Yfw zack efron is 5’8

>yfw zack efron is 5’8

Lankets, when will they learn???

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Other urls found in this thread:


i would mog him

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You wouldn’t do a god damn thing

i am almost a foot taller than him
i would literally shit on him

didnt realize it snipped the edges

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>being this insecure that the only positive thing you can look forward to is fantasy role-plays of “mogging” famous people

How sad. It doesn’t get any more textbook lanklet than this people.

how am i insecure
i just made a comment that i would mog him
is this the famous manlet rage that i keep hearing about?

>moving the goal posts and making counter accusations after being called out

This kills the lanklet

why wont manlets just accept who they are?

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He looks good until he stands next to someone also on roids who's above 6''0. Then you realize he's just a manlet with good facial aesthetics

>he grew an inch or two from 18 years old to 22 years old

Totally mogged by the rock in baywatch

And huge ackman in greatest show

>takes time out of their day to post in my thread to defending their lanklet lifestyle
>doesn’t realize he’s the only one seething

>made a thread about manlet 'superiority'
>gets mad when somebody shit talks his manlet idol

>trying this hard

You know the greatest bodybuilders in the world were under 5’10 right? You’re never gonna make it


The point of this thread is Zac Efron. He has a better body than you can only hope to have in your dreams. He’s literally mogging you by how mad you got at his picture and this thread, and he doesn’t even know you exist.

Is your asshole on your chest? Explain.

yeah man i am absolutely fuming right now
keep coping btw

Lanklet detected. How's it feel to know he probably weighs more than you, baby boy. Maybe you should drink more milk, lol

He’s a lanklet, don’t expect a logical response from them. They have kneejerk angry reactions when you call them out and respond by posting stupid comments like what you’ve just seen.

Do women make these threads? Why would you worry about something you can't fucking change. Most short dudes probably out lift me and have better social skills. That's what really matters boys keep your heads up.

To be honest, so many lanklets look like ghoulish, gargoylish creatures. Why? Even michael phelps has that fucked up mouth. What's up with lanklet bone structure?

So many butthurt lanklets in this thread.

you guys get mad so fucking quickly hhahahah
i love you, never change

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Probably years of inbreeding if I had to guess. It would explain their low IQ.

taller people on average have higher iq than short people

Keep convincing yourself that you're so much smarter than short people, lol. Show us a selfie, you poor, misshapen creature.



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i said on average copecell, i don't know what to tell you if you disagree with scientific facts

Nigga you probably have an awkward ass body paired with a goofy face

Is this what the lanklet resorts to? Making up facts to defend their false ideals?

Everyone notice how this lanklet calls himself smarter than others but doesn't know how to capitalize and add punctuations. Poor guy.

So mad that the manlet in OP's pic is ripped you had to rage in this thread. Are you even a real man if you get triggered by your "inferiors"?

trends, don't say facts. Show us your illustrious bone structure, lanklet lol

Seriously, why are lanklets so gangly looking on average? What's wrong with their bones?

Refer to




C O P E laugh detected

jesus the cope is killing me

Yet you just HAD to come into this thread and fight for lanklets....yeah, you're not C O P I N G at all

i shouldn't defend myself?

Knowing anime fan fiction facts better than the average person DOES NOT make you smarter lanklet.


>having to defend yourself on an anonymous hentai board

How pathetic is your life?

>copey cope cope

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can't you see the hypocrisy you're displaying?

>T-the inferior manlets are c-coping again!! MUST DEFEND MY SUPERIORITY


shorter people also have lower T
thats probably why you're such a pussy lol

>shorter people also have lower T
Even if it's on average, my t is pretty high. I'm satisfied with how quickly I put on muscle, and my high sex drive. Keep trying to troll manlets, you butthurt little boy. Maybe if you do it enough, your gangly lanklet bones will morph and you'll have aesthetic proportions.

>i- i am not butthurt !1!!11!!

I'm not, I'm just surprised someone who feels so superior has to try and convince others on an anonymous image board. Keep drinking whole milk, kiddo!

i am not trying to convice anybody anything my short little friend
i am just stating things how they are

Onions boy detected

You're obviously trying your hardest to prove the OP wrong...and it's pathetic. If you were really superior, you wouldn't be bothered by the C O P I N G. Show us a picture of your bone structure, sexy! lol!

i suggest you do the same lol
i just came here to make you little shits cry and it looks like i succeded

From your mouth?

Bruh, I just came into this thread to see the shitflinging. I didn't expect a lanklet to the this butthurt, lmao.

average american man is asian?

He does seem like a shithead, so yeah, probably.

>Fucking Daddario
>Fucking Brie
>Jon snow nigga married royalty and is set for life
Manlet uprising, anons. Are you scared?

Attached: handsome manlet.jpg (500x666, 82K)

>Gets called out and immediately starts raving about manlets

he looks like a 14 year old with a beard

Because so many lanklets try desperately to hold on to their height as their only redeeming feature. Its funny that they think it makes them superior when it is the only thing people cannot control.

This, dudes are 6'4", but ugly af, no muscle definition, and spazzy af around women, and then are surprised when a manlet gets the girl they want.

>listening to lanklets desperately trying to feel superior on a taiwanese fishing forum

But...but....but..my superior tall acne genetics

holy kek

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posts literally ONE example lol

A 14 year old boy that has gotten more pussy and has a better body than you lanklet.

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>implying any other bodybuilder is worth what arnie is worth

That mouthbreather doesn't look good though. Someone post the pic of him from the side with no beard

>implying you're worth what any bodybuilder is worth. C O P E. Arnie was an outlier. How are YOU packing on muscle, baby boy? Remember to keep drinking whole milk, lol!

you would look weird not just compared to him, but his entitely social circle. hes a millionaire hollywood actor, they live a different life regardless of height or color. you dont have time to worry about stupid shit between snorting coke of models ass
the internet just made everybody seem accessible and closer, but in reality you cant even imagine the distance

when youre hollywood tier you can go into a restaurant and they will offer you free shit just to eat there. you get free offers everywhere. people try to chat up with you.
status simply isnt compareable or measureable. these guys live a life we cant even imagine.
the good part is that if youre an average dude you can still get mad respect for becoming a doctor or really good at something

This is the unironic overcompensating most manlets get accused of
>be dumber
>worse looking
>less successful
>even worse body
>worse mental state

honestly sad

>he's shorter than my 13 year old brother

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Haha do you honestly believe you can mog zac efron? Maybe height wise but he beats you in every single other department

So the only thing you can brag about to Zack Efron is your height? Not your wealth or popularity or harem of girls? Definitely not your personality?

Nope you can’t. Zack Efron has got you beat in every one of those. Your only desirable trait is your height which isn’t much if you’re lacking in every other department. Basically everyone has you beat and you’re in denial.

How sad and pathetic this lanklets life must be.

Why are you people even arguing about this? Why do you care about a literal jewish manlet mutt?

>What do you mean you don’t like guys who are 5’8”? 5’9 is a perfectly acceptable height for a full grown man, in fact, at 5’10” I’m pretty much the average height. Don’t be such a size queen.

Didn't he get that in a month? I remember reading about last year he was training with the Rock and went from nothing to that in a month or two. If that's true, he's juicing.

imagine how more awesome he would look if he wasn't a tiny tiny manlet.

>and a half

Manlets are hilarious. I could say six three and a half but I usually just say six three

I want you to post a picture of your body and your height. If you don't have a body similar to Zack Efrons you cant say shit you ugly lanklet.

made me kek genuinely

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someone post this pls

god I wish that were me

doesnt mean that ur zack effron you dwarf

Best I could find in ten seconds

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>What is growth?

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>the best looking and most widely renowned one is the tallest
really makes you think

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>implying every manlet looks like Zac Efron

He’s lean but seriously doesn’t look strong at all.

>not telling everyone you're 6'0"