Do you think you could beat up CM Punk?

Do you think you could beat up CM Punk?

Attached: 522_CM_Punk.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 129K)

in WWE or MMA?


>BJJ blue belt
>Decent boxer
>Have actually won a MMA fight

Yes, 6’3 270lbs , would submit him in under a minute.

Yes, he's absolute dog shit. I can at least throw a proper punch.


>Former NCAA gymnast (gymnast since the age of 3 competitively)
>3 years boxing
>5 years BJJ

Judging from his fight, yes - pretty easily. He was so fucking bad it wasn't even funny. I've seen 12 years old with better fighting abilities.

Why is his body so weird?

>15 years boxing
>10 years Dutch kickboxing
>around 15 years of lifting

Dude would get his guts blown the fuck out.

I think the problem with his mma career was the fact that they thought he would be like Brock Lesnar and just completly upset the mma community. However a key difference was the fact that Brock lesnar actually wrestled in college and Used steroids profusely while CM was simply a techincal wrestler not an effective wrestler also it’s very unlikely he ever roided

Yeah dude. 9mm, hand grenade, macaroni and cheese, dude gon get tauot a lessin.

ya dun know about the macaroni

he wasn't even a technical wrestler, he was the epitome of a man drama microphone whiner

hes straight edge

Bouncer here, never been in the ring, only in the street.

I reckon id take him, but my stamina is shit. Id be way more entertaining thats for sure.

I don't even understand how you could be THAT bad after training for TWO YEARS with legit, professional MMA fighters.

like, he was like a random skelly basedboy off the street in his first fight who had only seen MMA on TV. I truly believe most people at Jow Forums would do better if they trained for two years. I would love to watch a tell-all documentary about that training camp.

A lot of people were saying that he looked like shit and performed badly because he cycled off of steroids. I disagree. As a professional wrestler, he was skinnyfat. He wore a t-shirt to cover his torso whenever possible. Triple H used to cut promos burying Punk for having such an unimpressive physique. When CM Punk crossed over into MMA, he simply lost the fat and was left with the amount of muscle he was always carrying, which was very little.

We're so used to seeing genetic specimens like Yoel Romero inside the octagon that when we see a guy with average genetics, we think he's dyel. The truth is, Punk basically looks the way a 39 year old, unathletic man with is supposed to look. And by this, I mean extremely unimpressive, obv.

CM Punk is the only MMA guy I think 99% of Jow Forums could beat in a one on one fight.

No, I've never trained to fight.

Neither has he.

I walk around at like 205 and have submission wrestling and kick boxing experience. I am absolutely sure I would finish him within one 5 minute round.

Local amateur MMA circuits are better than this clown.

At my first time ever sparring in a boxing gym I had better striking than him and thats not something to brag about. Some people are just not fighters for whatever reason

How does he already have the 60 year old Iggy Pop stomach down?

Without a doubt.
>Graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals
>Been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda
>Have over 300 confirmed kills
I'd wipe him the fuck out.