Any of you fit folks doing the keto diet...

Any of you fit folks doing the keto diet? Before you jump down my throat about it being the newest fad diet amd so on i already know. Im doing this strictly for medical purposes. I suffer from chronic migraines and headaches. I tried this keto shit about a month ago and my headaches stopped almost immediately. I stopped waking up everyday with one, I stopped going to bed in pain. Then i stopped the diet because i got lazy and my headaches came right back. So I'm pretty sure that carbs and what not are a trigger for me. My question is how am i supposed to eat 178g of fat a day? What the fuck? Also 148g of protein seems like alot.

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Why the fuck is cheese under protein? Instant bullshit detected

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ever heard of harz cheese, you moron?

If that's the case you may be pre diabetic mate, look up some stuff from dr Eric on YouTube.

Dr Eric Berg? You take medical advice from a chiropractor?

I have a check up in two weeks so ill ask. Ill also look into that guy. But from my last check up im a "healthy" 19 year old. My mom suffers from migraines. She has ever since she was a mid amd same goes for me. Shit sucks because they gave her meds that prevent them and also a prescription for Imitrex. But for me the preventive shit doesnt help, they cant find a route cuase for my headaches so they choke it up to "chronic migraines". They also wont fill a prescription for Imitrex dispite me asking for one.

Not sure how kid got corrected to "mid" but whatever

I have been doing it for a year, losr 110lbs.

It's always fat cunts who don't know how to eat properly that promote keto. I wonder why.

How do you get enough fat and protein? 178g of fat and 143g of protein is my recommended macros but that seems like a lot. At the end of the day I barely get half of both filled.

I don't know auschwitz, maybe because it works for fat people? Resolves issues fat people have with food as opposed to other diets that haven't worked for them?

It is truly a puzzler.

If you find yourself short on fats aim for avacados or dairy, low on protein add eggs.

If you are fat it will help inmeasurably, and it helps with blood sugar and intestinal issues. If you are skinny pick a more balanced diet and just eat more.

>if you're not a fatty you must be a twig
Every fucking time

>Resolves issues fat people have with food
Except it doesn't because when you all inevitably come off keto due to it being unsustainable long-term you put the weight back on. Instead of learning how to eat properly and fixing your food problems you put a band-aid over it because, like the fat lazy cunt you are, you'd rather take a short-cut easy solution than put the work in to fix it.

>Doesn't deny it.
>Doesn't know how food addiction works.

The reason I know you are a twink who has to force themselves to eat is you have no idea why people are fat. People are fat because they develop food addictions and eating disorders, which you have to remove before they are going to lose weight.

Imagine quitting drinking while having to smoke every day for the rest of your life. Keto cuts out all of the foods that give you a dopamine response, so you lose your addictions.

It is also easy to stick to, which is why fat people can stick to it and not other diets.

Good luck trying to get over 140 though. I believe in you senpai!

He has studied the typical 101 medical books too, the stuff he talks about is the truth in simpler format.

The Low fat cheese in the supermarket has nearly 30 gramms of Protein/100 gramms

>>Doesn't deny it
Denial was implicit, fatty. Has the cholesterol clogged your arteries? Is the lack of glucose slowing your brain?

>you have no idea why people are fat.
Because you can't put the fork down. You have no self-control, no drive, no willpower. It's why you take the band-aid route.

>People are fat because they develop food addictions and eating disorders

>which you have to remove before they are going to lose weigh
And yet you haven't removed yours. You've just sidestepped the issue and think that's the problem solved.

>Keto cuts out all of the foods that give you a dopamine response
You've jumped into something else without thinking about the potential risks, like all ketards. You've also traded sugar and other trash for SFAs and cholesterol, also deleterious to long-term health.

>It is also easy to stick to, which is why fat people can stick to it and not other diets.
No wonder, you're rewiring your reward system without realising it and causing yourself even more harm.

>he read intro level medical texts so basically he's an expert now
Oh okay, my bad. Maybe I'll also start listening to a youtube chiropractor.

Lol you sound salty asf kiddo.

>hey you're hurting yourself with that diet and you're deluding yourself into thinking you've solved your food problems
>hahaha u mad that I'm hurting myself bro? u sound so salty that I'm going to put all this weight back on hahaha rekt
You got me

Very salty indeed

Sorry, I want to own a home one day

>You got me
He definitely did, you sound so buttblasted

>muh avocados, muh refined oils, muh veggies

fuck the balanced diet meme, just do the no-brainer keto diet:
>bulletproof coffee in the morning
>ribeye with heavy creme at lunch
>sardines or burger patties with eggs in the evening

>inb4 muh cholesterol
cholesterol and saturared fat are your best friend, just dont ever eat them together with carbs

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>cholesterol and saturared fat are your best friend
How fat were you when you started keto

>Except it doesn't because when you all inevitably come off keto due to it being unsustainable long-term you put the weight back on. Instead of learning how to eat properly and fixing your food problems you put a band-aid over it because, like the fat lazy cunt you are, you'd rather take a short-cut easy solution than put the work in to fix it.

Hopefully most people on keto understand that it is not a life diet. That you have to eat healthy after the diet, otherwise you put it back on.

But that is true of any diet change. If you cut calories, get fat off, and then go back to pizza every day, you're going to put it back on. If you just eat healthy and lose the weight, if you go back to eat garbage everyday again, you put it back on. With any weight loss related to diet, you can't go back to eating like you did when you put the weight on. This isn't specific to keto.

And the problem with "just eat healthy and exercise" is that it doesn't show the same kind of gains. You will lose fat 3 to 4 times faster with keto than eating 2000+ calories of healthy foods.

68 kg, now 70 kg after 6 months

>My question is how am i supposed to eat 178g of fat a day? What the fuck? Also 148g of protein seems like alot.

The fatter you are, the more loose you can be with this. I do something more like 60 55 4, with it being fat, protein and carbs.

But don't try to go straight protein. You'll get brain fog. Your brain needs sugar or fat.

And make sure you drink at least 65 oz of water each day to keep your body flushed. That fat is leaving in your urine.

I don't personally do fatbombs and butter coffee and that shit. It seems like memescience. I eat a pack of bacon every 3 or 4 days and keep the rendered fat for later cooking. And I eat one of those 50 cent packs of peanuts from the gas station (only like 1 or 2 carbs) each day. And I get pork rinds to snack on. Oh, and eggs, lots of eggs. All are good sources of fat without doing something retarded like hitting your kidneys with a tablespoon of butter.

>I do something more like 60 55 5,
these are % btw

Cheese and sausage as protein sources? are you fucking kidding me?

meaning : transformed food are complete bullshit

>You've jumped into something else without thinking about the potential risks, like all ketards. You've also traded sugar and other trash for SFAs and cholesterol, also deleterious to long-term health.

I don't think this study is about what you think it is about.

From the study:

"One study examined activational patterns in the brains of lean and obese men and women, in response to evaluating immediate rewards versus long-term negative consequences. Obese women showed greater response to immediate reward (even in the face of delayed negative consequences) as opposed to lean women, and this differential response was not observed in obese men.53 Another important imaging study demonstrated that youth who are at risk for obesity (defined as having both parents overweight/obese) showed an increased activation of the reward circuitry in response to food or monetary rewards"

uh, thats not people on keto. Almost all obese people are people eating large amounts of fat AND sugar.

If anything, you're proving right. These obese people are clearly addicted to food.

>sausage as protein

Eat your fucking vegetables.

Lots of leafy greens and no factory farmed meats.

Do you want to reach your goals ?

>But that is true of any diet change
Not really, only with meme diets because memes aren't sustainable.

>You will lose fat 3 to 4 times faster with keto than eating 2000+ calories of healthy foods.
Prove it. And don't show me some fat fuck calorie restricting, show scientific evidence that keto diets are significantly better at losing body fat, not total weight, than any other diet. Even Jeff Cavaliere has reported on studies he's seen which show AT BEST keto diets will allow you to maintain LBM and at worst you will lose it

Whoa a skelly gained 2kg in 6 months... so this is the power of keto

Yes, the study is broad and covers pre and postnatal effects of a high fat diet but also the effects it has in adults. The part of the study you highlighted is talking about the problems faced by the offspring of women who consume a high fat diet.

>uh, thats not people on keto
They're talking about high fat diets, keto is a high fat diet. Don't play semantics and don't try and bring sugar into it, the study specifically focused on high fat diets and their outcomes. No one is saying sugar is good which is always the extreme dichotomy ketards try to play off when confronted.
Experiments in mice (which are analogous to the effects expected in humans) show that high fat diets increase dopamine in the brain
Leading to people actively choosing to incorporate more fat into their diet despite remaining at the same kcal. What do you think is going to happen when these people get off keto?

It works because it is basically mainlining dopamine and allows you to feel satisfied with less but it's not a long-term diet and you will have to come off of it at some point, at which point you won't have dealt with your previous food issues and now you'll be dealing with a craving for dietary fat. It's just one aspect of why keto is trash

>following a strict diet in which you have basically cook everything you eat
>cannot drink beer
>cannot eat bread
>pretty much 100% of supermarket snack foods are off limits
>dietary guidelines insist you preference natural/less processed versions of all the foods that you eat (because the more processed/diet foods almost always have sugar or corn syrup)
>do all this whilst avoiding the permanent metabolic slowdown associated with standard calory restriction diets
>all of this is somehow considered the 'band-aid' solution
Just because you lost an argument somewhere a while ago and you're still butthurt about it doesn't mean you should go around the internet trying to discourage fatties from making genuine progress and pushing them towards weight loss approaches that will invariably end with them giving up, except with a greater sense of failure and a slower metabolism.
Get a life cunt

cheese is a little weird because of how much you'd have to eat, but what's wrong with sausages?

>but what's wrong with sausages?
Sausages are usually packed with fillers and carbs. Unless you can get decent sausages with little to no carbs, they are best avoided.

>lists all these things
>decides to not just do them but to do it in a meme way
Yes, ignore all the problems associated with keto, ignore that you can do all of these things without keto and then declare everyone who disagrees butthurt and yourself the winner. Good job fuckwit

>pushing them towards weight loss approaches that will invariably end with them giving up
As opposed to pushing them towards a harmful diet that, while looking good in the short-term, will lead to long-term health issues in conjunction with rebound weight gain because they never learned how to eat properly in the first place.

You're a stupid cunt and if you can't see how this is a band-aid then you deserve the health issues you get.

I get Italian sausages from Woolworths that are totally fine. I checked the ingredients and even the nutrition info is like 2g carbs per sausage.

>will lead to long-term health issues
literally what
>rebound weight gain
you faggot rebound is a direct result of metabolic slowdown, which is prevented with IF or keto
>ignore all the problems associated with keto
like what the fuck are you even on about

Oh no no no no.... It's a retard who thinks SFA, cholesterol, HCAs, phthlates, TMAO, heme iron, no fibre, etc. are good for you. :(

>you faggot rebound is a direct result of metabolic slowdown
t. fat cunt who was too lazy to read the thread and listen to the arguments

>the newest fad diet
nigger did you just climb out of a time machine?

I eat keto, but only as part of my fasting program. After 48 hours of fasting with no carbs, I'll be in ketosis, then I do 72 hour fasts, broken by a small ketogenic meal so I don't have to spend time getting back into keto after.

You should do prolonged fasting OP

His goal is no more headaches dumb ass. Never said anything about his weight

How is it harmful? Start posting links and articles or shut up

>didn't read the links in the thread
>expects me to grab more shit that he won't read

I did read and nothing helped your case.

>I read it
>I didn't understand it though
Oh okay should have said so

Dude nothing proves that keto is bad for your health, it doesnt harm your kidneys liver or kill your brain. Its not hard to stick too for a long term diet and you dont gain weight when getting off the diet. That only happens if your a dumb ass and eat tons of sugar or food overall and that will happen no matter what diet you were doing

Leave Jow Forums and stay in the fucking nutriotionfacts comment section you god damn disinformative veganpushing fool! what does it matter to you what a nother man eats? especially for medical purpouses, the only reason you are here is because you're a vegan and you must tell that to everyone, you must peddle your smug ordinary spam about old talking points about cholesterol being bad, you even name drop Jeff cavaliere wich proves you're a godamn vegan since he has taken a balanced stance to all these diets...oh waits, even he does not even like the word diet, he uses another term like nutrional plan, and different plans works for different people, you just stay in you camp and refrain from spewing your condescending smug bullshit and let everyone do their thing rehardless about what comments you have about your neighbours house color, none of your business. Time will also see What Keto truly is for the human wellbeing and mind, the PURE study recently came out that raised alot of valid questions regarding the so called "healthy grains" while a diet cutting them out proved veyr beneficial VEGAN OR NOT, so sit down and be a rational human being instead of spreading fake shit and vitriol.

See I'm on my phone now and I'm not going to bother getting individual studies showing how this all is causitively linked. You did nothing to address this post, most likely because it's something else you don't understand. The studies I've cited show how the diet alters neuro pathways. I've already discussed why this is an issue, something you again haven't responded to. How fat are/were you btw?

I am not a vegan. I ate chicken yesterday. The PURE study was debunked already, there are plenty of things wrong with it. Even the head of Harvards Nutrition Department came out and slammed it. Just Google Harvard pure study and it comes up. Don't be so emotional

Burden of Proof, show me then you deflecting weakling.

Show you what you idiot?

Debunking the Pure study, like the countless vegan youtube channels did almost simultaneously using their flawed and biased way of doing things, almost as if theres an agenda to be pushed here.hmmmm, amkes you think.

And what am I deflecting? Do you think me pointing out the study is bunk is deflecting? The study was even funded majority through UNRESTRICTED grants by pharmaceutical companies. Yet you're the first to sperg out and claim other people have an agenda to push

Google "harvard pure study" you paranoid faggot its hosted on Harvards own website lmfao look at how shook you are over this like it seems to affect you on a deep level that this study is bunk

>asks for burden of proof
>google it i dont have time for you ketards yaaawn

>asks for burden of proof
Are you ESL?
>spoonfeed because me I can't even Google
Absolute brainlet

>They're talking about high fat diets, keto is a high fat diet. Don't play semantics and don't try and bring sugar into it, the study specifically focused on high fat diets and their outcomes.

did it? I find it hard to believe that anyone on a low carb, high fat, med protein diet is fat.

If these people are obese, its because they are eating garbage full of sugars and fats.

>harvard pure study


Havard isn't exactly slamming the study.

"“Total carbohydrates” is over-simplified. Since carbohydrate foods range from fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains to refined grains and added sugars, it is important to consider both quality and quantity of carbohydrates—rather than grouping them all together. Different types of carbohydrates have different effects on health. [2]
Such high carbohydrate intake may indicate a ‘poverty diet’. Most study participants located in low-income countries subsisted almost entirely on carbohydrates, “especially from refined sources.” In Bangladesh for example, the authors list white rice as the top contributor of not only carbohydrates, but also protein and total fat. A ‘poverty diet,’ which is common in poor rural areas, is also typically high in sodium and low in animal products and vegetable oils. In this situation, it is extremely challenging if not impossible to separate the effects of diet from poverty and undernutrition."

"Incomplete assessment and analysis of types of fat. Unlike carbohydrates, the study does break down total fat intake into saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. As the authors acknowledged, the study did not assess trans fat intake (which is particularly high in South Asia [3]), which may have confounded associations for other types of fat. The PURE study found that substituting saturated fat for carbohydrates did not lower mortality risk, but substituting polyunsaturated fat for carbohydrates was associated with lower mortality. Interestingly, the study did not examine the effects of substituting polyunsaturated fat for saturated fat. Randomized clinical trials have found that while replacing saturated fat with carbohydrates had no effect, swapping saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat significantly reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease. [4]
Reliability of dietary intake data. In Chinese participants (which constituted almost one third of the total study population), average total fat intake is noted as 17.7% of total daily calories, yet other surveys have found an average intake of around 30% of daily calories from fat in China. [5] Such a large discrepancy is puzzling because similar dietary questionnaires were used in the PURE study and other Chinese studies.""

is milk keto?

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If you scroll down he politely suggests people disregard the study due to it being fundamentally flawed and instead suggests minimised animal product intake, keep fats medium low and eat whole, plant based foods. Copypasting statements doesn't make a point. The mere fact that fat was delineated but carbs weren't suggests the study was flawed. He didn't even mention funding conflicts. PURE does a good job of discussing why poor people die earlier than rich people in third world countries and briefly looks at the diet profile of the upper class.

>can't imagine people on a high fat diet are fat
>if they are fat it's because of sugar and fat
Are you retarded? Make up your mind.

>>can't imagine people on a high fat diet are fat
>>if they are fat it's because of sugar and fat
>Are you retarded? Make up your mind.

You don't really understand the mechanism by hot keto works, do you? There is a world of difference between a fat and protein diet and the same diet with sugar.