Old thread nearly dead/

what do I do while letting my left arm rest (tendonitis). I've only been lifting a few months and im really pissed that i have to take a few weeks off for my stupid arm to repair itself.

trying to break out of lanklet status, so should I keep eating at a surplus or just maintain while I wait to heal. Also should i be doing cardio while im waiting or will that fuck up my weight gain?

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what do i do about getting over a oneitis? dont even know her name but i see her at work everyday and cant stop thinking about her. i never get the opportunity to talk to her - breaks never coincide, leaves after/before i do most days etc.
im not bad looking but extreme lanklet status so i have the height and ok looks but terrible body

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If you don't her name and never really talk to her just assume she's not all that great.

I don't know your history with chicks but if it's not all that extensive then you haven't learned that they secretly mostly suck.

Mostly, not all of them... Saying they're all shitty is incel nonsense.

I keep hearing that there is a Big 3 workout where you train just squat, bench, and deadlift, but I can't find an actual routine for it, like what the reps and sets are or if the exercise order shifts around and has different weight %. Does anyone have the actual Big 3 routine, if there is one? All my google searches turn up is stuff like how great S/B/D is and meme tier yoga shit as alternatives to S/B/D.

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yeah no experience with the ladies my dude. mostly never gave a shit cause ive been shitty lanklet/bad hair/shitty glasses all my life and ive just kind of accepted that i was shit all that time but now im trying to improve and this girl is my personal absolute 10/10 for whatever reason but im too much of a faggot to talk to her

Is it true that SS will make me go t-rex mode

How long does it take to lose muscle mass? My training has been a bit fucked for a couple of weeks and I'm noticeably weaker. I also stopped supplementing creatine if that might have something to do with it.

also sounds faggy to ask this but exactly how correct are the blackpill posters? Are any of you ugly and still successful with women?

Only if you don't read the book

No one replied lst bread, so I'll ask again. How's this for a two day split and what should I do the days inbetween?

>Bench Press : 3x8
>Overhead Press : 3x8
>Cable Lateral Raise: 2x12
>Triceps Rope Pushdown: 3x15
>Seated Row: 3x8
>Dumbbell Shrug: 2x15
>EZ-Bar Curl: 3x12
>Hammer Curl: 3x15

>Barbell Squat: 3x8
>Romanian Deadlift: 3x10
>Leg Press: 2x10
>Leg Curl: 3x20
>Hanging Leg Raise: 3x15
>Rope Crunches: 3x15
>Decline Bench Crunches: 3x15

whats a split? one day on one day rest?

I'm only able to work out twice a day due to some bullshit from work

I'm guessing you mean twice a week. Why not do two full body workouts if you can only go twice?

Being ugly sucks yeah, but if that's all you're focussing on then that's the problem, not your face.

I see loads of ugly dudes with pretty girls because they're funny or interesting.

Stop caring about your face, be an interesting person and you'll be fine. You won't land models but you can get girls that are way out of your league.

Also, don't be bothered by fuckups, everyone has em

Is carb cycling a meme? What kind of fats am I wanting on my low carb days and am I eating my maintenance calories on rest days or cutting calories?

All my lifts are 4x8-12.

Once I hit 12 I then up my weight. Is this a good way to go?

been doing greyskull lp for my first month of going to the gym to build up overall strength, when should i stop this and move onto something like a 6 day ppl?
i can currently:
bench 65kg for 3 sets of 5
deadlift 100kg for 3 sets of 5
squat 85kg for 3 sets of 5

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GSLP has 1 set of 5 for deadlifts. Keep going until you stall and reset a couple of times. Are you doing the + sets on the last set? It's one of the main differences between GSLP and SS or something similar.

Yeah twice a week. What kinda full body workouts do you recommend?

The "Two Days Per Week Option 1" looks good to me, with First Set Last if you have the time. You could change up the accessories if you know what you're doing.
I'd definitely focus one day on squat/bench and the other deadlift/press as a start.

What's the appeal of PPL? It just seems like a slightly less specific brosplit.

Beginner here:

Can I NOT do squats and deadlifts and still get good muscle growth? I'm not lifting for strength, just aesthetics.

Which of StrongLifts, Starting Strength or Reg Park's Routine does Jow Forums prefer? How long should I be doing them for exactly? At what time should I move onto another routine?

Texas method enough volume? Volume day is obviously good, and I think the recovery day is beneficial but is just hitting 5RMs on Friday enough?

oh okay i’ll start doing that for deadlifts now, thanks
yeah i’m doing amrap on the last, i’m trying a progressive overload strategy too and i seem to be progressing very quickly.

Starting Strength if you actually follow the program. You don't have to read the entire book although it's easy to find online, but at least look into it and find out that it's more than just squats/deads/bench/press.

it’s only because i liked the look of this, i’m not sure if there’s anything better

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Is Chinese fried rice OK for cutting?

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If your lifts are high enough to warrant doing Texas Method, then yes. Volume day is the day that's meant to be driving progress, not intensity day. Try it out for a longer time and find out for yourself.
You might want some extra volume on presses, so you could add a few back off sets on Fridays after your new 5RM and be fine.

When i do OHP my lower back feels odd, like it should be more engaged than it is. What should i be doing with my lower back when i do OHP?

What kind of reps are you getting on the last sets? If you're progressing very quickly, it's more of a reason to stay on the program as it's clearly working at the moment. Only switch when you've stalled and reset a few times, assuming you're also eating enough.
The basic stuff works for a long time and so many people get distracted by thinking they need extremely complicated routines for some reason. Stick at it.

Don't arch your back. Squeeze your abs and glutes as hard as you can when pressing.

I had no noticeable injuries and then I took a 5 day break from running, and each day it seemed like something new hurt. Even felt like i had shin splints at one point, but I've never had them hurt while running
why is this

You know how everyone cab make their normal voice go high to a certain point, but then they can't gradually increase pitch anymore and have to jump straight to Elmo voice?
Do people use that part of their range for singing?
should I be training my Elmo voice

pretty high usually, between 8 and 12, so the next time i start on that weight and increase weight twice after that.
i’ll definitely stick to this for a while now the progress i’m making is unreal. my goal at the minute is 100kg bench, i’m assuming everything else i’m doing at the minute will grow at the same level.

could this have been what triggured my elbow thing? it started hurting coming off a rest day that wasnt part of my program

Sounds like you have it sorted out, dudebro.

I was a bit uncertain about starting TM, but I was struggling to up weight each workout with SS. I'm adding about 5kg a week to squats with TM so I'm progressing, just not sure I'm making the most of it.
Current 5RMs squat 100kg, bench 80kg, deads 120kg, ohp 45kg, bodyweight 72kg

thanks my guy, i appreciate the reassurance

Thanks m80

If you are putting more weight to the bar over time then it's fine

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How tall are you? Honestly, you probably need to eat more if you're trying to get stronger. A program where you add weight to the bar 3 times a week is going to be hard.
I'd go back to SS and make some changes if it feels impossibly difficult. Have a light squat day on Wednesday like TM, maybe move deadlifts to Wednesday as well so you're not squatting heavy and deadlifting heavy the same days. What do you think?

177cm, I've put on 10kgs since the start of the year and am still gaining weight.
If I do light squats Wednesday should I just do 80%-90% 3x5?
I enjoy TM so I don't know if I want to go back to SS.

I would do 80% of Volume Day 2x5. Nothing too difficult.
If you're progressing and happy with your progress, you can stick with TM for sure. It's extremely customizable, so you can tailor it to your needs:
Ultimately, it's whatever leads you to be consistent. You don't have to aim for the most efficient program possible if you're going to hate it.

Thanks man, think I'll stick with TM, but might try out deadlifts on Friday rather than after 5x5 squats on Monday and see how that goes for me.

Sounds good! That's what I did when I ran TM a while ago. It definitely felt better. Good luck with it.

Cheers, did you do power cleans on volume day or something like bentover rows or rack pulls?

I did 5x5 Pendlay rows.

Anyone have gall stones or kidney stones? Found out I have a 1mm kidney stone and an 8mm gall stone. Probably going to have surgery to remove the gallbladder. Any advice or suggestions? Been eating the blandest shit trying not to aggravate it.

You train through tendonitis every time, what a fucking faggot.

What if my dick has explored cubic miles of pussy but I still think about the girl I was with all through middle/highschool but then left because I wanted college pussy. Tell me user pls, it hurts so much everyday, it has been 9 years.

I'm doing Boring But Big and i'm on my first week. is it normal for the hypertrophy exercises to not feel very taxing at all? I'm working with 50% of my TM atm so it feels a little strange doing OHP with 2.5 kgs on either side of the bar

I think the idea is that you ease into it. I know the BBB 3 month challenge goes 50% 1st month, 60% 2nd, 70% 3rd. You could always mess around with the percentages for 5x10 if it feels too light:
1st set 50%
2nd set 60%
3rd set 70%
4th set 60%
5th set 50%
Since it's only your first week, I'd stick with 50% and go up by 10% after one cycle if it's too light. Probably upper body lifts could use higher %s than lower.

So im doing dumbell calf raises and im not sure how to track progress. Do i write the weight of each dumbell individually (ex: 25 lbs db, 50 total. So i write 25). Or write total weight

doesn't matter

Thanks for the advice

Copy that chief. Doing the former

Do people actually use kj instead of kcal

Most countries outside of the US do

not for nutrition energy values, no

I'm not a burger, and I've never met anyone using kj instead of kcal. It's like using feet for height instead of cm/m.

Anyone travel for work & trying to get in shape at the same time? How do you get more protein & greens when you have no place to cook? Any good gyms you recommend that have descent coverage in Florida area?

I've been using my home gym for the last year but this new job requires me to be gone M-F pretty much every week, so I try to hit things hard on Sat/Sun before I'm gone but with all the other shit that has to get done before I leave on Monday (laundry, yard work, etc) it feels like I run out of time.

In my country and the neighboring countries, we use kJ.
Are you saying using feet for height is strange or not?

No, just stupid.

Does humidity make a difference in cardio performance? I usually run when the humidity is high, but when I went for one at my parent's place in a dry climate I found my performance skyrocketed (didn't fatigue nearly as quickly). What time of day usually has the lowest humidity for sea level coastal areas?

Alright. Though the question was "do people actually use kj instead of kcal" and the answer is yes.

So, did OHP for the first time and it was great. But everytime I did it I feel like my shoulders were burning. Is that normal? Also, its really hard to do that, I did with 5kg each side and I could barely complete my 3x10.

If you've never done it before, then yes. OHP progresses slowly so stick with it.

Is bodybuilding.com a good community?

Is it
>eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight per day
>eat 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass per day
Because I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to eat like 9 chicken breasts/day (or other similar entree-type foods), that's fucking stupid, I'm not that fucking fat and I'm trying to lose fat mass to start with

>not eating big to get big

1.6g of protein per kg of bodyweight


Tendonitis will never heal. Seriously. Just go train.


I've heard that you should be getting 0.82g/lb if you're bulking, and 1g/lb if you're cutting. Are you supposed to also get 1g/lb if you're maintaining?

IS PPL good intermediate routine or should i keep doping Eric helms 4 day upper lower split? Also did anyone try erics 5 day version-lower upper lower push pull?

So should I focus on cutting fat mass before seriously attempting strength training? I don't think I could even afford that much chicken and dairy per week, even disregarding making myself sick from trying to eat that much at once.

Just get some protein powder then. Supps actually have a use.

Is lifting/exercising while on an empty stomach a good idea? Or should I avoid it completely?

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>not lifting on an empty stomach
If I lift shortly after eating I feel terrible. I don't know how people can do it.

If you don't have 1/2/3/4 you have no business specializing with PPL and brosplit shit. Everyone does the same shit for the first 1-2 years.

I was under the impression that it is good to have a small snack like a piece of fruit or an granola bar, just so you aren't feeling hunger pains and shit when in the weight room but nothing more than that.

>taking 2 years to reach 1/2/3/4


>hunger pangs
As a former skelly I don't get this unless I haven't eaten in like 24 hours. I can't say I know the feel.


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I was thinking about doing 5/3/1 because I read on Jow Forums that it's more versatile and doesn't require switching out your entire routine after your first few months like SS would. But I have a few additional questions:

1. 5/3/1 relies on knowing your 1RMs but I'm not entirely sure how to go about estimating that quantity as a beginner.
2. The program recommends doing wind sprints/high intensity cardio twice to three times a week, which sounds good to me because I like having endurance. But I don't want to interfere with resting my legs from squatting and deadlifting. Should these be done on the OHP/bench days or put at the beginning or end of the leg days?

You don't need to switch routines after a few months if you're doing SS, what that fuck are you on about? You can just do it until you stall, no reason to switch if you're making progress.

If I'm never going to go to a meet, is it okay to just do hexbar deadlifts? I lift more and feel more confident with them compared to traditional deadlifts.

>You can just do it until you stall
Yes, but I was under the impression that you stall out on SS relatively quickly, and then have to progress onto something else and I figured that since people commonly recommend 5/3/1 as a routine to progress to after they've stalled on SS that I could just start with 5/3/1.

I've been doing IF as a means of losing weight and haven't had hunger pains at all. So I suppose doing a bit of exercise around 1-2pm is fine for me.

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I can't really speak about that, I haven't tried 5/3/1 and know nothing about it, as a beginner myself I'm thinking of switching to something like TM after I'm done with my current routine.

When you get your blood tested at a doctor’s office does that one test give a lot of results (ex cholesterol, deficiencies, allergies, oxygen) or do you have to get a test for individual problems?

I haven’t been to a doctor in years and I feel like I should have a checkup because my blood pressure is always very low

During the morning before 10 am or at nighttime

There is a 5/3/1 for beginners routine. Search for the 5/3/1 calculator and look at the template if you want to do 5/3/1 to start with.

I am not getting DOMs anymore and it’s my third week lifting

Does this mean I’m not training hard enough?

A normal blood test would include things like heart, liver and kidney functions and cholesterol levels as well as a complete blood count panel. You're unlikely to get more unless you request it or the doctor feels there's a need for it due to some problem you present.

Some people suck at doing stuff

Soreness isn't a good indicator of effort. As long as you keep adding weight, you're doing fine.

will SS turn me into a fridge, or is fine to start out on, being a dyel?


Do I add 5 lbs to upper body lifts and 10 to lower body each workout? Like yesterday I added 5 lbs to my bench and next time I should add 5 more to be able to do 1 plate?