I just started at the gym a month ago, is it normal to be only able to bench 30 kgs 5x5? (66lbs) I'm scared to get mogged.
I just started at the gym a month ago, is it normal to be only able to bench 30 kgs 5x5...
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I want to ______ that woman
seen her other pics, they're meh and roastie, this is the only good one
feed eggs to
Everyone starts somewhere. And no one ever says "sure hes strong and big now, but he used to be tiny and weak so hes unattractive"
impregnate and bail on
I'm not gonna assume if that's with bar or without bar, but you should focus on your FORM (most important part) and putting on enough weight to be tired at the end of your sets. If you put on more weight to try to fit in you will not improve.
As for spotting issues and feeling ashamed I've been there. I got no advice for you. Make sure to put on more pounds and for sure your lifting will go up.
get over the bullshit /pol incel new/fit mentality of mogging and nonsense akin to it.
it's poison. always keep in mind that lifting is a competition against your previous self, not others.
everyone starts somewhere, and it's better to focus on form than to force a bigger lift.
I think I started round about there. Fast forward to years and I’m benching 315
eat more faggot
Lol get on my fucking level I couldn’t even do the bar for 3 reps the first time I ever benched
My sister started two weeks ago and she's at 25kg bench for 5x5. Better get big fast OP, you're gonna get mogged.
Post her other pics. Who is she anyway?
Make sure youve got your shoulders pinned down and back and everything tight, when I started I didnt know that.
Not him, but there was some imgur album linked before that had them all. Story was bf and/or her were bit of voyeurs or something. I thought her body and pussy were decent looking, but I get where the other guy is coming from, this picture is hot because it leaves just enough to the imagination.
my brother started lifting 3 months ago. he went straight to 50kg for 5 reps, yesterday he did 75kg for 3 reps. what is wrong with you people? he was a skinny couch lizard for 20 years
I started 2 and half months ago and could only lift 25kg for 5 Reps I'm up to 60kg for 5 Reps already and one rep max of 67.5 just work on it nobody is looking at you as being weak just make sure you have proper form at least
Start with bodyweight, get used to the movement.
>including the bar
The bar and two 2.5kg weights
You have no business doing bench press if you cant do good amount of clean pushups.
And yes you will get bogged in a sense for a long time, just be humble and do your work and people will respect you for the work you put in just make sure your form is right
I also started going to the gym this June. I do 5x5 squat, shoulder press and 1x5 deadlift once a week as a supplement to my martial arts training. I still haven't found a weight I can't lift but I currently lift 35,32.5 and 40. gotta start somewhere
what is her name?
I used to know it
Hold hands with
do a flute solo to
wubba lubba dub dub
Imagine burying your face between those legs haha
Best post
This user is too good for Jow Forums
Lol who even imagines these things ha ha ha
This. Started only being able to bench the bar, switched to dumbbells for a while then went back to bar, bench lmao2pl8 now. Don't worry about what others think just get in there and do it
If you ask if it's normal as in "is this what the average guy starting to go to the gym can do" then of course the answer is 'no'. But this doesn't really matter as you cannot influence what you are starting with. You can however influence where you are going to, so just continue.
I started with 30kgs (INCLUDING THE BAR) as well, doing 3x10. Now, 7 month later I'm at 50 kg and 5x5. Is this laughable to 90% of the people here? Of course it is, but I made real progress, so going to the gym has obviously been worth it and I will continue working out.
Yes. 4 months here and I can bench only 50 kg(25 each side).
Oh, but I don't do a 5x5 split. I do a 4x9.
Anyone got the pasta? Thanks for the chuckle, though.
Excluding the bar? That would make it 75 kg in total which is a very impressive progress for 4 month. Makes me kinda jelly.
What kind of bar weight 25 kg?
Can you get muscles by just doing stuff at home like push-ups?
Excluding the bar. I use two plates of 25kg, sometimes I put more two of 2~4kg but since I dont have a spot I dont like to do it.
no it's not normal. Most individuals can only double their starting weight during their lifting carrier. Average, untrained men bench ~60kg 5x5. Something is wrong with you, consider going to a health maintenance professional.
Theres a lot of bodyweight routines in the internet that actually works. But you will need more intensity and it also take more time to see results.
Thats an ugly ass pussy
Yeah I started benching around there, make sure you get really serious about your diet cause for me personally chest was one of the hardest lifts to get consistent gains with. About a year of moderate dedication to the lifestyle and I'm at 180lbs
Sorry, I fucked up lbs to kg conversion. I mean 20kg for the bar of course.
Never heard about this doubling the 'starting weight at most' thing. I mean, many start out with just the bar because of a lack of technique.
If we only talk about the strength at the beginning and just assume a somehow correct technique, that would mean 60kg would be around my maximum. Wtf?! As benching is very much related to bodyweight, does this account for getting heavier? I mean I started lifting weighing at around 115 lbs, it would have been highly unlikely for me to bench 60 kg as an untrained person at the moment. So your statement does not seem to make a lot of sense.
>Never heard about this doubling the 'starting weight at most' thing. I mean, many start out with just the bar because of a lack of technique.
>If we only talk about the strength at the beginning and just assume a somehow correct technique, that would mean 60kg would be around my maximum. Wtf?! As benching is very much related to bodyweight, does this account for getting heavier? I mean I started lifting weighing at around 115 lbs, it would have been highly unlikely for me to bench 60 kg as an untrained person at the moment. So your statement does not seem to make a lot of sense.
See, bucko, strength like a muscle size is mostly genetic. The idea that everyone can get big and strong is a lie created by gym and supplement companies. You can only increase your strength by ~30% and muscle size by ~20% during your lifting 'carrier'. I know truth isn't pleasant, but everyone here needs to swallow this red-pill.
>You can only increase your strength by ~30% and muscle size by ~20% during your lifting 'carrier'
Lel. This is your brain in broscience.
>Lel. This is your brain in broscience.
Stop coping and accept the truth - strength and muscularity is mostly genetics. This is why Arnold looked better than 99.999% of gym goers with +5 year experience, before he even started lifting.
Kind of stuck at 47.5kg 4,3,3 after 6 months. But I am skinny AF still and loosing belly fat for 2 months now so whatever - at least as some other lifts go up I am good.
>strength and muscularity is mostly genetics
THIS! Faggots on Jow Forums can't realize that their efforts are fruitless.
She really is meh.
Even if that is true (which to some extend it is of course), you still have to hit the gym to reach your personal maximum.
You seem someone too lazy to hit the gym/have a good diet and give this excuse to be like this.
bench? squat? ohp? 50 5reps but doing what
It's almost as if not every human body was built the same.
The hardness of my genitals is immeasurable
save and repost
Post body, or at least weight and height. My first time bench pressing I did 95lbs.
Since the OP asked about bench, I'm going to use my brain and guess this user is also talking about bench.
being fully honest your bodyweight matters a lot, a 110 lbs hungry skeleton its gonna bench much less than a fatty as beginners
nuggle :3
this but unironically
Keep it up bro
Lel wasn't expecting this
About 4 months, though if you want mires you need to be otter mode