reason to why some die from smoking and some dont, i will tell you why you crack smoking ape; everything with good measure, dont overuse anything in life.

sorry to hear that man
my dad had cancer, he lost it for a while then it came back and killed him just like that
one day we're playing football together and the next day he's dead
go to a doctor, don't listen to these guys if u want to live

Dude i'd rather have someone milk all my money if at least it increases my chances to not fucking die.

there is no other way bro , listen to your docs do your chemo and keep a positive atitude , i know that everything i will try to tell you to help you feel better its gonna sound like bullshit , you are carying a heavy cross right now , i hope you will survive it and make it !

If it was me btw i would have gone mad , i would have gone rape some bitches fuck some boi pussy and kill some mofos that did me wrong and if im gonna die i want at least to take them down with me

Just aproach it however you like embrace a fuck it all mindset and go nuts or go str8 to the point do your chemo and hope for the best

i hope that you will survive this cancer bitch and make it bro ! ill lift for you tomorow

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>50 KB
>Anonymous 06/29/18(Fri)15:44:16 No.46633

Brainforce ™

get out of the internet fucking retard, specially fucking Jow Forums

>being this retarded
Just die faggot

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Dry fast you fucking idiot

Unironically this.
Go to the doctor and be in debt if you have to. You've got one life and you don't want to lose your future over money.

What type of cancer do you have?
I got diagnosed with early stages of brain cancer two weeks ago. I think the doctor was trying not to shock/depress me but i know that survival percentage is like 1% and that soon i will begin to lose normal brain functions and maybe memory.
Now i regret everything i didn't do.
Also we know very little about cancer so a simple stupid thing can save you

Gerson therapy(theres a documentary about it, i think it goes down in mexico) which is basically be vegetarian for awhile don't consume sugar. treating ones self with cbd orally or juicing raw cannabis plants in another good idea, there are some other options. look up podcasts about cancer you'll find some good info

Jesus reading shit like this scares the fuck outta me more than anything else. I hope to God that if I'm ever diagnosed with it, that the same day a bus hops the curb and kills me before I ever do any radiation/chemo.

If you're being ironic because of "muh joos tryna kill me", at the very can't really hurt?
It's just being organic and vegan with some weird enema shit.

What the fuck is it with this website and degenerate drug pedaling hippies giving medical advise to people who could genuinely die following the fucking brainless theories their drug addled minds dreamed up while in a psychotic state

This. Plus if you're pasty af like me you can go as Wojak with a friend to a convention so he dresses up as Pepe

How old are you cancerous faggots? This shit scares the bejeesus outta me, I'm 31 now, mortality is getting more and more real since my dad died a couple years back.

>your organism
>your body is an engine

Well if you did any basic research on cancer you would realize that your body has it due to failure to stop cell growth using regulatory mechanisms and checkpoints. The engine has failed and it can't do anything to stop the growth.

I would recommend seeking how to accept your mortality along with others' mortality. Learn to live with happiness by living according to your values rather than by what goals you manage to complete in life. I hope you find peace in life.

So, Jow Forums, once you meet a real problem like cancer, you know that every little complex and imperfection you worry about right now is FUCKING NONSENSE.

Live, enjoy your lifes, try to do the best but don't get depressed or suicidal if things do not work the way you want them to work.
Try to be in peace with yourself and be thankful that you are not having a really problem of life and death.

OP, i wish you will be cured. Therefore do good for yourself and let the doctors to milk the shit out of your bank account but get cured.

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I'm not so sure peace in life is such a desirable thing. Peace means complacency. The most peaceful I ever was, was when I was dead-drunk. A couple years of that almost killed me. On the other hand, I'm the happiest when I strive and struggle to achieve a goal. I'm happiest when I'm unsatisfied, and far from peaceful.

Is it really better to accept mortality than to struggle against it with all your might? I'm not going quietly into the night, goddammit!

smoking the reefer

>people with cancer use test n roids
t. testicular cancer survivor on test

Pot, my dad beat it smokin an oz a week

This. Survive, you fucking faggot.

Look up hemp seed oil, it stops cancer cells from replicating. Look up the old guy from Canada that was curing people with his hemp oil.

I don't know how anyone can use RSO medicinally, it gave me the worst trip of my life on just a fucking smidgen of the psychotic tar

>Anyone here cured cancer without chemotherapy?
Had thyroid cancer.
Thyroid and surrounding lymph nodes got removed.
I no longer have thyroid cancer.

There's no cure OP you are the cancer.

Look up "Steve Jobs"

it depends on where the cancer is, OP

Is it melanoma or mouth cancer? you'll be fine.

heart/lung cancer? Pretty good for the foreseeable future on chemo.

lymphoma or Leukemia? 50/50 coin flip

pancreatic? you're gonna be dead in like 8 months without chemo

you can try fasting and maybe dryfasting to starve the cancer.

He'll be fine with melanoma? I thought that shit is super aggressive?

not anymore. Survival from melanomas now is almost entirely guranteed

no he didnt

Fast and drink piss

Snake diet wizard

Iodine supplements

Cook meth and wait for the unevitable

Hearty kek

I would unironically do this, with occasional full blown dry fasts.

i know that feeling user

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Fuck man.
I have a subtle fear of going to the doctor due to the potential of hearing some bad news like that.
Yes, stupid logic because going to the doc could be the very thing that saves me and prevents it from happening.
I will make an appointment tomorrow.

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Close minded boot licking medical industry kikes

Rick Simpson oil my dawg.

I'm genuinely hoping you're just trolling, OP. If you actually have cancer, don't fuck around and treat this like another JudeoFeminist conspiracy theory. Get to a doctor.

Rick Simpson oil, from another user.

What kind of cancer do you have and what stage is it? I've just finished chemotherapy shit was horrible but its literally the only thing that gives you a chance

I hope this is a joke

I think you misinterpreted my beliefs or maybe I wrote them incorrectly.
You should of course pursue your goals and break your own limits to always improve, but you should never fall into despair and sadness if, by factors outside of your own control, your goals and paths are suddenly unattainable.

honestly, its probably cheaper to die why would you want to live in this world anyway

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In b4 OP has something like early stage thyroid with a high-90's survival chance and he pisses it away trying snake oils until he fucking dies

I'd never have chemo but that's just my personal opinion. I have never seen anyone survive chemo. On the other hand i have never seen anyone die from untreated cancer.

>close minded
>can't even present statistics on survival rate of people who don't get treated by doctors

You know, it would be a lot better for you to actually provide some form of evidence instead of just saying, "just think about it mannnn."

you probably also have never seen carbon monoxide poisoning in action but you know for a fact it works based on science.

Close family friend of mine after her surgery for cancer was recommended by one doctor chemo and by another this Georgian black wine called Saperavi. Drank one small glass a day, before her meals I think, and a year later she is cancer free, with no chemo.

Of course you cant buy the real thing outside of Georgia, so you need to go to the country and make sure you dont get scammed for being a foreigner and find Kakhetians that make real Saperavi, ideally from Khashmi

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your close family friend probably had a stage 1 type tumor with a good prognosis regardless of the chemo. also, judging by the recommendation of alcohol by a doc it sounds like you're from yurope and they're ultra aggressive with cancers that don't necessarily need adjunct therapies.

OP here.
Thank you all for the replies, I really appreciate it, really.

To those saying cannabis/hemp seed oil
I'm already eating hemp seeds and hemp seed oil and even before I got cancer.
I'll try CBD, not sure how much it'll help though in my case

I'll also def try fasting, gerson therapy and iodine like recommended.

I have a non-hodgkins lymphoma (a blood cancer) and the survival rate isn't that good at my stage.

>looking for the cure to cancer on a Nepalese hen plucking forum

>claim that the body will eat the cancer when it gets hungry enough

just like eat vegetables maaan

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