>that 18-24 year old making no gains with a body part split
That 18-24 year old making no gains with a body part split
Joke on you I'm 25.
Seriously I wasted all of highschool doing shitty bro split high rep bullshit
I wasted my high school playing video games on my GBA
I wasted my high school, swimming and caring about cardio.
Thank God for this meme, I was so fucking stupid I remember reading zyzz did splits and I was like fuck yeah that's what I'll do. Biggest fucking mistake, thank God for a meme like this in a thread a few months back helping me realize why I wasn't seeing any gains
This is now
>what you did in highschool
Wasted my highschool being a pathetic beta loser and being mad/sad that I was bullied.
I wasted my time focusing on squats and cleans instead of rehabilitating my upper body after sports injuries
>graduated with 435 squat and sub 2pl8 bench
tfw 19 year old junior/sophmore brainlet right now and my only solace is going to the gym and watching anime.
>why did God make me so stupid
doing SS but with no caloric surplus until I would either get injured, sick, or lose motivation
>5'10" 115 lbs
Really regret being a vegan in hs, fucked up my development bigly
What routine should I run with next Jow Forums?
PPL? I tried it once but failed due to not being able to go to the gym 6 times a week and other stuff, but I'm more free now
full body three times a week if you have the time
I kinda like going to the gym a lot of days of the week cause I have nothing else to do so it kills time
But do you have a specific routine? I'd check it out
Did only upper body. Never anything involving legs. Never squatted once until i was 32.
I'd say UL three times a week then, the routine that comes the closest is nsuns 531
Probably not as stupid as you think. The public school system (depending on country, I'm referring to US) is unironically garbage when it comes to learning useful skills.
It took you between xyz doing a split and 3 months ago to realize you weren't making gainz?
Are you actually fucking retarded? 8 years?????
Yes hence why I said I was so fucking stupid
>wasted my time in High School slacking off and spending hours on Jow Forums and tweaking Linux installs
Well, I'm a lanklet struggling in college now, I might as well chase gainz.
>tweaking Linux installs
sounds like a real good time breh. proudest accomplishment?
Proudest accomplishment? I guess nothing too impressive. I compiled LFS (Linux From Scratch) on an old Thinkpad and installed Emacs. Spent hours trying to write my own package manager before scrapping it for RPM.
Now with college and being busy, I'm just using Slackware and messing with AWS virtual instances.
You probably still are
for me it was video games, guitar, and dr. pepper
I wasted my school years chasing girls and doing drugs
No user, that's how HA is supposed to go- you'll be a regret free boomer
Are you me?
>that mid-20s guy finally breaking out of the rut and changing up his routine for the first time in a year or so
>he even condensed it to upper and lower days instead of legs, pull, and push
Bros, a new routine feels like a new apartment. Is so fuckin nice.
>wasted years
Funny joke, user
I was taking the piss you stupid cunt
I didn't have a job and didn't care about school so I had no issue making gains on a 5 day split. It was a lot of fun.
>that 26 year old silent generation fat powerlifter that thinks that bench press is building his arms
noob here, why is this a meme? whats wrong with training bodyparts split on different days? as long as you are doing big compound lifts to balance it out whats the problem/
I was depressed as fuck, doing uppers and banging thots. It was unironically an awful time
For myself, i found Fullbody 3/4 times a week or UpperLower x2 was when i saw my most growth. Splits are suppose to be for recovery rates; if you feel recovered, then there's no point in not working out the muscle. eg) chest on a monday only, instead of the 2 or 3 times you could have done it on a condensed split routine.
Same bro, I did squats too but 95lb and shit
Can you give me an example of a UL x2 workout plan i wanna try this
what i basically do is something like
workout 1: bench press, incline press, pullups, bicep curls, lat pulldowns, rows
workout 2: leg press, light squatting (i dont do heavy barbell squats anymore, knee issues and problesm with cartilage in back) bicycling for 10-15 miles
am i gonna make it doing that? jk i already made it a while ago, then lost it all, now im just trying to get some back but dont have the body to get fully jacked again. im an old fag, 33 and have injuries and connective tissue degeneration everywhere from autoimmune disease that kicked in when i was 25
forgot to add, if you are under 30 enjoy your health, its all downhill after you peak at 26 or so. you dont know how long your health will last so have fun and be productive while you can, i got derailed a few years back and it caught me offguard. big reality check on mortality and taking stuff for granted
nice breh. wasn't me
thank you for that one king
>a-atleast im buff r-right guys..?
B-b-but I heard on reddit PPL was the best split for gaining mass...
wasted my time in high school because all i had was a smith machine.
also spent all my money on supplements
>tfw made mad gains as a teenager on a push pull split, achieving 18" arms lean because I ate enough
>tfw I just do a PL-style routine these days because it's fun but my aesthetics are still from the noob gains I achieved on a split
gg no re
I wish I was as stupid as you are, don’t blame your shitty genetics on your diet XD there is a reason your beta genetics made you think going vegan was a good idea in the first place
PROTIP: The fact that a program can put mass on an 18 year old doesn't mean it's a good program. All 18 year olds put on mass when they get older, unless they're cancer patients
>that 5'10" 18 year old that thinks he'll be 6' by the time he's 20
I wasted high school fucking all sorts of tang, I took like 25 virginoties when I could have been lifting
ppl=/=body part split
body part split is chest day, back day etc
the reddit ppl is good but doing both ohp and bench in the same day fucked my shoulders up
>that 16 yo boomer who curls 15 kg
PPL is just as shit as a body part splits lmfao
It's really not if you base it around compounds and add accessories to it
the biggest drawback is it requires you to go to the gym 6 days a week
Wait, is split workout bad? Why? I train:
Tuesday: Chest
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday:Upper back
Saturday: Lower back, Obliques and Stomach (core)
Sunday: Delts, forearms and some light Bi-and triceps because I use them a lot in Chest and Upper back)
Been lifting for awhile after having a 5 month break, have had noob gains but always forget to track on paper.
download an app for tracking.. I recommend "strong". let's you see progress and time rest periods.
you only hit really hit the major muscle groups once during the week. Everything is better than nothing, but unless you have a shitty diet (or genetics) you can recover from much more frequency and thus see better results. I'd say atleast twice a week for the major muscle groups. Personally i've worked up to thrice a week.
I moved heavy OHP to Pull day, instead I do light DB press on Push day. Works better for me that way. Also switching legs with pull, so it's PLP. If you want to diddly you will fatigue your posterior chain and won't do good on squats because diddlies are more taxing on the lower back than squats are.
how did you find the thots to bang
wasted high school playing TF2 and eating so much junk food that I got up to 300lbs by the end of junior year
you must have huge calves
not him but I squat 100 for reps currently (2pl8 before I stopped going to the gym a year ago) and my legs are huge, I was 275 at 5'7. They're not developed, but they're big.