Critique my aesthetics. How can I improve, besides lifting of coarse. How do I look less like an incel?

Critique my aesthetics. How can I improve, besides lifting of coarse. How do I look less like an incel?

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As long as you're a good person, confidence in who you are.

Them eyebrows tho

you should smile
shave eyebrows

>hair slightly shorter and styled a bit more
>shape eyebrows
>chew gum/jerky for jaw gains
>train neck
you could be chad with a big neck/jaw

>don't have those dead people eyes, work on face posture.
>fix your eyebrows
>wear more grown-up clothing
>take the neck pill
mirin your hair though, girls LOVE wavy dark hair like that

Those are really good eyebrows. I don't why these twinks are saying to mess with them.

There's nothing wrong with his eyebrows, what are you talking about? You want him to look like a fag or something?

>jaw gains
that's a real thing?

Keep your damb eyebrows, they're trying to turn u into a trap or something. Better looking than average, clothes are fine if you're under 21

It's your facial expression. You look detached/depressed as fuck. The incel stare

Ears pierced w simple studs might make u look like drug addict detached rather than incel detached

I've seen some pretty crazy changes from Lookism that make it look worth trying, there was a photo posted here that I wish I saved of a dude outlining his chewing routine and had a before and after of incredible difference

tell your barber you want a 3 on the sides and back and to cut your chops halfway and to round the back

I was trying to figure out how to describe it too, incel stare. That's all I see wrong is the expression. I don't understand the incel thing much, it always seems like incels are just too self-absorbed to actually interact and form relationships because they feel already so misunderstood. But congregating together online with other incels only seems to make it worse.

some people on here are complete faggots when it comes to eyebrows

Get a haircut and wear clothes with a proper fit.

You look like a fucking faggot kys

Help Jow Forums

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A well trimmed beard would suit you.

it's over

needs more T and mewing + chewing

Reposting from yesterday. What can I do /looksmaxx/ this besides neck and getting rid of that pesky cowslick?

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>tfw my brother has that jaw but he barely eats

Shave and get a nice haircut, everything else is fine.

You are good looking OP (no homo), just get a nice haircut and some decent clothes and you'll slay pussy. Why are you incel?

I don't know. I'm socially awkward, and can't talk to girls.

What a fucking joke, jaws don't grow because you chew all day long. You must be brain dead to believe this.

What can I do?

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Girls aren't really all that complicated, they just like attention and it's not hard. Just let them talk about themselves and listen, they love that OP.

Then this is your problem, not your looks. Practice on some girls you are not attracted to and learn to just be friends with them to get some insight.

Your masseter muscles can grow you gay retard

who gives a fuck as long as youre happy. ill still amuse you by giving you """"""the answer""""""" you want. tan, comb your hair upwards so you're not covering your forehead, get a haircut, smile more, etc.

then again nobody cares it won't make a difference as long as you look happy and have a good personality nobody will think you're an incel

I can already hear Pumped up kicks in the background.

smile and you look completely normal

>muh masseters
lmao who cares, jaw width is basically irrelevant. What matters is in order:
>jaw projection
>ramus height
>chin to philtrum ratio
>absolute lower third height
>lip projection and fullness
>relative projection of maxillae to malars

why don't these threads get deleted

>jaw projection
>ramus height
>chin to philtrum ratio
>absolute lower third height
>lip projection and fullness
>relative projection of maxillae to malars
What's the ideal for them??

>jaw projection
N/A, it's all relative
>ramus height
N/A for same reason
>chin to philtrum ratio
2, but can get away with greater if male.
>absolute height
Within the average but really also depends. Obviously someone with an absolutely small head has a problem even if the proportions are good.
>lip projection and fullness
Again, relative. But lips should be full as flat lips often indicate crooked or otherwise misaligned teeth.
>relative projection of maxillae to malars
Maxilla should obviously always be ahead of malars, otherwise you get paranasal hollowing.

Looks in general do matter but unless you are considering surgery seriously, why dwell on and pick apart these features? It’s not like you can change them or even disguise them with makeup like a woman can. This level of picky autist focus and behavior and the massive self-absorption is a big part of what scares women away.


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Better haircut

You actually look nice if you would put a smile on and work on game and confidence there are lot of way uglier men than you getting laid

get in the nba

Go to an orthodontist and get your bite fixed so you stop mouthbreathing/resting with teeth apart. It's making your entire face grow downwards

Just learn game and believe in yourself your looks are fine

I'm not really picking apart, I'm just telling what an actually beautiful (i.e. healthy) lower third looks like. Massively hypertrophied masseters tend to indicate TMJ dysfunction or bruxism, thus looking unhealthy i.e. bad. Of course the lower third must not be seen in isolation either, a great lower third is meaningless if your entire midface is caved in.

> Good zygos
>Good facial width
>Decent eye area
>Jaw is decent with visible ramus + width

You new fags really need to stop throwing around terms if you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. OP has a pretty well developed face. Some people just have a longer mid face. When you see a moutbreather you KNOW he's been moutbreathing

Droopy eyes, narrow palate, and an elongated midface all point to a downwards grown maxilla.

If you ask him to post his teeth, he won't

his eyes aren't droopy.
His mid face is long not elongated.
And his maxilla is neutral not downwards grown.

Just stop, I spent the last few years of my life on this shit. You took some buzz terms and think you know it all?

You're both right, he has a good skull shape but definitely has some kind of structural deficiency. It's very easy to tell from his lip incompetence.

y'all are crazy motherfuckers

I don't get why you're so upset but that's not what someone with a good bite looks like.
From just seeing that pic he needs a palate expander and something to set his

pic related
hahaha omg xd you browse r*ddit 2!!

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something to set his teeth right* guess I stroked out

You look like Russ from Friends

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David Schwimmer is such an absolute fucking subhuman. Who the hell decided it would make sense for him to play the chaddish love interest for the Stacy character?

You alright dude?
This lookism bullshit needs to stop. I though it originated on reddit actually, no? The thing that you're referencing in your very post?
You have your priorities backwards

Lookism did not originate on reddit lmao. The culture from sluthate and lookism is very different from the rest of the incelosphere

Alright, thanks, didn't know that. Doesn't change my point though.
I know people really shouldn't go to threads they don't like, but posts like these really make me cringe with embarrasment.
Like come on man, how fucking autistic do you need to be to care about that sort of thing.

>having knowledge of developmental physiology makes you autistic
This is LITERALLY health-related, a beautiful face is a healthy face.