Gym girls ?

Gym girls ?

So I’m working out minding my own business and I’m in between sets checking my phone I look up and my eyes meet this other girls eye so I smile and throw her a friendly gym “thumbs up” because I think flirting at the gym is douchey

She kinda does a eye roll & laugh and goes back to working out as do I.

You try to be polite and friendly to people and get that as a result. If when she was looking at me I just kept a cold face and turned back to my machine then I woulda been the misogynistic asshole. Just can’t win user. Just can’t win

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>throw her a friendly gym “thumbs up”

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You were polite to a girl and gave her a thumbs up, maybe she laughed because she's into you, maybe she laughed at you. Who cares. It doesn't matter. You're there to lift heavy objects and nothing else. The rest is a distraction.

The thumbs up was just unnecessary and weird. Had you just smiled it would have been less awkward

>I smile and throw her a friendly gym “thumbs up”
I love people here
Be careful user dont get drowned in the spagetti

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Jesus i am hallucinating. Read every "thumbs up" as "thumbs down". Scrolled back up and it was thunbs up

If you don’t know them or a mutual friend to get talk to them then you ignore it bruh

Op here that would have been funny as hell If I threw her a thumbs down and went back to working out kek too mean to do tho still funny to think about

Learn to laugh at yourself and not take things seriously, or you'll fuck yourself up so much that you can't speak to anyone in case you say the wrong thing.

Confident guys do shit like that all time, making people cringe and roll their eyes. But instead of planning their revenge like Elliott Rodgers, they dont even flinch, they never think about it again

Angie Varona has been giving the internet erections for so long.

>mfw my gym has a girl who looks like Angie if she put her perk points in ass instead of tits

Damn I remember this girl

she was hot shit like 15 years ago on the internet

she must be way in her 30s now


Just throw mad shakaz at bitches. Bitches love mad shakaz

Blocks her path

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>"i dont want to be a misogynistic asshole"
>"i need feminism because i am a male"
>"why do women think i am a beta loser? REEEEE"

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a thumbs up? stop watching animes, you autistic kid.

don't overthink it, thumbs up was the right move

> I smile and throw her a friendly gym “thumbs up”

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This is some strong projecting if serious

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>didn't walk up and give her a fist bump
fucking autist

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Holy fuck I can picture this kys what did you think would happen? She would give you a thumbs up back with a big smile then you would chuckle and continue working out? Holy fuck how unaware are you man. You remind me of my cheesy ass co worker who keeps trying to go over the top with his jokes to try and create friendships. Fuck off plebbit.

Fuck, the cringe on how you talk. I can tell you're a newfag

Any other boomers have any luck walking up to girls and saying “looking good ladies?” And then just walking away? Always works for me.

>If when she was looking at me I just kept a cold face and turned back to my machine then I woulda been the misogynistic asshole. Just can’t win
That's actually how to win.

You're on that faggy time OP , only way to get girls at the gym is in the parking lot when they're alone and helpless

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Actually he sounds pretty normal
Do you want him to throw in copious amounts of retatded Jow Forums jargon to sound like less of a newfag?

she's into you bruh


This is the best advice you'll get. Don't take yourself so seriously; just not to the point where you internalize it and start to lack self-confidence instead.

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why is this hard for anyone? in public, just make it a point to always be looking away. if you accidentally make eye contact with someone, look away immediately and make a point of turning your back. but keep a pleasant yet disinterested expression on your face. i've never had an interaction with someone in public unless i wanted to, or unless he was trying to panhandle or sell me something. nobody else gives a shit unless you get their hackles up by focusing attention on them. different for girls though, everyone wants to enter them so it's harder to be left alone.


Poor advice. People feed off your vibe. Be smiley and friendly like OP. The world is then a better place.

it probably wasn't a mean spirited laugh, stop taking every interaction to heart like an autist. what you did wasn't that cringe

is this bait?

it's a choice, smiley and friendly is good if you want to support a smiley and friendly environment and be social and make friends and maybe occasionally get someone annoyed or pissed off. sounds like op was just trying to exist in public without doing the wrong thing.

you did good OP.
You must understand that people today are 1000x more socially inept that they were even like 20 years ago (I'm a 36yo boomer, I remember). This means that if you have a funny, non-threating and positive reaction, you cause a lot of confusion in most people. In this case the girl, not having any other reference for how to react to your thumbs up, did what she perceived as the most safe option, the dismissive eye-rolling.
In reality a well-socialized human, male or female, would have just laughed or responded with a thumbs up.

At the same time, being not well-socialized yourself, you are not aware that your thumbs up was nothing weird of negative, and having only the reaction of the girl as a frame of reference, you did felt bad. Also it doesn't help that people on Jow Forums are really fucking bad at socializing and human communication, and you got very few sane responses like You are closer to sanity in a world gone insane. That's all. Don't worry for yourself OP.

>so I smile and throw her a friendly gym “thumbs up”


I am pretty sure this girl used to workout at my gym.

Autism at it's finest.
YOU were in the wrong OP and you should KYS or at the least, never go to that gym again. You are now the "creepy guy" at the gym and will more than likely be kicked out and your membership revoked. You fucked up bad

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Such cope in this thread it's very cringe.
You belong in jail

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You have severe autism.
KYS you worthless pile of shit

>explaining human behavior is now coping
Shut up virgin

>Blonde thot doing good mornings across the gym
>90 degrees from power rack
>Doing rack pulls
>Time to load up 6pl8 +++ (they were above knee lol) - doing drop sets fir shrugs
>The weights make it look like I'm the strongest guy in gym
>I just benched 225 a few weeks ago
>Everytime I add/remove plates I stare at her butt by accident
>She never moves, just keeps doing good mornings
>Catch myself staring and look down in shame, force myself to avert gaze

Should have just fucked her in the ass straight away. At least she wouldn't laugh.

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i would just ignore them if they arent asking about something clearly.

Explaining human behavior the way you did is coping.
Kys virgin. You are a failure

trips of truth

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Should have told her she was looking good. Then just walk away.

>start talking to girl I thought was a qt during uni semester
>get talking, pretty much meeting up on a weekly basis
>she's a genuine qt, smart, works hard, really bubbly
>ask her out for coffee during semester break
>go to see her
>she's in booty shorts because she went to gym before meeting up
For years I've been saying 'BOOTY SHORTS IN MIXED GYM = SLUUUUUUUUUUUT' and now I'm at the receiving end of it. My fucking heart, lads. It's destroyed, completely and utterly. She's fucking deliciously thicc as well, but I would never ever betray you guys. I'm not gonna try to see her anymore, she's dead to me. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT

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For your sanity, I truly hope this is bait
Here's a (you)

truth, OP

did anyone cap that post?

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$100 says she did not

Get memed

It definitely got capped

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I'm not memeing. What kind of fucking good could ever come from a girl who goes to the gym with her ass hanging out? If you guys would be ok with your gf's pulling that shit then you're the retarded ones. Plus she's planning on going overseas next year anyway, probably gonna ride the international cock carousel.

>give her a friendly gym thumbs up
What are you, a Power Ranger?

Just "keep a cold face" and give a little nod at the people you make eye contact with, bruh

Just ignore gym thots bro, dont even acknowledge

Ah, so it's not just you assuming it. She's acting like a slut.

I guess the only thing you could try to do aside from giving up would be to make her yours and try turning her into a housewife.

>Just can’t win user. Just can’t win
Finally someone who gets it.

>I'm a 36yo boomer
fuck this idiotic thing of calling everybody over 18 a boomer


>tfw don’t get random gym thumbs ups
A guy once really enthusiastically told me to have a great workout once while holding the door and it pumped me for the whole thing. I just want friendly encouragement sometimes

wow you are really in the very early stages of becoming a homosexual

>early stages
Lmao bud step up

Would you?

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>t. 19 year old boomer

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bang that dude . No I would not

>tfw no Blasian tren gf

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This. The thumbs up is weird

>36yo boomer
Were you the guy on /co/ who said that it’s normal to tell random women on the street to smile?

Doggy style is the paper bag of sex positions

What the fuck

>reverse cowgirl

Also the greatest positions of all time.

I mean his actions were cringey but he won’t get kicked out of the gym for that. You guys gotta relax

>reverse cowgirl
It's just someone wiping her ass on your stomach

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In public is such a nightmare

Truly, a man of culture
Maybe if her ass is flat

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>wiping her ass on your stomach

Only if she's yo-yo'ing a turd.

Don't forget to look at her with your eyelids half closed and a goofy smile you fucking bunch of autistic weirdos

unironically this

Youre gonna see this girl at the mall or gas station one day and shes gonna give you a friendly thumbs up so mentally prepare yourself

Why care about what some gym thot thinks?

the cringe lord himself

Ýou did good, user. A man has to stay true to his ideals.

kek, someone post that guys entire post about picking up girls. Boomer wojaks are the funniest thing since pink wojak and mutt posting

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I live in America. Nobody here is ever not yo-yoing a turd.

So do I. I don't know where the fuck you are then.

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Jesus kek

There was this qt at the gym the other day and we kept making eye contact but I am irreversibly socially stunted so I just kept staring into her eyes with my mouth open not doing anything