Alright, Jow Forums, how you doin on this fine friday night?
Friday Night Feels Thread
the same as always
the same as always
anxious and suicidal..
so pretty much
I'm lonely with no irl friends. Long distance relationship and gf is playing games with friends. My warehouse job is taking a toll on my body and killing my hands and feet.
Same shit every Friday. Will probably work out tonight
by games I assume you mean jerking them off.
The more sexual contact (frequently having sex) the less inclined I am to be masochistic, is this normal?
>someone reveals that theyre 17
>lol underage
>realize he probably isnt a virgin and has done more with less years
>Guy I know about a year ago grabbed me by the collar and started insulting me when I was a dyel to make himself look cool I guess
>Have been lifting a lot
>Share a lot of mutual friends with the guy I mentioned before, apparently a lot of people don't like him
>He acts super friendly now
>Still don't really like him because of before
>Go to eat with friends, annoying dude comes along
>qt waitress
>Say I'm gonna ask her out, but she leaves because a new waitress takes over
>Oh well, next time I guess
>Annoying dude went there the next day super early and asked her out
>Now rubs it in my face
>Everyone agrees he is super annoying
Should I beat the shit out of this guy, Jow Forums? I am not a violent man, I just need to know if I am being petty. I have complete confidence I could do it, he is skelly mode so unless he knows some kind of foreign martial arts I could mog him easily.
I've been better, but I've also been worse.
Only if he tries you again.
Saturday morning feels here.
>didn't go out partying with friends and oneitis because signed up for OT on Saturday
>fell asleep at 7pm
>woke up at 2am
>went to gym and went back to bed
>woke up at 11am
>forgot I had OT
>missed out on both extra pay and hanging with friends
Feels pretty fucking bad man.
>just bought the new Gorillaz CD
>just got some new Adidas gym gear
>finished a leg workout
>chocolate and peanut butter protein shake
now laying in bed enjoying my gainz = pretty guud friday night
Don't be the first to act, but be the first to put him on the floor. Alternatively ex-com him from your immediate social setting, and promote discussion about how much of a cunt he is.
Here's a big one, don't ever refuse to hang out if he's there, but make him feel inferior when he's with you. Make snide remarks and continue on with your day.
It's about making it known that he is a cunt, to everyone, so they stop hanging with him.
Under my calorie limit for the day. So I'm a tiny step closer towards my goal (only about 200 more days of heavy cutting to go).
Feel like I'm at a crossroads. Every time I manage to make any serious progress it comes as a result of going full autistic cocoon mode and shutting out everything that isn't work and my routine, which worked fine when I had no social life, but now I have friends that want to do shit on the weekends and as fun as that can be I notice it's caused me to start stagnating on meeting my goals. I'm not as focused and driven as I was before having friends and I don't know how to reconcile the two things. Guess I'm just hopelessly autismo.
Just call him out on his shit. He sounds like a little rat bastard and no one likes him anyway. Worst thing that can happen is he tries to escalate it and then you smack him around a little and teach him a lesson.
>>Guy I know about a year ago grabbed me by the collar and started insulting me when I was a dyel to make himself look cool I guess
I hate these pricks. I was out a bar with a buddy who's disabled and weighs about 115lbs. Some prick that knows his girlfriend grabs a seat next to him and grabs his arm around him by the scruff and starts saying shit like "you know, I'm friends with X's brother. She's a great girl."
Then he started going in on me like "oh, I bet you get all the ladies." So I started throwing subtle shit back at him like "hey man, which of these beers do you recommend, you've probably tried a lot of them." but he was too stupid to catch on. Finally left though.
>should I beat the shit out of this guy
You should just straight up go after that girl and bang her. Right now, just straight up add her on facebook to get his mind racing and see how he reacts. You have nothing to lose by pissing him off. He's on the defensive. People like that need to be taking down a few notches.
>TFW clinical depression
>Lost absolutely all of my sense of humor.
>Can't hold a conversation.
>Have to force laugh when someone tells a joke, or just reply with "heh" or "yeah".
in a cold manner tell him to be more respectful around you
after that, one more thing and you whip him good
Had a first date tonight bros. This ones sending me messages right now afterword. She wants a second date. Plus this one is hot. All in all a good day
lucky man. lucky lucky man
Girl that I really like told me she considers me to be like her brother. Feels shitty because I can't get what I want but liberating because I don't have to try around her anymore.
Just graduated from college as a finance major and havent found a job yet. Feel like a bum every day living off of my parents.
My psycho girlfriend of 9 months just told me via facetime that she’s not sure if she’s ever loved me, and that she wanted to be in a relationship with me because it was fulfilling. What the fuck do I do? I know Jow Forums‘s gonna say drop her ass, but I wanna hear some other opinions too. She’s actually damaged.
Tell her you consider her to be like an estranged sister and then never talk to her again.
Drop her ass.
You have to drop her. I know from experience dealing with these BPD-type girls.
I'm sorry that it didn't work out. Love u & I hope things will be better in the future.
I still enjoy being around her, so I'm cool just being friends. She's cool. I've spend a good portion of my life being that vindictive, angry person. That's not what I want for myself anymore, that's not a life that will lead to fulfillment.
>I still enjoy being around her, so I'm cool just being friends.
That's not going to work, brother. I'm sorry.
Tried to kiss my oneitis after a good friday night, she just gave me her cheek. Fuck this shit, I had enough.
>Implying that Friday night is somehow different for me compared to any other day
low self esteem girls are not worth it! there are 3.5 billion women on the planet, why settle for a completely shit one?
is there an official Jow Forums discord or something? A lot of us share these same feelings and it would be cool to have a place to shoot the shit/ possibly game with other bros
Either drop her or she drops you. You know this in your heart.
it was a shit test. how did you respond?
I've run out of sleeping pills today. Even though i still went to get my prescription so I could buy it, the usual medic wasn't in there, because I live in a shithole that stops working because of the WC.
It's in the middle of the night, I can't sleep. I already foresee my weightloss has been compromised. The severe insomnia, headache and stress are worsening my OCD, making the delusions and paranoia seem believable and real. As of the moment, I'm certain i'll go to prison and that I have a bastard child which the mother will remember/know it's mine and will rob me of the little money I have. I'm severely stressed and pondering if God would forgive me if i killed myself because of my disorder.
>did 3 grams on kratom
>sitting here watching streams and reading Jow Forums
>going to go to dennys alone at like 2 am
what a night
its been 4 years of this.
4 years of self improvement, reaching my goal body several times over and expanding my social circle from nothing.
i just keep sinking deeper no matter what it time for a xanax prescription or some kind of drug i dont care anymore and i have to try something before i kill myself
I got used by a girl to take her virginity, will tell the story if anyone cares
instigate a fight with him and give him a busted up face before his date
>its been 4 years of this.
>4 years of self improvement, reaching my goal body several times over and expanding my social circle from nothing.
Please don't say that. I've been making massive improvements to myself and not feeling much and I was hoping that if I just kept going I'd feel something eventually.
Melatonin and stop all caffeine intake for a week
>shitposting at home
>friend calls me, notice a ton of texts
>he has developmental issues, 28 years old
>it's late so wondering if it's an emergency
>"hey what's up? is everything alright?"
>"it happened again"
>"I got pink eye again"
>"what happened was I was wiping myself again and noticed I had blood. So my mom looked at me down there and said there were hemorrhoid. So then some of it got in my eye and now I have pink eye. The doctor gave me antibiotics. I called into work tomorrow."
Blew up my phone and called me at 11:30pm on a friday night to tell me that. I can't believe it's come to this.
Meh. Worked all week and hit the gym. None of my friends are free due to vacation and work. Ever since I graduated HS all I do is workout, work, and maybe hang w a friend or two.
Tried going on a couple dates w a girl. Pretty sure I scared her off. Can't keep a girl besides a one night stand
I think I'm getting more autismo. But I'd rather be autismo and bearmode than a neo/beta Chad and skelly fat
>putting your butthole blood in your eye
>developmental issues
no kidding
just recently i got dumped by a oneitus-fling type relationship. girl was super into me at first.
i was trying super hard to not fuck things up but ended up being "rude" and distant.
literally the most physical pain in my chest for two days straight i came really close to ending it.
i have an appointment with a doctor next week to maybe take care of this.
Do tell
I have no caffeine intake, and, unfortunately, my budget is too tight for Melatonin, which is very expensive here. Anyway I can get it by natural means?
Realized I am at home for the first time in months trying to get a quick workout on right now but I am bored out of my fucking mind and might just bed down for the night and hit it hard tomorrow.
Welcome to Hell
Welcome to Hell
You have to let her go. Staying close with her will be far more unfulfilling and potentially make you bitter. There are plenty of cool people to be friends with.
I dealt with that in February and almost drank myself to death before getting back on track.
>dropped out of high school
>been working and building my resume ever since
>driving a crane and forklift for $20 currently
>boss wants to make me the warehouse supervisor
>average salary for supervisors in my area is ~50k
>always wanted to work in IT or computers
>scared that if I take it I'll be too content to ever go back to school
I know there's underaged anons here, never even think of dropping out of high school. You'll regret it for years.
Team I need help
>early 20's
>gf of 3-4 years
>she's gaining weight and dealing with depression (like literally every girl)
>only girl I've ever had sex with
>away from home for the next few months
>want to try a dating app or something while I'm out here to get some perspective
>also don't want to be a piece of shit
Have you made her even consider being closer to you? Idk the context when she said this but it could mean she feels safe around you and has just brushed it off if she ever thought about being with you.
I don't hold grudges just because I got turned down. However, if she tries to use this as an excuse to torment me, I'm out.
We've hung out a few times, we've both made it clear what we're looking for, and those were different things.
>whip him good
Had a 7 mile walk, cycled another 7, and lifted weights.
That's not holding a grudge you self righteous tard. You both want different things, so stop wasting each other's time by forcing awkward interactions.
We have the same friend groups and live in the same small town. Why should I shut her out if there isn't bad blood?
look you can live your life for some woman who can't even take care of herself
or you can live your life for you
I didn't learn how to be selfish until my 30s, lots of regrets on all the time I spent worrying about other people
Bro if you were truly happy you wouldn't be having the thoughts your having, Don't be in denial bro dump your chick because you know the grass is greener on the other side of the shitty relationship fence then fuck whatever you want guilt free
Iunno man. Feelin depressed and sad. My school schedule this last semester fucked my gym time and i dropped into some bad habits - mostly weed. Ive become a regular toker these last 3 months.
Im sitting on the steps that lead up to my apartment because i was planning to go out, but now im feelin self concious because id be going out alone, and im sick of that shit. All my bois are grossly overweight and im the only one who is legit watching my diet, but i know going out will fuck it all up sideways.
The worst part is the loneliness. The girl i love is halfway across the country and i legit dont know if she and i are ever going to see eachother in person, despute plans having been made. I may as well go back upstairs, crack a guiness and finish Luke Cage
Don't do this. Humans evolved a sense for insecurity by picking up cues such as the ones listed. Putting down others with gossip and being rude because he's making a fool of you is perceivable and extremely beta. I'd bet good money the cuck who made that post doesn't have many friends himself and isn't invited out after work.
first off my "girl" (we've been fucking for the last week straight) watches luke cage and I think it's subpar, but she insists on telling me a story every five minutes into it. But stay off the bud, man, it fucks you up irrepairably. I'm sure you have met the 40 something pathetic daily smokers who have done nothing for the last 20 years of their lives except maybe had a kid or two out of wedlock and caught a charge. Don't be that guy. The 26th was my one year anniversary of quiting. Best decision I've made in my life.
The only constant in my life has been the fact that I always go back to being alone
I never have friends for a long time. I've began saying in my head a type of motto of my life, "Alone, as I will be", I guess as a way to try and accept my reality because I lived in denial for too long
I have no friends, no one I can connect to, no one who can be there for me.
Not sure if anyone will connect to this or understand what I mean, but I spend too much time with myself, I'm always in my own head. I'm constantly talking to myself, or to imaginary people in my head (not in a schizo way), I guess to make up for my lack of people in life.
I thought I had >her, but no, that fell apart hard. And has ruined me, jaded me, made me sad. And it only cemented: alone, as I will be
also, need advice Jow Forums about this girl I've been smashing
>get fired last friday
>need work
>last tuesday
>"we need help scraping and painting the fire escape" at the one restaurant/redevelopment place I work at
>walk into the kitchen covered in dust
>see qt 7/10 mexican girl who thought i had no chance with
>exchange numbers about some work bullshit
>last thrusday
>2 AM in my room
>she casually asks "hey wanna fuck I haven't in two months"
>her last boyfriend beat her up, turns out she's illegal too
>absolutely MOG the pussy and she nuts
>again everyday this week since then
>pussy slightly smells more ... pungent
should I go for the STD test? I had another cock fungus before but I got rid of it but now I'm sketched out because I hit it raw for like 15 minutes. Worthwhile? Keep hitting it raw and have an anchor baby?
Get checked, like there's no reason not to
whats up aj