What's the point of lifting when you have an ugly face? I've only become severely depressed after lifting, and realized no matter how hard I work I'll still be invisible to girls
>25 years old and never had a gf
>another Friday night home alone
What's the point of lifting when you have an ugly face? I've only become severely depressed after lifting...
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I can get past an ugly face if a guy is fit and has a lot of other things going for him. But ugly and fat? Or bad attitude? Nope.jpg
Also isn't there a feels thread on Jow Forums?
I look exactly like the left picture. I figure if I can look 1/4 as good as on the right then I'm all set.
>24 year old khv
>I can get past an ugly face if a guy is fit and has a lot of other things going for him.
Straight men don't care what gays want in a guy.
you don't have a girlfriend because you're a pussy wallowing in self-pity, not because you're ugly.
The self pity is a result of being alone, not the cause. It happened much later
Not him, but in all seriousness if the self pity is really getting to you it might be genuine depression and you should see a therapist, and also get your t checked and your blood checked for dopamine and vitamin d levels.
I installed tinder a few weeks ago and haven't gotten many matches, but have matched with a few qts. A couple of them messaged me back and seemed interested but as soon as I suggested meeting up and asked for their number they either stopped responding or unmatched immediately. Why do they do this? It's destroying the small amount of confidence I had.
Some women want just a hot body
Some body just a hot face
Some want both
Qualify yourself for the first group at least, better than nothing
post your profile
T levels are low. Haven't checked vit D but it should be good, I actually go outside for long bike rides by myself, they're the only reason I haven't killed myself yet. Havent checked dopamine and don't even know what that is but I'm sick of getting blood tests over and over only to see the same shitty low test amount every time, I've done every meme this board talks about to increase test and none of it has helped
>Why do they do this?
Because women are fucking evil that's why
Have you talked to an actual doctor about your T? Being low on your primary sex hormone can really make you depressed and lazy, and it won't even be your fault.
I'm not gonna do that, i know my photos aren't great and I'm average looking at best. But why do they even match and message back if they have no intention of ever meeting? There was a girl earlier this week who messaged me for two days (about 50 messages) only to ghost when I asked for her number. Do they think they're being nice by messaging back and getting my hopes up?
Yes, my paki doctor said my T levels were "normal" and I had to remind him they were normal for an 85 year old man, apparently he didn't care because it "wasn't afffecting my health". There's literally no white doctors in my city, and all the non white doctors have such shitty standards
Pic related was a blood test before I started taking supplements, my magnesium was good and zinc was high, I'm now supplementing both of these and still haven't noticed any difference
They were just using you. The way I look at it is why bother with women who don't have genuine interest in you? You dodged a bullet.
See a different doctor.
>tfw so desparate to validate yourself being a pussy that you spend money trying to get help
Thanks user, that's a good point. I'm going to try having better photos taken, and if I can't get any quality matches after that I'll give up and go live as a hermit.
On a side note, its sad how so many women are absolute whales now. There are so many you see who would easily be 8+/10 if they lost weight but instead they choose to be 200 lbs fatties yet still expect men to desire them. I paid for tinder gold like a cuck and its 99% fatties who swipe on me.
Im 25 and have never had a gf either. I just moved to seattle and havent made a friend in 10 months. Im trying but making no progress. I tried making an online dating profile and realized I have no pictures because Im not a whore taking selfies of everything I do. Now I take selfies and pics of everything just to make myself look better. Help bros, how do i make it socially?
Try joining clubs or something?
I've got maybe a 5.5/10 face. I was obese, so I either had to settle for no girls, 3/10 girls, or the extremely rare luck or drunk 5-7/10 girl. I lost weight and then started lifting to fill out a bit better. I'm now regularly getting 5-6/10's with an occasional 7, but it's funny because it's almost like a cap, I don't get the rare or lucky 8-9/10. I guess there's a pussy glass ceiling or something. I don't know if by ugly face you are referring to elephant man out of 10 or something, which I guess no amount of lifting will help with, but it helped me. If you've never had a gf at 25, it's probably not your look's or body's fault, it's your personality's most likely. Work on yourself as a person as much as you do on lifting.
I'll hang out with you bro, been to the museum of flight yet? we can get you some dank pics.
What kind of clubs? Ive gone to meetups to hike, snowboard, happy hour, etc but theyre always one time things and I never see the same person again. I started going to the meme gym classes for cycling and yoga, which is actually kind of cool to stretch and relax surrounded by brappers.
How did you meet your gfs /fit? I need ideas to meet qts or else Im going to die alone.
Idk OP, i think im all kinds of ugly but the thing is i still fuck women. Some of them are even kinda cute so i must not be as bad as i think i am. Probably a result of never being encouraged in anything when i was a lad.
I've heard meetup works but I haven't tried it myself.
I have a shit personality because I'm ugly, if I was good looking I'd actually have something to be positive/happy about
There's that motivational speaker that basically is pic related. He has a super positive outlook on life, and seems generally happy, and even has a decent looking wife. Perhaps you need to stop being a giant faggot, and drop the "woe is me" shtick. There's really nothing less sexy than depression or impotent rage.
but what if my rage is particularly potent?
>Muh confidence
the absolute incel C O P E
Then you'll be dead or in jail like the rest of the school shooters.
There are girls on Jow Forums, too, you know.
Bro, you can fix most of your issues with the face just by skin care and hair. Unless you literally are a burn victim, just research hardcore about those two fields. If you look like a 2/10, you can easily get it to a 6-7/10 with those 2 methods.
Cut dairy as well and eat your micros, it'll help. Seriously, clear amazing skins and a fantasic hairsytle(long or short, as long as it looks good on you) will carry you.
Only quick tip I can give is dermapen for 3-6 months, korean skin treatment(there are millions, do research), do research on hair styles for males and also light beard development for adding chisel look.
[citation needed]
I know that guy.
>lifting for women
Never gonna make it
even offered to be your friend, fuck you user. die alone.
learn pickup
>inb4 something retarded
pickup is literally the only way incels get out of being a khv.
There you go some proof. You can find thousands of hours free of pick up material on youtube, and most of the paid stuff can be torrented. Good luck.
Patience user, once you get past 50+ matches then you can sift through the shit and find a girl to meetup with.
My skin is clear on my face, it's not acne that makes me ugly
>What's the point of lifting
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