My first message reads ' use don't worry it's fine no big deal'
I added her earlier just to say that
What did she mean by this?
it means shes not interested in you
She means "stop messing with single mothers"
You sound like a total fuckboi OP and she isn't interested at all.
dis bate?
or are you stoned out of your tits?
either way, you dun goofed
She flirted with me first desu
stop talking to chinks
>on Jow Forums
>trying to get with a single mother
Say "stop lying you absolute cunt"
Genuinely cannot stand the shit that women make up to make themselves feel better or whatever.
I'm stoned
She's not a chink
>trying to guilt a woman you're not dating into being honest and up-front
You'd have better luck finding a vegan cannibal.
She doesn’t want you man
It's not the honest or the up front but I'm not interested in my time being wasted
I know, just makes you wonder
Just say "maybe if you got rid of that mistake in your picture, we could make this happen but I ain't down to fuck with some little retards first home" then tip your fedora and stroll gallantry away.
She'll be honest if you put a gun in her face, that's a fact.
Tell them you'll shoot them every time they tell you a lie.
Why would anyone say that?I'm not angry or upset,just wondering what went wrong and I'm asking everyone here what the last message means?
Why would he say that? If anything he’s the one pursuing her not him
dude stop messaging her it's over
I'm not messaging her now
There's your problem. Don't fuck with every single girl that flirts with you. She probably wants to get you hooked so you can just provide for her kid. Get the fuck away. Stay amicable, and friendly, but do not get involved with that shit.
She can only waste the time you let her waste. If she's not agreeing to meet up for an unambiguous date, next her. If she's busy on the day you propose, she'll be willing to find time if she wants to go out with you. At a certain point anything that isn't a definite yes is a no.
Kek, and we wonder why girls aren't honest to us.
>we wonder why girls aren't honest to us.
No, we already know. They're fucking nut cases, every single god damn one.
The only time you could possibly get the truth out of them was if there was the threat of severe bodily harm.
So she's saying maybe?
>you didn't need to get rid of me
wow this is some high school shit right here
Who do I know who won't waste my time then?
Bro you’re really high right now, come back when you’re good
Yep green does that
how'd you remove the blur? nice job user
>why girls aren't honest to us.
>They're fucking nut cases
Uh, no? Have you been honest with every fat slob that you've rejected? I've been hit on by cows before and I definitely have not been honest with them. I don't just say "I don't wanna fuck you because you're a hamplanet". I've even fucked some bigger girls that I wouldn't have and haven't dated and I made up an excuse why I didn't want a relationship. I obviously didn't say that it's because she's too big for me. That would be a great way to have your rep ruined and never get laid again
I know,I'm kinda freaked out aswell but it's kinda cool
>fantasizing about torturing and shooting whamen
>'they're all crazy!'
So what does she think of me then cos that's what I'm wondering
Just look for clues. Develop a system of green, yellow, and red flags. The more green flags, the better, but a single red flag is dangerous. Single mother is one of the largest red flags you can see. You have to know what you value in a potential mate.
>Have you been honest with every fat slob that you've rejected?
Yep, straight to the point. If a woman asks why I don't want to talk to her, I will be honest. Sometimes they have very off-putting personalities, sometimes they are not very attractive.
On a few occasions they've cried and I really don't like that, but I also do not want to lie to people.
I never knew she was a mother until she said
It's true.
Anything that isn't a Yes (i.e: agreeing to go out on the date you propose, or finding an alternate date), is a No. Don't treat a maybe as a unique thing.
When you found out, you should have dropped her immedietly.
Ok I think I get that
>Jow Forumsturd
>abjectly desperate for pussy
made me think desu
>single moms
Fuuuuuuuuck no, I'd never raise some woman's mistake
Why the fuck would you go for single moms?
>Always busy
>Have to raise Jamal or Chad's kid
>She's always gonna want the above back
>Dipshit baby daddy will inevitably cause drama
>You'll be expected to care and buy shit for said kid
>Flabby mom body
>Nearly 99% of moms are always broke
>They want you to ride in on your white horse, scoop them up and save them from their shit life
>Bad decision making, or they wouldn't have a kid at a young age
Their is litterally no reason to go after single moms with all the girls without kids out there
>Single dad, and I still don't fuck with single moms
Not desperate,just living
And I don't go after single moms
It's not good for your own well-being to fixate on them to the point of rage. Memes aside, get actual help and don't fall into that hole.
Good luck, be ruthless in nexting thots. A lot of girls just want a guy to text or videocall so they can get all the validation and attention from dating without having to actually go out with you. Put a premium on your time and attention.
>Memes aside, get actual help and don't fall into that hole.
I don't even think I'm meant for this world.
You're not; nobody is. The only thing we're meant to do with any certainty is die. Everything else is up to us to figure out.
Dubs decides what I say next
If we was brother and sister, do you think we'd sneak into each other's rooms and practice kissing and stuff?
do this, or just post hitler quotes
Tell her you have a mommy fetish
latina? more like lactina
Done. Standby
How is it done?
Probably that she's out of your league or you're a scrub
>lower right hand corner of the OP
you big dingus
Wow ok
It's the fucking "seen" icon in the bottom right
I swear to god
How did I miss that?
And click “Send as Priority”
>Everything else is up to us to figure out.
You're retarded is probably part of it
I'm high aswell
Your whole thread reeks of humblebragging about how stoned you are.
It's the scariest yet most liberating realization to have, user. You've been given time in an existential sandbox and you can make whatever you want.
kekked loudly
Are you Logan Stevens from WI Logan Stevens?
No just letting people know who scim through this that I'm not exactly thinking Cleary
If your talking to a female single mother she better be
>someone you've known for 10+ years so you know the full story
>a widow
>a rape victim
>Jow Forums
>The people who blame jews for us not all being 6ft tall, half-man/half-god billionaires with 10 inch dicks who get to fly around on golden jetpacks all day.
>gets high
>messages single mothers
I'm on my phone. Can someone please screencap all this?
t. roastie
As opposed to a male single mother?
Stop giving your opinions, child.
Have you ever called someone else on here a degenerate?
I think I'm destined to waste my life shitposting on this garbage website forever, achieving nothing of value.
No I like to read about lots of things
Destiny is a meme; you fashion your own. Don't live in bad faith and reduce your power like this.
She can't even write, user. Go to sleep.
what app is this?
no one gives a shit
this whole conversation is a nightmare
>*garbled shit*
>"im high lel"
>*more garbled roastie garbage*
just reading it makes me want to die
sad bastard