/Deadlift/ - General

Let’s be real, this exercise is largely neglected. I see maybe 10% of the gym population performing this exercise, and half of them doing it correctly.

If you aren’t performing deadlifts at least twice a week, you’re messing up. This exercise is a stupid easy way of developing multiple areas of muscle at once, including: traps, lats, erector spinae, glutes, hams, forearms, and indirectly slams your anterior core muscles too. Enjoy easy posture gains, handcrushing grip, and bubble butt glory.

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>being that excited about a sub 400kg pull

Fucking lmao, what a cuck

I'm only a month into my program and I only have dumbbells so I'm stuck on RDLs until I can get the coin to buy a barbell + plates. They feel fucking great though. Can't wait to start doing some real DLs too.

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You can replicate a “trap bar” deadlift by placing dumbbells on the sides of your feet, and lifting from there. It’s a more natural movement, and it will carry over into your barbell DL

>tfw doing 3pl8 with 4 sets of 10
Literally feel like I’m going to snap city by the end

Was doing trap bar deadlifts and some dude tried asking me if I was using the tricep extention rope mid rep

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bad idea

keep your reps low, avoid technical deterioration completely, if you want to accumulate volume you can do it with a greater number of submaximal sets

deadlifts are not something you want to fuck with

I disagree. I currently do 5x10 on deadlifts on my heavy squat days and feel like a million bucks afterward. As long as the weight is kept between 50-60% of one’s 1RM, it should be fine

>not pulling x1 @8 with backoff sets at 6-8 reps every deadlift day


>tfw lower hypertrophy day has nothing for back

PHUL, not even once

50-60% is junk volume territory really, that wouldn't even be challenging for sets of 10 considering a 10rm is 75%

>as long as the weight is 50-60%

Fucking anything less than 75% is useless retard

I never actually go to snap city fortunately. My grip gives out before my back.

not really, 60% is about the lower end of useful

but even then the sets actually have to be challenging and within a few reps of failure, and doing sets of 10 with 50% 1rm is not going to accomplish that

Maybe I should have made it more clear that these were immediately after sets of heavy squats. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>millennials not pulling 60-80% 1RM for speed

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>develop everything barely
>perfect one thing

did you think this was relevant?

doesn't matter, still borderline useless for anything but working up a sweat, 50% 1rm for sets of 10 is not going to drive adaptation

do a less stupid program (if you're doing 5/3/1 + BBB, this is the stupidest version of 5/3/1 and i know this from experience)

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I dont like them

Do chins nigga

I avoid squats and dead lifts all together being that I am a newb DYEL and have not practiced or honed in the form at all. I have a spinal fusion because I had most/all of a lumbar removed on my lower back L2-L4 to be exact.

I am wondering if deadlifts/ squats are worth it at all being that my lower back is a risk area and I am not trying to be a powerlifter by any means just make decent gains and feel good. Any and all advice on my situation would be much appreciated Jow Forumsters

I'll definitely have to do that then. Sounds like that'll work my quads a bit more, which would be good. Right now I'm doing goblet squats too and while those are great, doing "dumbbell squats" hurts my shoulders. I tried swapping them with step ups but those seem to put a lot more pressure on my knees.

prolly talk to a medical professional, not a Mongolian worm-farming forum

I do Romanian deadlifts on Tuesdays.
Speed deadlifts on Thursdays
Heavy deadlifts on Saturdays
Plus good mornings and rows ect throughout the week.

Aiming for 220kg in my next mesocycle boys

>3 deadlift days in a week
>sub 220kg deadlift

Makes sense lmfao

this. but don’t just go to your GP because they’re trained to propagate preventative maintenance. they’re definitely going to say lifting any type of weight or compressing the spine with a barbell is bad for your body.

go to a sports med doc. if none around, your next best is either an orthopod or a spinal specialist

I have seen doctors for years since this operation I had when I was a teen (I am in my 20s, still young etc.) Orthopedic oncologists have told me that i can strengthen my core and that will help me in the long run, aside from a slightly less than before range of motion while bending my spine there is nothing I can't do. I just don't feel like squats or deadlifts would be good for my situation in the long term.

And I was unironically hoping that one of the Chinese salmon farmers on this board could help if they had a similar situation. Thanks

The days are not deadlift days because I do the big three. Also it's a noob program. Pls don't bully I have over 300 confirmed kills.

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Would you recommend dropping squats to deadlift twice a week?

I replaced deadlifts with rackpulls
am i missing anything?
heard they're a better alternative due to the heavier numbers you're able to pull.

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Squat volume should equal deadlift volume. Speed deadlifts are a meme, Romanians are a good auxillary if your glutes/hamstrings are weak, and are best performed after your main deadlift sets, or on a day you squat. You should have a main variation where you work on whatever the fuck your weak point is.

I have four herniated discs and suffered a compression fracture on my L5 vertebra, both attributed to years of football and a career ending injury dating back to 2013. My situation is nowhere near yours in terms of severity, however. So I don’t think I’m qualified to spew advice in favor of deadlifting/squatting :\

should always have a pull from the floor to keep the ROM and base strength

if you're rack pulling, do it below the knee, not that above the knee thigh lift shit

>2 months into training
>fail last rep of 265lb diddly yesterday because of weaker left hand grip
This is the second time damn it. Left arm is such a damn pussy, also have an impinged shoulder on that side. How do I stop this? Gonna try to hit it again tomorrow.

this. rack pulls should be an accessory for the main lift (diddlies)

i like deadlifts and all but are they necessary for aesthetics? i've seen absolute dyels pull 5pl8

well your situation sounds pretty awful as well man, sorry to hear it. most young people at least take for granted what a sore back/lower back feels like and how that can wear you down over time.
most of my focus is on beefing up my arms/shoulders and chest a bit more which isn't hard being a shorty like me. I just don't know whether or not I should go for those big compound lifts that seem appealing to me but the risk legitimately scares me away from it.

thanks for the insight though

That depends, are you a weak-willed vain pussy, user?

You pull 75% for speed
85% volume work
95% heavy work

This is common knowledge

t. sub 200kg deadlift

you can try crossgrip, just don't get addicted to it

>t.fatfuck with 1x BW deadlift

Actually closer to an almost 3x bw deadlift @100kg :^)

Won’t that compromise the grip gains? Ideally I’d want my left hand to become strong enough to not fail on the last rep.
Or perhaps I’m too damn slow with the movement and end up wasting a lot of energy?

what is the correct hip position for a deadlift when setting up? if I have my shins touching the bar, like Rip says, my hips are too low and my hamstrings aren't tight...also should your shoulders be slightly in front of the bar or directly over it?

Everybody's exact starting position is going to look slightly different based off of their own limb lengths. You should pull from where you feel tight. As far as shoulders, you shoulder joints should be directly over the barbell, which from the side will make your shoulders look slightly in front of the barbell.

How many guys are training over 405 pounds for reps with an overhand grip? Not many. Nothing wrong with mixed grip if your training is all-encompassing.

Shoulders directly over bar. You might need to widen your stance a bit.

>week 3 of going to the gym
>just benched 95lb which was a big deal for Mr. Noodle Arms™ here
Is there anything wrong with me practicing deadlifts at this stage? I'd probably start with 45lb

I do the same thing. 5x10 with ~55% of my 1RM. It's a great way to train speed/power and ensure you can keep form even when tired. It's also fantastic grip training.

Wait til you're pulling over 500. A natty can't recover from that kind of deadlifting fast enough for it to aid training.

If you're gonna do rackpulls, do them heavy enough to need straps and really overload that back. Still, like said, it's an accessory and you're missing out on some of the total body activation and the CNS efficiency training provided by diddlies.

Depends on your training. Deadlifts make you stronger overall, which means you can move more weight on other lifts which will increase mass. But by themselves, they aren't super great for mass. Technique and CNS efficiency go a long way towards a heavy pull.

This is retarded for heavy deadlifts. By heavy, i mean 5+ plates.

Start with just the bar.

>didnt even refute the fatfuck part


post body

it's not stupid you mongoloid, try doing 5x10 deadlifts resting one minute after heavy squats

I mean I'm 100kg and natty (105 now) and sitting around 18% bf. Most of fit would consider me fat, but normies think I'm huge and ripped.

what are those chucks larry has on

I count 400kgs

Try at least 65 lbs, preferably 95. 45 won't be enough to teach you how to maintain proper form

I'm lying on my swollen back now from doing a 60kg deadlift 3 weeks ago.

How fucked am I?

DL is the only lift I've actually followed a program on - neglect my squat and bench desu

Enjoy it the most. Been lifting about 16 months, last week hit 185kg for 2 (6'2", 81kg)

Only 2-3 other people in my gym deadlift regularly/properly.

How many days do you currently squat? You can easily squat and deadlift 2x a week. If you're squatting 3x a week dropping a day would be okay if one of those days is "recovery" where you go at like 60%

Switch to mixed grip if you fail to complete a set because of grip. In any other case use overhand grip or learn the hook grip.
Do farmer's walks and/or shrugs and specific grip exercises like plate pinches or 1-arm hangs or weighted 2-arm hangs or whatever 3 times a week. I like to do farmer's walks and shrugs because they have other benefits as well, not only grip. I also do plate pinches because they work the grip slightly differently because the fingers aren't curled.

Fucked enough that you need to see a doc.

>it's not stupid you mongoloid, try doing 5x10 deadlifts resting one minute after heavy squats
Why not just do 5x5 with more weight or just do deadlifts on another day?

Even supersetting between squats and deadlifts, you should be able to push beyond 50%.

There are benefits to having a heavy day and a light day. i do light squats after heavy deadlifts and light deadlifts after heavy squats, on the requisite days. I get to squat and deadlift twice a week that way and get a plethora of benefits overall.

Are deadlifts just one of those lifts that newbies can inadvertently be good at?

I am light as fuck at 65-66kg and I can comfortably pull 180. On the other hand, my squat is fucking awful by comparison.

Deadlifts are sorta idiot-proof. Even down to the form, which will correct itself because pulling weight off the ground any other way will hurt like fuck

user, maybe lower each of those by 10 and you would be a bit closer.

85% on a deadlift is tough on the body.

Good routine. Maybe lower the reps, 3-5, giving more strength instead of hypertrophy, but perhaps you train for aesthetics.

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I do hex bar deads.

Currently 1 squat and 1 diddly per week. I'm well beyond ss noob gains (years ago) and my recovery is shit thanks to work and life.

Where do you pull from?

Three plates is girl weight though

collar (assuming 2.5)

187.5 x 2 + 20 = 395

you mean 375 right? where did the +20kg come from?

You don't count the bar lmao...

>counting the plates
the absolute state of dyels

>tfw staff complains about my deadlifts being too noisy
>tfw shit gyms to choose from in my city
I'm honestly sad. Lifting is a big part of my life and I'm having a hard time to just do a basic compound lift.

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>Caring what other gym goers do

can I change 1x5 deadlift in Starting Strength to 5 singles? I can barely catch my breath after 2 reps, which is very detrimental to my form. Can't even use the weight that feels heavy and the exercise is basically cardio for me. All I'm focusing on is gasping for air between the reps and can't even hold my breath and do valsalva during the concentric phase, which will probably snap my shit eventually too.

don't focus on grip training while deadlifting, use straps and train your grip separately

yes... the way you do deadlifts in SS according to rip is like singles anyway

i know they've recommended 2x3 and 3x2 as alternatives too

best deadlift tutorials? it never feels good for me

i assume you are doing BBB, how do you deal with stalling on excercises? do you still "go up" with the 5x10 and try to redo the heavy sets? My problems are with ohp, atm stuck at 67,5 kg.

Use chalk and include RDL's and rows to improve grip strength and as an accessory for deadlift

>not doing snatch grip stiff legged deadlifts from a deficit
Do you even lift?
picture relevant

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Yes you are sacrifing your manhood for being an AlphaDestiny type rackpulling phaggot

Something being tiring isn't a good measure of how effective it is.

You should probably do some conditioning if you can't do more than two reps of a deadlift at a weight that is light for you.

b-but Rip said no cardio, GOMAD, etc. if I'm skinny

If you really don't want to do cardio, then, like the other user said, try 2x3 and 3x2 before you move to singles.

>pulled my hamstring 4 weeks ago
>while fucking playing football
>can still feel it in everyday life
>can't deadlift

and people say deadlifts injure you, lol

I pulled more than 5 plates in high school lmao

5x10 deadlifts with 55% is just wasting your time and accumulating fatigue for a really piss poor training effect

Nigga I tore my hamstring badly 13 years ago and it still doesn't feel right. I managed to push through it to play sports and even be an infantryman for four years but fuck hamstrings, it's got worse with age and now I can't run long distance without it playing up.

It taxes your recovery like hell and only trains a little of this and a little of that after beginner stage.

it my favorite exercise and im only lifting for 3 months,

my lift doubled in that time 80kg to 160kg (1 rep)

I love my diddly

How many sets do you aim to do?

Ive been doing DLs and Romanian DLs each once a week. Only learned this 2 weeks ago as I've been terrified of fucking up my back; got good form but taking it slow

in this case it is

nah, 5x10 works great as accumulating volume for any lift

not at 55% you fucking dimwit