NoFap Killed Libido

>day 6 of nofap
>haven't had a boner in days
>not attracted to women at all
>only got morning wood once in 3 days
>low energy
What am I doing wrong?
When does it get better?

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pls respond :D

Keep going mate, It’ll get better, promise. Don’t listen to the fags trying to convince you otherwise, they’re the crabs in the bucket

thanks m8
but what is a crab in the bucket lmao

Total opposite for me, i couldn't restrain myself and came buckets to Roseanne on day 4.

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You are just naturally low test, the image you posted is proof of that

maybe you weren't as hooked on porn like I was


Lmao, the penis is a muscle and it gets smaller if you don't use it. Check out the people who are into chastity and shit, they generally have very noticeable shrinkage both while erect and flacid after they are let out of chastity after a while.

Don't give in to the feminist meme shit, the more testosterone you have, the more you will want to wank.

so you have a fit girl in little shorts sit in front of you or rub her thighs against you and you felt not arousal? if regular trivial shit doesn't arouse you it just means you will last longer in sex

>so you have a fit girl in little shorts sit in front of you or rub her thighs against you
what makes you think this happened?

flatline. keep going

when you get to two weeks you'll think about fucking anything that moves

Imagining some crabs in a bucket, I picture them as pretty fucking clueless

It’s an /ic/ meme

I haven’t fapped in like 9 days now, I don’t feel the urge to fap but I get boners around girls and feel like approaching them
>tfw I can’t because I’m with family at airport on the way home

Why not do it so they think you're chad now?

You need to get around women to feel the effects of nofap.

Also nofap is useless. Nop is the shit. 11 days in, met up with 3 girls to fuck this week, one of then canceled tho FeelsBadMan

Your addicted to porn, so you remove porn and your sex drive drops off.

It will come back from looking at normal women in time

Ever tried fingering your bum? It doesn't count as a fap

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Crabs in a bucket will always pull down any crab trying to escape.

Its an age old saying.

Nofap is the biggest meme I've ever seen. Have fun jizzing your trousers when a girl looks at you.

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read bronze age mindset you ghey nofap is cargo cult mentality; strive for a life where fapping is unnecessary, instead of holding back urge to fap and driving yourself insane

the fuck is Nop?

OH SHIT OP im reading this manga right now!!!


Why would you do that, user?
Do you identify with the main character?

Yeah... although i dont look like a girl at all also its a pretty good manga too


What would you do if you got turned into a girl?

The penis is an organ you fucking retard. Regular erections keep the tissue elastic. Lack of erections leads to loss of elasticity and it can cause shrinkage

>thinking the dick is a muscle

Fucking hell

Where can I find it?

it's called Boku Girl

this guy

it happend something similar to my, did no-fap for 70 days and didnt feel much change, becase i wasnt that hook to porn has i thoght i was.
remember the objective of no fap is to reprogram your brain to look reward for real succese, real achivment not in self indulgent and self gratification.
also you are in first few day of your testosterone cicle, production will kick then your will reach a test level above your preview level.

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I would like to dress cute and look cute and fuck guys

I don't understand how people manage that. I don't jerk off for like 24 hours, and get hard at a fucking breeze. I don't watch porn, so maybe you have porn ED?


Yeah im not gay tho. Maybe ill work more on makeup and try to trap

It's not gay if you're a girl, user.

>im not gay tho
> would like to dress cute and look cute and fuck guys
>and fuck guys
>im not gay tho

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It's true. I went crabbing sometime ago and the crabs in my bucket literally pulled the others down. One almost got out and they yabked him in.

Thats a trap, right?

No its a guy that turned into a girl.

It's a closet trans girl that got turned into an actual girl.

When will they learn?

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nofap/decreased masturbating fucked me over when i started hooking up with women again.. that extra sensitivity was a curse

Just go round 2

This . You're a young man, user.

I'd rather last 30 seconds than not be able to get hard.

Your testosterone drops like a fucking rock if you go a week without ejaculating. Give yourself release to restart it.

i agree but i never had a problem with getting hard. only really did no fap for the self control and cutting out porn

I miss getting hard just from seeing a nice ass on a woman while I'm in town. Porn destroyed me.


I used to talk shit about nofap, but then I tried it. Start doing nofap. Seriously, I've been doing it since April and I'm getting so many benefits. Confidence, female attraction, brighter eye color, more muscle tone. It's not a meme.

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I asked that in another thread, and i'll ask it again, since i got no answers;

Is there a way I can recover from almost ED/Get a 100% functional dick again with only Cardio and Kegels, without quitting (2D) porn? I really don't care for 3D porn, and my fetishes aren't even weird.

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nofap: get so horny even your own reflection turns you on

Just quit the 2D porn. Even if it's only for 1 month.

there are people that don't get turned on by their reflections?

maybe i’m old fashioned but i’d consider 2d porn pretty fucking weird

that's not a woman user........

But will It help with my lost virility? I'm only 23. Also, Do i really only need to quit it for a month? I fucking love those shortstacks, man.
I love them. Obeying basic anatomy or not. If i were to quit it, I'd quit it unhappily because it's something I genuinely enjoy. 3D porn was setting me on a dark path so I quit it without questioning it. But 2D? That's something i'm dreading.

Besides, i'm currently a fatty. I locked myself out of the dating game intentionally until i'm not so disgusting looking. So getting girls or not isn't the issue.

it's a common saying you fucking mong

if you want change it’s time for some real self discipline. realise all your vices are linked and go from there

shut the fuck up

>can't live without his weeb fagshit
It's like pottery

Massage it daily to prevent that

it doesn't
stop doing nofap you fucking retard

this user is right. the shrinkage from chastity isn't permanent and is caused by the lessening of the elasticity of your dick skin after not getting erections for however long. that being said, I still think nofap is retarded bro science

>stops touching dick
>is slowly becoming a little faggot
NOFAP meme has another victim.

low t

U wot

This manga needs an anime adaption

Not him but I'd be fucking anyone and everyone. No homo.

105 days here ama


benefits 1337man?

One day.

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it wont help you but you should stop talking like r9k
go to the gym and socialize and lift heavy

No Way

I've been doing nofap for the beginning of week, usually going 3-4 days, then fapping 3 or 4 times during the weekend. I've felt more or less fine, but I'm a little worried because the last two wet dreams I had were of me as a woman. One where I had big tits and one where I body jumped into a female co-worker.

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lay off the porn

Nigga even if you "loose" your libido (like a period of time that short has any meaning) you go through the motions. It's weakness speaking to you

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>day 14
>fapped but without porn
>not late in the evening having loads of tabs open trying to find that perfect vid

Not too bad.
I don't know how much truth there is to semen retention but I hope at least I have saved some still.

are pictures of beautiful women porn?


you should be seeing these women in real live rather than over the internet


Almost all benefits are from semen retention

I think more important than abstaining from masturbation is to make sure you have no micronutrient deficiencies.

Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K2, Magnesium, Zinc, Sodium, Potassium, are big ones.

Beef/pork liver + potatoes + oranges hits all those bases, if you add salt.

also milk + sunlight

boku girl

What do those have to do with libido, energy and confidence to talk to women?

I jerk off to porn or whatever whenever I want, feel great, and fuck the shit out of girls no problem
You nofap guys should really question your sexuality

Lol both of these are libido killers and make it tougher to get an erection

tell us more about how many girls you fuck the shit out of stud

I'm gay and I still do nofap since porn fucks me up good

Your move.

This thread is pretty fucking gay, even for us.

>whenever a dog climbs all over me licking me, chewing on my ears, wrestling, etc, i get a boner because im a kissless virgin who has never had any sort of physical contact in my life so even an animal doing it makes this happen

no fap, fap, nothing will stop how pathetic i am. i need to be castrated

>Donald Duck casually walks away with murder.
>based duck

Day 0 no fap.
I got nothing going for me in life.
A married women is going to come over to my house tomorrow and we're going to make lunch because we like to cook.
Sure, nofap supposedly turns people life around from complete depression but aside from that, have any of you got laid?

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low test

>stillfap: stay so pathetic you try to make strangers online jerk their cum noodle more
Day 22 you peasant ass faggots will never experience the power of nocum

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