Have I made it bros?

Have I made it bros?

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Let me see your body and I’ll tell you

unironically mirin

jokes aside, you're big enough that you can collect pussy without trying and neckbeards will think you're a douchebag.
now wipe that faggy smile off your face and get a real haircut

Obviously a drug addict roid head

All natty, just protein and BCAA's

nice traps and shoulders but whats with the noodle arms

Nice traps. Shave your chin for christ sake though fuck

hair is fine and smile looks genuinely happy if a bit silly

Go no facial hair

very much this

the fuck is wrong with you with thinking that facial hair looks good. Do you wear adult diapers holy shit


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you made it user. because unlike most of us, you look genuinely happy :)
hope you had a nice time

Once you shave that lame goatee, yes.

You look fucking buff bro! Keep up the fucking progress my dude fuuaarrkkk bro!


You're looking great, user. Keep killing it.

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Frats are for fags my dude.

looking big and juicy la