lifting for your oneitis is unironically the best way to go about it.
>hur i lift for myself
no you dont you fucking retard you lift cause you think people will respect/find you attractive more so youre still lifting for others
>lifting for oneitis
always striving to be the man she wants
>she rejects you
you keep fucking going cause you know that one day you'll have such a good body that she'll eventually loev you
Lifting for Oneitis
I don't lift for my oneitis because I realize what she is. She just like any other girl yet my subconscious has selected her for whatever reason. I like feeling all the feels associated with having a oneitis but I will always be aware of the reality that shes no different...
>mfw this actually checks out
nice one OP
yes but why did you subconcious pick her out from the other thousands of women you see? its because she's special user
thanks man, its just logic. lift for what you want to obtain and even if you dont manage to get it lift harder so you can get it next time
I do this too with my oneitis. He is a man and I've lost 30 pounds and am fit as shit for him now but he still treats me the same as when I was chubby :(
Nevertheless I still persist in the hope that he will love me.
if i wanted people to respect me more or find me attractive, i wouldn't be doing a strength routine and getting fat. If i wanted people to respect me, I would approach that situation by going to graduate school and getting a high paying job.
Grade school kids might do what you think everyone else is doing since kids don't really have anything going on except for trying to get laid. But as an adult, you should be passed that stage and trying to find a way to make money...
>yes but why did you subconcious pick her out from the other thousands of women you see? its because she's special user
>lifting for maybe 4 months now
>start new job same time as i start lifting
>tfw shit looking lanklet
(face is ok, shit fashion sense and shit body ruin it all)
>at job on break, talking with coworkers or on phone or something, look up and see her walk in
>instantly in love
>cut forward a month or so
>fucking injured bicep cant lift anything
fucking HELL anons she'll never love me if i dont get Jow Forums what the fuck do i do
I lift because of autism. You can make spreadsheets and keep updating numbers on all the specific lifts, your weight, %bodyfat, can cross reference the weight with the %bodyfat and roughly guess how much muscle weight you have and after all of this you can also do spreadsheets with the amount of food counted to the gram and how many calories you are ingesting.
Very good to keep me busy
have you tried just talking to her? you spastic fuck. You can be good looking all you want but the way you act is going to be the deciding factor.
>she'll eventually loev you
Which you?
You should think about getting into accounting. People keep saying how easy it is to follow the money but actually trying closing a book and using ratios to make conclusions on performance. It's not easy but also at the same time not hard once you know whats happening.
I already am but thanks for the advice user.
You're retarded and a faggot.
Are you gonna stop lifting when she finds a boyfriend who isn't a beta retard?
Oh shittttttt. You a cpa then?
I'm still getting my degree
working on it user
>different departments, break times rarely coincide, if they do theres usually heaps of other people in there/im already talking with someone from my area and i'd feel weird just getting up and approaching her
i actually had one good opportunity to talk with her and totally fucked it jesus christ
>leaving office on a f irday night, she gets in the same elevator as me
>heart is going 200kmh like a fucking retard
>both walk out the building nearly side by side, everyone else veers off
>working up the courage to say something to her
>sticks her headphones in
>speed up like an autist and kick myself at home
how the fuck do i be confident anons?
I remember when I realized this about my oneitis, it absolutely crushed me. Just hormones and my mindset selecting some girl that when I took an objective look at was unattractive and a terrible person to boot. Sometimes I wonder if I persisted with the delusion that she was the one for so long because I didn't want to accept that I had duped myself. But I had.
Bros, took a good impartial look at your oneitis. Force yourself to realize her flaws. I guarantee she isn't that special. Don't go through life being a weak bitch who tricks himself into being some sucker prostrating himself for a girl all because he doesn't truly understand himself. I wish I could go back in time and beat the shit out of myself for my part.
>he cant read
her getting a chad bf is ideal because it means ill work harder so it doesnt happen next time
This. Never love someone out of weakness.
haha yeah good advice user. if only id ever spoken to her to see what shes like as a person haha
Lots of people lift for themselves you vain fuck. I lift because I'm afraid of becoming a decrepit old man and want to retain strength and mobility in old age.
well then, good luck. Its worth it even though the job is quite stressful. But what job isn't? You get paid decent and live life without really having to worry about money too much.
And the best part is that I can have even more numbers on spreadsheets.
I had to cut contact with oneitis because she kept thinking I was content with being friends and started talking about going on dates with guys, now I'm cold to other woman because I refuse to go through that again
>cold to women because this one girl didnt date me
lol, dont get a gf then. You are going to crumble when you actually go through the break up
how to work up the courage to speak to my oneitis anons?
t. 21 y.o KHHV
>never spoke to girls in highschool
>if i ever got spoken to by a girl freaked out
fucked myself over lads
What’s her name, lads?
>what is subjective will
Dude I lift for myself because my hobbies and the work I do require some strength and it feels great to be able to do it with minimal effort. Don't know what to say, but my life and lifts have more meaning than impressing others.
But good luck with that I guess.
>What’s her name, lads?
tfw i dont even know
>she's taller
The term "oneitis" is pathetic. Especially when used in regards to failed relationships.
I lift for her (also never met her)
The words not pathetic the people who use and believe it are.
I can't be the only with no oneitis, right?
no but you will see a female one day that is perfectly your type and you will want nothing more than to hold her in your arms and when that day comes you can proudly proclaim that you have yourself a oneitis
Sketchy, bro.
And you never will!
Because you're normal with the ability to function as an independent person.
>Oneitis rejected me two years ago
>No contact since then
>Messages me out of the blue yesterday saying she misses me and wants me back, saying how handsome I've gotten
I-is this what making it feels like?
>posting book fellatio fagadamia nuts
You've got a long way to go before you make it
>implying it's not the best motivation out there
>tfw too jaded to get feelings for a oneitis anymore
>started lifting to get healthy
>lift for strength, only do shit to make total go up
>girl starts groping me all the time
>during sex she molests every muscle she can
I still concentrate on my total but now 80% of gym time is dedicated to accessories that'll make her wet.
No, it's really not. It's a knockoff of about half a dozen other manga, but given a popular art style and relatable shonen-style dialogue that you mid-20s retards can grab onto.
True but you can imagine what it would be like if I did meet her
it's called growing up
You would garble something about dreams and halfway through "I love you" you'd puke on her shoes, yes.
where do you fuckers find pictures of this man
Where you would just be content in sucking her dad off ....hey we all have our thing
But I'm doing a strength routine, not trying to look good just want to be strong boyo
now this is retarded. what the fuck point is there in being strong? if you get enough muscle that you look good you'r egonna be strong enough to do anything you ever need to in life. its not the middle ages no one has to cart slabs of stone anywhere anymore you spastic
My wife doesn't give a fuck about me being fit and wants me to get chubby.
boomer detected
>never been in a relationship general
Hahahaha, what a fucking idiot
I cannot stress how correct this user is. Taking this method cured me of my oneities
has anyone here actually managed to get with their oneitis? how did it go?
we only dated for a few months and I fucked it all up bros.
It finally happened brahs.
She broke up with her long term bf.
Years of lifting have paid off.
It's time.
So when she inevitably wants my dick should I fuck her or just blow her off.
Which is more alpha?
now that i think about it the ultimate revenge would be leading her on then introducing her to my gf (who would be hotter and younger than her)
the only problem with this plan is I would need a gf.
the second best would be too lead her on then drop the line 'sorry but you're too old for me'
i think the third best would be to fuck her or have her suck my dick then go no contact.
yeah but you got month end to worry about nig
Better yet do it for your wife. She's always there, observing your progress and mirin progressively harder day by day.
>I don't like muscles, r-really! Now take that shirt, p-please
>tfw dont have a oneitis
>probably cant have one anymore since I learned not to trust women ever the hard way
>having a oneitis only makes you hurt yourself
>during sex she molests every muscle she can
This is called Swolestation, and it is a crime.
Report her to the proper authorities.
Recommend better animu and mangos then, if you please.
NHK ni Youkoso is pretty good motivation.
Maybe History's Strongest Disciple, Kenichi if you need tits and action.
I lift because that little bit of meditative repetition coupled with a pinch of happyness after completing a set is quite literally the only thing that is keeping me sane.
I lift because I’m addicted to the high you get when you hit a PR
I diet to look good for chicks
Almost everyone else is the same way. No one lifts for chicks
fuck sloots..
lift to be able to reject women after using them.
Never understood the term oneitis, what does it mean
like a girl you were into and never got with?
One it is
I only found out few weeks ago
I always read it as: "One eye tis"
i feel the other post is better this one: only way to not get hurt
Thats the joke. -itis means in biology a inflammatory disease
that highly specific feel when your oneitis is your long term gf's sister
Ah, the classic "I'm so enlightened I don't trust those creatures you call women any more they only bring you pain"
This is why Jow Forums turns you gay
>not being retarded equals gay
Are you ready to unlock the harem route?
Absolutely correct user
Most pathetic post I've ever read
Sometimes even that doesn't work, I tried to analyze and find all the flaws in my oneitis but the more flaws I found the more I ended up loving her
>tfw she doesnt even see you as a man
>This is why Jow Forums turns you gay
I think It may have something to do with posting half naked pictures of yourself in order to impress the other men browsing Jow Forums, while they also post half-naked pictures of themselves in response combined with the feelings of either achievement, inadequacy, or competition adding to the closeness these half naked men feel towards each other. And it only takes one person to post dick pic, of which you'll also post a dick pic in response to see whose bigger and then the thread turns into a bunch of half naked men showing their dicks to each other.
I mean really, half of the time, we're just 1 post away from full on dick posting.
She'll see you as a man as soon as you have a gf, and not a moment sooner.
>Celebrating before victory
Never ends well
You just have to go for it man. It get easier the more you do it.
i hate this mans face
Daily reminder that a red pill taken today is a future meme fallen for, regardless of the nature
elaborate on this
There is a truth to your statement, but she's not supposed to love you in the end.
You are supposed to work on yourself for your ideal oneitis, while fucking thots on the side at the same time.
That's actually the way the medieval knights did it, they had a noble oneitis they dedicated tournaments and battles to, while never approaching her, and fucked hordes of thots on the side.
hmm this is an interesting thought. makes sense too - if i have a dream about her or whatever usually it just involves being around her not fucking and i dont really wanna fug when i look at her, whereas there are a million thots i see every day that id love to split open
Is Jow Forums genuinely full of low test beta faggots, or is it because it's summer?
Imagine being so fucking pathetic you lift for a specific woman while she's busy getting railed by random chads everywhere.
having oneitis is cockblock
Alexandria or Alanna, I can't choose but I did ask Alex out and she said sure but as friends so I dipped really hard. Do I have chance if I lift harder?
Wow, just wow. So much denial, OP, so much projecting. Are you living in reality at all?
>lifting for your oneitis is unironically the best way to go about it.
LOL if unironic then you stink of desperation and will die alone
>no you dont you fucking retard you lift cause you think people will respect/find you
>attractive more so youre still lifting for others
LOL SO much projection!
I can't speak for anyone but myself but strength training in the gym is part of a training regimen for a competitive sport I participate in, nothing more, nothing less. I don't even give a fuck what I *look* like so long as I *perform* well at it.
As a sidebar to this: If you lift for """aesthetics""" and nothing else, then you are a LOSER and need to re-evaluate your life.
>lifting for oneitis
>always striving to be the man she wants
LOL you idiot you're just being plastic and catering to the whim of someone else! Nothing stinks of DESPERATION more than that. All you're doing is setting yourself up to be used like a toilet by some unworthy bitch. At best you get friendzoned and your so-called 'oneitis girl' talks to her friends about the "pathetic guy who is always following her around like a sick puppy" and how she PITIES you.
>she rejects you
>you keep fucking going cause you know that one day you'll have such a good body that she'll >eventually loev you
Denial, denial, denial! You're so deep in it you can't even see anything else anymore!
*** TO
*** MAKE
*** IT
*** EVER
Grow up and FIX YOUR SHIT, OP. Mentally you're about 10 years old.
katie. she'll do everything but fuck me
Fucking grow up. Following a woman around like you're a sick puppy IS NOT ATTRACTIVE, IT IS PATHETIC and you should be ASHAMED of yourself for it. Stop being stupid.
My female friend actually made it, she about 30kgs, now she and her oneitis (he's my friend too) are dating. Pretty impressive tho
she lost about 30kgs*
underrated because true and insightful
>I mean really, half of the time, we're just 1 post away from full on dick posting.
Objective truth
I lift for nothing.